
A resource-conscious neural network implementation for MCUs

MIT License


Simple MLP - NeuralNetwork Library For Microcontrollers

Nothing "Import ant", just a simple library for implementing Neural-Networks(NNs) easily and effectively on any Arduino board and other microcontrollers.

📚 Summary

NN Functions Input Type (x) Output Type (Y)                       Action                       
BackProp(x) DFLOAT Array - Trains the Neural-network"Tells" to the NN if the output was correct/the-expected/X-inputs and then, "teaches" it.
*FeedForward(x) DFLOAT Array DFLOAT Array Returns the output of it"Feeds" the NN with X-input values and returns Y-Output Values, If needed.
getMeanSqrdError(x) Unsigned Int DFLOAT Returns the Mean Squared Error MSE, is SSE (Sum Squared Error) divided by the Product of number-οf-οutputs and inputs-per-epoch aka batch-size.

Understanding the Basics of a Neural Network: EXM 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

📦 Features

✏️ Examples

✨ (See also): training with Tensorflow section)

⚠️ Important

  1. I am NOT a professional in any of those fields...
  2. In case of error with 'POINTER_REGS' click here
  3. bias means biases if MULTIPLE_BIASES_PER_LAYER is enabled
  4. Ensure you use (32-bit) floats during training unless you USE_64_BIT_DOUBLE.

🔬 Tested on

  • You may need to increase serial baud-rate from 9600 to 115200
  • Uses software-emulated EEPROM, so don't expect EEPROM-examples\functionalities to work on it
  • NN.print() Function is disabled!
  • Doesn't have FPU that makes Maths on it, "difficult" for the SRAM (i think..?)
  • If you want to use "Serial" on an ATtiny85 Click Here (Be Careful SoftwareSerial Uses A lot of SRAM)
  • Backprop maths on an ATtiny85 won't work properly (due to SRAM limitations, unless NN too small), though Feed Forword maths will Work! [...] (since the first release I haven't tested it again on the ATtiny85 at least yet, so I am not 100% sure)

⚙️ Functions, Variables ...

Note that DFLOAT means float, unless you USE_64_BIT_DOUBLE, then it means double. IDFLOAT equals DFLOAT unless you USE_INT_QUANTIZATION, then it either means int16_t or int8_t. IS_CONST means nothing, unless you USE_PROGMEM, then it means const.

(NN) Neural-Network's Constructors
NeuralNetwork()Default Constructors
NeuralNetwork(String file)Available if #include <SD.h>, lets you load NN from SD. Usefull\Important note: moving it bellow #include <NeuralNetwork.h> will disable the support.
NeuralNetwork(unsigned int address)Available if defined _1_OPTIMIZE 0B10000000-(USE_INTERNAL_EEPROM)
NeuralNetwork(*layer_, &NumberOflayers, *_ActFunctionPerLayer)Available if backpropagation is available (! NO_BACKPROP)
NeuralNetwork(*layer_, &NumberOflayers, &LRw, &LRb, *_ActFunctionPerLayer)Available if backpropagation is available (! NO_BACKPROP)
NeuralNetwork(*layer_, *default_Weights, &NumberOflayers, *_ActFunctionPerLayer)Available if NO_BIAS enabled
NeuralNetwork(*layer_, *default_Weights, *default_Bias, &NumberOflayers, *_ActFunctionPerLayer)(:
 IS_CONST IDFLOAT *default_Bias
 IS_CONST IDFLOAT *default_Weights
 byte *_ActFunctionPerLayer = NULL
 const unsigned int *layer_
 const unsigned int &NumberOflayers
 const DFLOAT &LRw
 const DFLOAT &LRb

Type Main Functions

NN Functions Input Type (x) Output Type (Y)                      Action                     
FeedForward_Individual(x) DFLOAT DFLOAT Array RAM Optimized FeedForward"Feeds" the NN with each one X-input Individually until it returns Y-Output Values, If needed. Important note: You can't train with it. (Almost no RAM usage for input layer, see also: example)
*FeedForward(x) DFLOAT Array DFLOAT Array Returns the output of the NN"Feeds" the NN with X-input values and returns Y-Output Values, If needed.
BackProp(x) DFLOAT Array - Trains the NN"Tells" to the NN if the output was correct/the-expected/X-inputs and then, "teaches" it.
load(x) String bool Loads NN from SDAvailable if #include <SD.h>. Usefull\Important note: moving it bellow #include <NeuralNetwork.h> will disable the support.
save(x) String \ int bool \ int Saves NN to storage media SD or internal-EEPROM
print() - String Prints the specs of the NN (If _1_OPTIMIZE 0B10000000 prints from PROGMEM)

DFLOAT Loss Functions

No need for #define MEAN_SQUARED_ERROR, MSE is the default loss and it is always enabled. The only case in which you will also need to define the MSE in your sketch, is only if you want to use it in relation with another loss-function. To use any other loss-function except from MSE just define it as seen below.

Loss Functions Enabling MACRO
NN.getMeanSqrdError(unsigned int batch_size) #define MEAN_SQUARED_ERROR
NN.getBinaryCrossEntropy(unsigned int batch_size) #define BINARY_CROSS_ENTROPY
NN.getCategoricalCrossEntropy(unsigned int batch_size) #define CATEGORICAL_CROSS_ENTROPY

DFLOAT Loss Variables

To use any of the variables below, you first need to #define a loss function as said above too.

Loss variables Sum variables
NN.MeanSqrdError NN.sumSquaredError
NN.BinaryCrossEntropy NN.sumOfBinaryCrossEntropy
NN.CategoricalCrossEntropy NN.sumOfCategoricalCrossEntropy

DFLOAT Activation Functions

Due to (my uncertainty and) the strict RAM optimization that allows the library to use one array that stores only the values after the activation instead of two arrays storing values before and after the activation, the use of some derivative functions in backpropagation are not supported by this library at this moment, as also seen by the MACRO NO_BACKPROP below. This means that if you want to use and #define any function from 8-13 under the section "NO_BACKPROP support" , you won't be able to use backpropagation.

  Enabling MACRO          Activation Functions                 Returns          
0 #define Sigmoid NN.layers->Sigmoid(&x) 1/(1+e^(-x))
1 #define Tanh NN.layers->Tanh(&x) (e^(2*x)-1)/(e^(2*x)+1)
2 #define ReLU NN.layers->ReLU(&x) (x>0)?x:0
3 #define LeakyELU NN.layers->LeakyELU(&x) (x>0)?x:AlphaLeaky*x
4 #define ELU NN.layers->ELU(&x) (x>0)?x:AlphaELU*(e^(x)-1)
5 #define SELU NN.layers->SELU(&x) (x>0)?x:AlphaSELU*(e^(x)-1)
6 #define Softmax NN.layers->Softmax(&x) void "complicated implementation"
7 #define Identity NN.layers->Identity(&x) x
8 #define BinaryStep NN.layers->BinaryStep(&x) (x < 0) ? 0 : 1
9 #define Softplus NN.layers->Softplus(&x) log(1 + exp(x))
10 #define SiLU NN.layers->SiLU(&x) x / (1 + exp(-x))
11 #define GELU NN.layers->GELU(&x) (1/2) * x * (1 + erf(x / sqrt(x)))
12 #define Mish NN.layers->Mish(&x) x * Tanh(log(1 + exp(x)))
13 #define Gaussian NN.layers->Gaussian(&x) exp(-(x*x))
Derivative Functions
0 #define Sigmoid NN.layers->SigmoidDer(&fx) fx-fx*fx
1 #define Tanh NN.layers->TanhDer(&fx) 1-fx*fx
2 #define ReLU NN.layers->ReLUDer(&fx) (fx>0)?1:0
3 #define LeakyELU NN.layers->LeakyELUDer(&fx) (fx>0)?1:AlphaLeaky
4 #define ELU NN.layers->ELUDer(&fx) (fx>0)?1:fx+AlphaELU
5 #define SELU NN.layers->SELUDer(&fx) (fx>0)?LamdaSELU:fx+AlphaSELU*LamdaSELU
6 #define Softmax NN.layers->SoftmaxDer(&fx) fx * (1 - fx)
7 #define Identity NN.layers->IdentityDer(&x) x

if you want to use other activation function from the default one, just define one other:

#define Sigmoid //[default] No need definition, for single activation across network
#define Tanh
#define ReLU
#define LeakyELU
#define ELU
#define SELU

Use any activation function per layer-to-layer, like :

#include <NeuralNetwork.h>

unsigned int layers[] = {3, 4, ..., 2, 1};
byte Actv_Functions[] = {   1, ..., 2, 0};

// Tanh > ... > ReLU > Sigmoid

If you want to drastically reduce ROM & slightly RAM size you can Define which Functions to use/compile, like:

        #define Sigmoid // 0
        //#define Tanh
        //#define ReLU
        //#define LeakyELU
        #define ELU     // 1
        #define SELU    // 2
#include <NeuralNetwork.h>

unsigned int layers[] = {3, 4, ..., 2, 1};
byte Actv_Functions[] = {   1, ..., 2, 0};

// ELU > ... > SELU > Sigmoid

⚠️ have in mind that because I used f(x) for derivatives there might be chances of mistakes (?)

#define Custom Functions

(See also example) You can define up to 5. Every custom function, comes after every each non-custom one (numerically) eg:

        #define Sigmoid // 0
        //#define Tanh
        //#define ReLU
        //#define LeakyELU
        #define ELU  // 1
        #define SELU // 2
        #define CUSTOM_AF1 my_act_fun1 // 3
        #define CUSTOM_AF2 my_act_fun2 // 4

Define derivative-functions, by just definening ..._DFX:

        #define CUSTOM_AF1 my_act_fun1 
        #define CUSTOM_DF1 

And then use them in your sketch like:

// CUSTOM_DF1 is optional ...
        #define Tanh
        #define CUSTOM_AF1 my_sigmoid 
        #define CUSTOM_DF1

#include <NeuralNetwork.h>

// derivative function must end in "Der" | Limited to f(x), for optimization reasons
float NeuralNetwork::Layer::my_sigmoidDer(const float &fx){ return fx - fx * fx;      } 
float NeuralNetwork::Layer::my_sigmoid   (const float &x ){ return 1 / (1 + exp(-x)); }

unsigned int layers[] = {3, 4, ..., 2, 1};
byte Actv_Functions[] = {   0, ..., 0, 1};

// Tanh > ... > Tanh > my_sigmoid

IMPORTANT NOTE: Be careful commenting in front of #define, see issue #29

DFLOAT Variables Of Activation Functions

Enabling MACRO Activation Variables Default Explenation
#define LeakyELU NN.AlphaLeaky 0.01 the α of Leaky
#define ELU NN.AlphaELU 1 the α of ELU
#define SELU NN.AlphaSELU 1.6733 the α of SELU
#define SELU NN.LamdaSELU 1.0507 the λ of SELU

Type Other Variables

Note that except from _numberOfInputs and _numberOfOutputs everything else is not valid when you USE_INTERNAL_EEPROM

Type NN's Variables Explenation
byte* NN.ActFunctionPerLayer if ACTIVATION__PER_LAYER defined
DFLOAT NN.LearningRateOfWeights The Learning-Rate-Of-Weights
DFLOAT NN.LearningRateOfBiases The Learning-Rate-Of-Biases
Layer* NN.layers Layers of NN
Layer's Variables
IDFLOAT* NN.layers[i].bias The bias of an individual layer[i], unless...NO_BIAS or MULTIPLE_BIASES_PER_LAYER is enabled.
DFLOAT* NN.layers[i].outputs[] The Output array of an individual layer[i]
IDFLOAT** NN.layers[i].weights[][] if not REDUCE_RAM_WEIGHTS_LVL2
DFLOAT* NN.layers[i].preLgamma[] The γ-error of previous layer[i-1]
unsigned int NN.layers[i]._numberOfInputs The Layer[i]'s Number Of inputs\nodes
unsigned int NN.layers[i]._numberOfOutputs The number-Of-Outputs for an individual layer[i]

#define MACRO Properties

#define _1_OPTIMIZE 0B00000000
_1_OPTIMIZE Action Keyword
0B00000000 Nothing
0B10000000 ⚠️ Use PROGMEM instead of RAMEnables the use of programmable-memmory instead of RAM, to store and use weights and biases USE_PROGMEM
0B01000000 ⚠️📌 Deletes previous layer's OutputsHighly-Recommended because: for each layer-to-layer input-to-ouput operation of internal feedforward, it deletes the previous layer's outputs. Important note: in case you want to delete[] NN->layers[NN->numberOflayers - 1].outputs; make sure afterwards to ...outputs = NULL (if you plan to feedforward again later in your sketch). Reducing RAM by a factor of ((the_sum_of_each_layer'_s _numberOfOutputs) - (_numberOfOutputs of_biggest_layer) *(4[float] or 8[double])Bytes ) approximately i think ? REDUCE_RAM_DELETE_OUTPUTS
0B00100000 Reduces RAM for Weights, level 1(Partially reduce) Not yet implimented REDUCE_RAM_WEIGHTS_LVL1
0B00010000 📌 Reduces RAM for Weights, level 2 by a factor of (number_of_layers-1)*2 Bytes REDUCE_RAM_WEIGHTS_LVL2
0B00001000 🟢 Deletes previous layer's GammaAlways enabled (not switchable yet.) REDUCE_RAM_..._LAYER_GAMMA
0B00000100 Reduces RAM using static reference... to the NN-object (for layers) | by a factor of 2*(number_of_layers - 1 or 2)bytes. (With this optimization) Note that, when you are using multiple NN-objects interchangeably in your sketch, you should either update manually before using the next one like = &NN2 or just use _2_OPTIMIZE 0B00000010 instead REDUCE_RAM_STATIC_REFERENCE
0B00000010 📌 Disables MSE functionDisables the default loss function | Reduces ROM, RAM & CPU consumption, althought usually needed for backpropagation DISABLE_MSE
0B00000001 Use 8-Byte double instead of floatThis will work only if your MCU supports 8byte doubles eg. Arduino UNO DOESN'T (see also example) USE_64_BIT_DOUBLE
0B10000000 ⚠️ Use internal EEPROM instead of RAMWeights, biases, and activation functions stored-into and used-from the internal EEPROM of the MCU. Additionally, this means REDUCE_RAM_WEIGHTS_LVLX has no effect. see also: example USE_INTERNAL_EEPROM
0B01000000 Use NN without biasesIt disables the use of biases in the entire NN NO_BIAS
0B00100000 Use more than 1 bias, layer-to-layerEnables the use of a unique bias for each unit\neuron of each layer-to-layer MULTIPLE_BIASES_PER_LAYER
0B00010000 Use F() macro for print functionSerial.print(...) strings, normally saved in RAM. This ensures strings are stored in PROGMEM (At least for Arduino boards) MULTIPLE_BIASES_PER_LAYER
0B00001000 📌 Use int16_t quantization Weights and biases are stored as int16_t (2-bytes each). During the proccess of feedforward each individual weight or bias: temporarily converts back to it's equivalent float [...] Reduces memmory-footprint by a factor of half the size of the "equivalent" float weights and biases. Slightly CPU intensive. (See also: Training > int-quantization + details) USE_INT_QUANTIZATION
0B00000100 Use int8_t quantizationWeights and biases are stored as int8_t (1-byte each). During the proccess of feedforward each individual weight or bias: temporarily converts back to it's equivalent float [...] Reduces memmory-footprint by a factor of half the size of the "equivalent" int16_t weights and biases. Slightly CPU intensive. (See also: Training > int-quantization + details) USE_INT_QUANTIZATION
0B00000010 REDUCE_RAM_STATIC_REFERENCE for multiple NN It does the same thing as REDUCE_RAM_STATIC_REFERENCE but for multiple NN objects (instead for just one). If you use FeedForward_Individual It is recommended to fallback to the original _1_OPTIMIZE 0B00000100 and manually change ...FOR_MULTIPLE_NN_OBJECTS
0B00000001 ⚠️ Disables backpropagationDisabling backpropagation when it's not automatically disabled, helps reduce the size of your sketch. NO_BACKPROP

Don't use keywords to define optimizations, it won't work, use _X_OPTIMIZE

  • ⚠️ = Backpropagation is not allowed
  • 🟢 = Always enabled (not switchable yet.)
  • ❌ = Not yet implimented
  • 📌 = Recommended

👨‍💻 Training

To train a neural-network, you can use Tensorflow to do so. Here's a basic python example:

# pip install tensorflow
from tensorflow.keras.optimizers import Adam
from tensorflow.keras.callbacks import LearningRateScheduler
import tensorflow as tf
import numpy as np

# Define if you want to use biases

# Enable 32-bit floating-point precision

# Define the XOR gate inputs and outputs
inputs  = np.array([
    [ 0, 0, 0 ], 
    [ 0, 0, 1 ], 
    [ 0, 1, 0 ], 
    [ 0, 1, 1 ], 
    [ 1, 0, 0 ], 
    [ 1, 0, 1 ], 
    [ 1, 1, 0 ], 
    [ 1, 1, 1 ]
], dtype = np.float32)
outputs = np.array([[0], [1], [1], [0], [1], [0], [0], [1]], dtype = np.float32)
input_size = 3

# Create a simple convolutional neural network
model = tf.keras.Sequential([
    tf.keras.layers.Input(shape=(input_size,)), # Input layer (no bias) 
    tf.keras.layers.Dense(3, activation='sigmoid', use_bias=IS_BIASED), # Dense  3 units 
    tf.keras.layers.Dense(1, activation='sigmoid', use_bias=IS_BIASED)  # Output 1 unit 

# Compile the model
optimizer = Adam(learning_rate=0.031)
model.compile(optimizer=optimizer, loss='binary_crossentropy', metrics=['accuracy'])

# Train the model, outputs, epochs=900, verbose=0)

# Evaluate the model on the training data
loss, accuracy = model.evaluate(inputs, outputs)
print(f"Model accuracy: {accuracy * 100:.2f}%")

# Predict XOR gate outputs
predictions = model.predict(inputs)
for i in range(len(inputs)):
    print(f"Input: {inputs[i]}, Predicted Output: {predictions[i][0]:.7f}")

# Print biases and weights
# (IMPORTANT NOTE! they are printed as w[i][j] not w[j][i] | outputs * inputs)
weights_biases = model.get_weights()

print("#define _1_OPTIMIZE 0B01000000 // Highly-Recommended Optimization For RAM")
    print("#define _2_OPTIMIZE 0B00100000 // MULTIPLE_BIASES_PER_LAYER \n")
    print('float biases[] = {')
    for l, (w, b) in enumerate(zip(weights_biases[::2], weights_biases[1::2])):
        print('  ', end='')
        for j in range(0, w.shape[1]):
            print(b[j], end=', ')
    print("#define _2_OPTIMIZE 0B01000000 // NO_BIAS \n")

print('float weights[] = {', end="")
for l, (w, b) in enumerate(zip(weights_biases[::2], weights_biases[1::2])):
    for j in range(0, w.shape[1]):
        print('  ', end='')
        for i in range(0, w.shape[0]):
            print(w[i][j], end=', ')

Int quantization

Assuming you already have either enabled int16_t or int8_t... before proceeding with the example, you should know that the default range of weights (that maps floats to ints) , is set to 200.0 for int16_t and 51.0 for int8_t via this simple formula:

// FLOAT RANGE FOR INT16 = (100.0) - (-100.0) = 200.0 | MAX - MIN
// FLOAT RANGE FOR INT8  = ( 25.5) - (- 25.5) =  51.0 | MAX - MIN

You can change that by defining your own value in your sketch, like:

#define Q_FLOAT_RANGE 40.0 // (20.0) - (-20.0) = 40.0 | Ensure you used a dot!
# pip install tensorflow
from tensorflow.keras.optimizers import Adam
import tensorflow as tf
import numpy as np

IS_BIASED  = True      # Define if you want to use biases
IS_PROGMEM = True      # Use PROGMEM or not
INT_RANGE  = 65535     # Range of int16_t -32768 to 32767 | for int8_t use 255 
FP__RANGE  = 200.0     # Range of weights -100   to 100   | for int8_t use 51
TYPE_NAME  = 'int16_t' # or 'int8_t'

def quantize_float32_to_int(w):
    S = (FP__RANGE) / (INT_RANGE)
    return round(w / S) # + Z

def int_to_float32(q):
    return np.float32(np.float32(FP__RANGE) / (INT_RANGE)) * np.float32(q)

# Enable 32-bit floating-point precision

# Define the XOR gate inputs and outputs
inputs = np.array([
    [0, 0, 0], 
    [0, 0, 1], 
    [0, 1, 0], 
    [0, 1, 1], 
    [1, 0, 0], 
    [1, 0, 1], 
    [1, 1, 0], 
    [1, 1, 1]
], dtype=np.float32)
outputs = np.array([[0], [1], [1], [0], [1], [0], [0], [1]], dtype=np.float32)
input_size = 3

# Create a simple convolutional neural network
model = tf.keras.Sequential([
    tf.keras.layers.Input(shape=(input_size,)),  # Input layer (no bias)
    tf.keras.layers.Dense(3, activation='sigmoid', use_bias=IS_BIASED),  # Dense 3 units
    tf.keras.layers.Dense(1, activation='sigmoid', use_bias=IS_BIASED)  # Output 1 unit

# Compile the model
optimizer = Adam(learning_rate=0.031)
model.compile(optimizer=optimizer, loss='binary_crossentropy', metrics=['accuracy'])

# Train the model, outputs, epochs=1000, verbose=0)

# Evaluate the model on the training data
loss, accuracy = model.evaluate(inputs, outputs)
print(f"original Model accuracy: {accuracy * 100:.2f}%")

weights_biases = model.get_weights()

    print("\n#define _1_OPTIMIZE 0B11000000 // PROGMEM + Highly-Recommended Optimization For RAM")
    print("\n#define _1_OPTIMIZE 0B01000000 // Highly-Recommended Optimization For RAM")

# Quantize float32 biases to intX_t, print and then back to float32
# (IMPORTANT NOTE! they are printed as w[i][j] not w[j][i] | outputs * inputs)
    if TYPE_NAME == 'int16_t':
        print("#define _2_OPTIMIZE 0B00101000 // MULTIPLE_BIASES_PER_LAYER + int16_t quantization \n")
        print("#define _2_OPTIMIZE 0B00100100 // MULTIPLE_BIASES_PER_LAYER + int8_t quantization \n")
    print(('const PROGMEM ' if IS_PROGMEM else '') + TYPE_NAME + ' biases[] = {')
    for l, (w, b) in enumerate(zip(weights_biases[::2], weights_biases[1::2])):
        print('  ', end='')
        for j in range(0, w.shape[1]):
            print(quantize_float32_to_int(b[j]), end=', ')
            b[j] = int_to_float32(quantize_float32_to_int(b[j]))
    if TYPE_NAME == 'int16_t':
        print("#define _2_OPTIMIZE 0B01001000 // NO_BIAS + int16_t quantization \n")
        print("#define _2_OPTIMIZE 0B01000100 // NO_BIAS + int8_t quantization \n")

# Quantize float32 weights to intX_t, print and then back to float32
print(('const PROGMEM ' if IS_PROGMEM else '') + TYPE_NAME + ' weights[] = {', end="")
for l, (w, b) in enumerate(zip(weights_biases[::2], weights_biases[1::2])):
    for j in range(0, w.shape[1]):
        print('  ', end='')
        for i in range(0, w.shape[0]):
            print(quantize_float32_to_int(w[i][j]), end=', ')
            w[i][j] = int_to_float32(quantize_float32_to_int(w[i][j]))

# Load quantized weights for NN evaluation

# Evaluate the model on the training data
loss, accuracy = model.evaluate(inputs, outputs)
print(f"{TYPE_NAME} Model accuracy: {accuracy * 100:.2f}%")

# Print predictions
print(f"{TYPE_NAME} Predictions:")
predictions = model.predict(inputs)
for i in range(len(inputs)):
    print(f"Input: {inputs[i]}, Predicted Output: {predictions[i][0]:.7f}")

(See also: pretrained-quantized-ino-example)

IMPORTANT NOTE: See how weights and biases are printed at the end of the script and make sure you have (on top of your sketch) enabled\defined _2_OPTIMIZE 0B00100000 // MULTIPLE_BIASES_PER_LAYER or _2_OPTIMIZE 0B01000000 // NO_BIAS depending on your needs of use. Additionally, if you want to use just 1 bias per layer-to-layer don't use any of those 2 optimizations (Althought, just so you know... Tensorflow doesn't seem to support 1 bias per layer-to-layer). Finally make sure to use float32 unless your MCU is compatible and you want to USE_64_BIT_DOUBLE-optimization

(see also examples on how to train a NN directly on an MCU)


I want to really thanks Underpower Jet for his amazing tutorial, by bringing it more to the surface. Because after all the videos and links I came across, he was the one that made the most significant difference to my understanding of backpropagation in neural networks. Plus, I would like to thanks: giant_neural_network for this and this, 3Blue1Brown for this, the authors of ✨ this scientific article for referencing me, Ivo Ljubičić for using my library for his ✨ master thesis, Arduino community and everyone else who gave me the oportunity to learn and make this library possible to exist [...]

🌐 Research

Here most of the resources I came across the internet, I recomend you to have a look if you want to (but please stay aware of the fact that for some of those sites, I had only opened them checked something and then closed them in a matter of seconds [so, please don't get them all seriously])




Old Searches:

| | Intresting |NN.| Neural Network(s) |A.| Arduino etc. |-| Mostly .NET & Other |*| Maybe Intresting?

NNs PROGMEM Define directive Other & "Random"
Playlist Arduino Tutorial A. Initialize Array Values
Playlist Manual Arduino Define A. Inheritance,destructors?
BackPropagation Examples Determining board A. Identifying Arduino type?
Math Chain Rule + Post define extern? A. Create compile error?
Getting Started + Pointers .ino Determining Board A. Measuring Memory Usage
+ BackProp Tutorial + Double Info Understanding #if ? A. External Memory
+ BackProp Tutorial read-only? Random Defined Site? A. ATtiny85 Math Issues?
+ Complete NN chart ! flash to RAM? Loading local libraries? A. Attiny85 External Mem.?
+ MIT Deep RL Info Near Far? A. Splitting Array?
+ MIT Deep Learning Example A. Importing Loads Everything?
- .NET Framework What is PGM_P? NN. Backprop. For Dummies YT
- .NET ! 1,2,3,4,5,6 Passing Array? NN. Convolutional (Math- code)
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* MIT Recurrent NNs Reading Long? NN. PyConSG 2016
- 2007 .NET Img Recognition Multi-D Array? NN. Simple 9 lines of Py-code
- C# Handwritten Recognition Attiny85 mem? NN. MIT Press book
Youtube Chanel Prob Array use? NN. A Beginner's Guide
+ Recurrent Explained Double or float? NN. MIT courses?
- .NET 1,2,3 NN.Back Propagation
- C# Handwritten Recognition NN. MLP Maths?
+ Python NN From Scratch NN. Math. Notations Into Code
* How Backpropagation! NN. Maths Into Code
linear Regression NN. (TAA),(BDI) Architecture
+ MLP NN. ?
🇬🇷 Νευρωνικά Δίκτυα NN. BackProp Python
🇬🇷 Γενετικός Αλγόριθμος NN. C# Code
- MS NN Classification NN. Implement BackProp Python
- VB ML Q-Learning NN. Java Tut Playlist ?
* handwritten Recognition NN. BackProp for Dummies
* Deep Learning in 6 weeks? NN. Wiki Backprop Math
* Playlist NN. Looking Inside
- SciBasic

💗 Donation

Please consider donating something, even the least amount would be really appreciated. I need it. | Monero address: 87PVyQ8Vt768hnvVyR9Qw1NyGzDea4q9Zd6AuwHb8tQBU9VdRYjRoBL7Ya8yRPVQakW2pjt2UWEtzYoxiRd7xpuB4XSJVAW

🕳️ Outro

  • Forgive me if I've made any mistakes and please don't take me seriously with every claim i make, I am mainly "self taught" in this field of NeuralNetworks, I am not a professional programmer nor do I have a good knowledge in many of the fields used to create this library, I just make things because I love to [...]

  • Also looking for jobs, if you are interested let me know, I really like working with embeded systems, C\C++, python, CLIs and etc.

if you want to help me&others to educate ourselves better and if you have a love and passion for sharing and helping, then I suggest you to join our discord server 🤍

My Instagram account is: giorgos.xou ;) feel free to ask me anything

Extracted from project README
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