Port of Nordic Semiconductor nRF24L01 transceiver's Hardware Abstraction Layer API (NRF HAL) for the Arduino platform.

OTHER License


NRF HAL port for Arduino

This is a port of Nordic Semiconductor nRF24L01 transceiver's Hardware Abstraction Layer API (NRF HAL API) for the Arduino platform. All the original HAL function prototypes have been preserved plus some additions were introduced (mostly getters for existing setters).

The HAL API provides an easy and flexible way to reach for the full power of the nRF24 transceiver, abstracting an access for the device's low level registers, communication protocol etc. The API set consists of about 70 rather simple functions performing basic actions on the transceiver (like opening an RX pipe, setting TX/RX addresses, setting TX output power, checking various statuses, reading/writing payload etc.)

See src/nrf_hal.h header file for the API specification and examples for some examples.

Looking for NRF HAL API port for Raspberry PI, check out librasp library.


Nordic Semiconductor Standard Software Development Kit License Agreement (license #1 in the enclosed LICENSE file)