
🐧 Assembly with Linux (Notes, Syscalls, Protection Rings) 🐧

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🐧 NASM Assembly Linux Notes 🐧

🐧 Assembly with Linux (Notes, Syscalls, Protection Rings) 🐧

🐧 System Calls Linux (Syscalls) 🐧

❓ What is a System Call? ❓

When you run a program which calls open, fork, read, write (and many others) you are making a System Call.

System Calls are how a program enters the kernel to perform some task. Programs use System Calls to perform a variety of operations such as: creating processes, doing network and file IO, and much more.

Example: A user running a word processor in User Mode (Ring 3) presses “save”: a System Call is made into Kernel Mode (Ring 0), asking the Kernel to save the file.

📖 System Call Table (Syscall Table) 📖

🔧 Simple System Call Example calling SYS_WRITE (kernel opcode 4) 🔧

At Line 17: mov eax, 4 ; invoke SYS_WRITE (kernel opcode 4)

; Hello World Program
; Compile with: nasm -f elf helloworld.asm
; Link with (64 bit systems require elf_i386 option): ld -m elf_i386 helloworld.o -o helloworld
; Run with: ./helloworld
msg     db      'Hello World!', 0Ah     ; assign msg variable with your message string
global  _start
    mov     edx, 13     ; number of bytes to write - one for each letter plus 0Ah (line feed character)
    mov     ecx, msg    ; move the memory address of our message string into ecx
    mov     ebx, 1      ; write to the STDOUT file
    mov     eax, 4      ; invoke SYS_WRITE (kernel opcode 4)
    int     80h

🐧 Protection Rings / Privilege Levels 🐧

The x86-64 CPUs have a concept called Privilege Levels. (also often called Protection Rings) Linux only uses Ring 0 and 3 for Kernel Mode (Ring 0) and User Mode (Ring 3). Thus, all user mode processes, running when the system is in any run level execute in Ring 3, until they make a System Call into kernel code, which transitions the cpu to Ring 0.

  1. The Kernel runs at the most privileged level, called Ring 0. User programs run at Ring 3.
  2. Ring 0 can execute any system instruction and is given full trust.
  3. To enter Kernel Mode (Ring 0), you must perform a System Call. (Another Way to use Kernel Mode (Ring 0) is by writing Linux Kernel Modules in C.) Additional Info: In Windows you usually program a driver in C to use Kernel Mode (Ring 0) and like Linux, Windows only uses Ring 0 and 3 too.