
Programs written for Joe Allen's single board relay computer.

GPL-2.0 License



Programs written for Joe Allen's single board relay computer (sbrc).

This repository contains community contributed programs for the sbrc, as well as a mirror of the sample code, utility programs, and firmware written by Joe Allen.

The original SourceForge project page can be found here:

An introductory video from Joe Allen can be found here:

sbrc image Full size image


Community contributed programs are placed in community/.

Program Author Description
Examples Joe Allen Example programs and core functions (eg. multiply, divide, sqrt)
Hardware Tests Joe Allen Test programs for validating the correct assembly and operation of the computer hardware
Primes Ryan Crosby Prime number search programs
Pi Dag Stroman Calculate the digits of Pi to various accuracies
Tetris Ryan Crosby A Tetris clone implementation
Util Ryan Crosby Miscellaneous utility functions


Tools written in C to support the relay computer.

Program Author Description
asm Joe Allen Assembler for sbrc programs. Produces assembled listing files, which include a memory image that can be sent to the sbrc via serial.
sim Joe Allen Simulator for the sbrc. Allows testing of programs without access to physical hardware.


Firmware files for the various microcontrollers included on the sbrc

Program Author Description
PIC main Joe Allen Firmware for the main microcontroller, which orchestrates control of the sbrc.
PIC kbddisp Joe Allen Firmware for the supplementary microcontroller, which controls the keyboard input and display output.


Program Author Description
docs Joe Allen Build instructions, BoM, PCB drawings, schematics
refcard Joe Allen The reference card for CPU instructions
htdocs Joe Allen HTML documentation including design details and in-depth documentation
OP CODE details Ryan Crosby Details about each OP CODE flag in the CPU instruction
Extra instructions Ryan Crosby Additional useful instructions not included in the reference card
Magic instructions Ryan Crosby Notes on special instructions trapped by the PIC


All software is licensed under the GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE Version 2, June 1991.

See LICENSE for details.


Contributions are welcome! Simply fork the project and create a PR with your code, or send/email it to me any way you can and I'll include it in the repo on your behalf.

All contributed code will be licensed (and must comply with) the project license, GPLv2.