
Multilingual backdoor


Maestro 后门

Maestro 后门程序是为在多种架构上运行的 Linux 系统设计的,采用多种编程语言编写,以确保其在不同环境下的高隐蔽性和灵活性。作为一个基础的后门工具,Maestro 提供了监听指定端口并接受来自攻击者连接的核心功能,使得用户可以远程控制受影响的系统。

由于 Maestro 只实现了最基本的后门功能,它可以作为开发更复杂后门应用的起点。开发者可以在此基础上扩展其功能,例如增加文件传输、执行远程命令、环境探测和数据加密通信等高级特性。这种设计方式允许个性化定制,满足特定安全测试或渗透任务的需求。


Assembly 语言

对于汇编语言编写的 Maestro,适用于 x86_64 架构的编译方法如下:

nasm -f elf64 maestro.asm -o maestro.o
ld maestro.o -o maestro

Go 语言

对于 Go 语言编写的 Maestro,支持多种架构的编译方法示例(以 Linux 平台和 amd64 架构为例):

GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64 go build -o maestro ./maestro.go

Python 语言

对于 Python 语言编写的 Maestro,编译方法示例(以 Linux 平台和 amd64 架构为例):

pyinstaller --onefile



Rust 语言

对于 Rust 语言编写的 Maestro,编译方法示例(以 Linux 平台和 amd64 架构为例):

cargo build

Perl 语言

对于 Perl 语言编写的 Maestro,编译方法示例(以 Linux 平台和 amd64 架构为例):

pp -o maestro




无论是哪种编译方法产生的 Maestro 后门程序,都可以通过以下命令与后门建立连接:

nc localhost 12345



Maestro Backdoor

The Maestro backdoor program is designed for Linux systems running on various architectures and is written in multiple programming languages to ensure high stealthiness and flexibility in different environments. As a basic backdoor tool, Maestro provides the core functionality of listening on a specified port and accepting connections from attackers, allowing users to remotely control affected systems.

Since Maestro implements only the most basic backdoor functions, it serves as a starting point for developing more complex backdoor applications. Developers can extend its functionality, for example, by adding file transfer, remote command execution, environment probing, and encrypted communications. This design approach allows for customization to meet specific security testing or penetration tasks.

Compilation Method

Assembly Language

For Maestro written in assembly language, suitable for the x86_64 architecture, the compilation method is as follows:

nasm -f elf64 maestro.asm -o maestro.o
ld maestro.o -o maestro

Go Language

For Maestro written in Go language, supporting various architectures (example for Linux platform and amd64 architecture):

GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64 go build -o maestro ./maestro.go

Python Language

For Maestro written in Python, an example of the compilation method (for Linux platform and amd64 architecture) is as follows:

pyinstaller --onefile

Or, you can directly use Python:


Rust Language

For Maestro written in Rust, an example of the compilation method (for the Linux platform and amd64 architecture) is as follows:

cargo build

Perl Language

For Maestro written in Perl, an example of the compilation method (for the Linux platform and amd64 architecture) is as follows:

pp -o maestro

Or, you can directly use Perl:


Backdoor Connection Method

Regardless of the compilation method used to produce the Maestro backdoor program, you can establish a connection with the backdoor using the following command:

nc localhost 12345

Ensure you have sufficient permissions to perform these operations on the target system and be aware that interacting with the system through a backdoor may pose security risks. Please use it within legal boundaries.