
A full implementation (tested) of chip16 virtual machine, or emulator as you wish, using python and rendering with opengl.


PChip16 - implementation of chip16

A full implementation (tested) of chip16 vm using python and rendering with opengl.

What is Chip16?

An emulation project helping programmers write their first emulator, using a well-defined, relatively simple VM specification.

It also doubles as a cool toy platform to write little games and demos for.

Herdle - Mandel

Where to go - Wiki

Head over to the wiki: you will find exchaustive information about the system, and a full list of opcodes to implement.

Other's work

  • mash16 - tykel's emulator; best choice for Linux
  • Js16 - tykel's emulator, in-browser
  • tchip16 - tykel's assembler
  • img16 - image to sprite converter (also available in the src directory)
  • RefChip16 - Refraction (PCSX2 dev)'s emulator; best choice for Windows
  • hchip - emulator written in Haskell, for cool people


What else?

Original development thread (NGEmu/Emuforums)

If you have any program, or patch to contribute, feel free to post a Pull Request!

Extracted from project README
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