
Making UI documentation a bit sweeter ✨

MIT License



Making UI documentation a bit sweeter ✨

Sugarcoat was created to enable developers to produce rich UI documentation easily and with minimal up-keep. Sugarcoat works by parsing project files for documentation comments (similar syntax to JavaDoc, JSDoc, etc.) and generates a responsive HTML page (or raw JSON) that is organized and easy to read. Sugarcoat allows developers and designers access to up-to-date previews of UI elements, page components, project specific colors and typography, all in one place.

Note: This is still a work in-progress. Please file an issue if you encounter any issues or think a feature should be added.

See our example project to get a better view of Sugarcoat up and running.



  1. Lives in your project seamlessly

Sugarcoat will never force a file/project structure on you, nor make you create extra files for it to work.

  1. Universal Comment Syntax

Sugarcoat parses all comment blocks in the file(s) you specify with JSDoc commenting syntax. Or you can specify your own delimiters.

  1. Easy-to-identify component states

If you declare CSS modifier states within your comment block, Sugarcoat will highlight and display them in your pattern library for extra readability.

  1. Variables Galore

Sugarcoat will understand your variables if they're SCSS, LESS, or CSS Custom Property


npm install --save sugarcoat


The Sugarcoat module takes a config object and returns a Promise. By default, the resolve callback provided to the .then method receives the expanded config object with the parsed sections data. If there are any errors within Sugarcoat, it will reject the promise, passing back the first error as an Error object. The user can then handle the error as needed. (It is easiest if a .catch is added to end of the sugarcoat promise which will catch any errors.)

const sugarcoat = require( 'sugarcoat' );

sugarcoat( config ).catch( errorObj => {
  // handle errors here

// or

sugarcoat( config ).then( data => {
    console.log( data );
}).catch( errorObj => {
  // handle errors here


Simple Example

  dest: 'path/to/dest',
  sections: [
      title: 'Base',
      files: [
      title: 'UI',
      files: 'path/to/styles/molecules/**/*.css'


  • Required: Yes
  • Type: String
  • Default: null
  • Relative: process.cwd()

Directory to which Sugarcoat will output the results. This path is relative to cwd. Sugarcoat will create any directories that do not already exist. If given the option 'none', Sugarcoat will not output a rendered pattern library.


Static asset file(s) to copy to dest. If you would like to use Sugarcoat's default pattern library assets, as well as your own, just include sugarcoat in the asset array.

include Object

CSS and JavaScript to insert into default template. All CSS Rules are prefixed to prevent style bleed.


CSS file(s) you wish Sugarcoat to prefix with template.selectorPrefix. The newly prefixed stylesheets will be placed in your document in the order you declare them.


JS Files you wish Sugarcoat to include in the script tag at the footer of your pattern library.

display Object

Used to set display values in your template


  • Required: No
  • Type: String
  • Default: null

Path to the image to be rendered in the heading of your pattern library.


  • Required: No
  • Type: String
  • Default: Pattern Library

String to be used in the <title> tag


  • Required: No
  • Type: String
  • Default: null

String to be used in the <h1> tag

template Object

For advanced configurations and custom templatization.


  • Required: No
  • Type: Object
  • Default: See example below

Replace default partials and register custom partials by providing a path.


partials: {
    'head': 'my-custom-partials/head.hbs', // Replaces head partial with your path provided
    'nav': '', // Uses Sugarcoat default partial
    'footer': '',
    'section-color': '',
    'section-typography': '',
    'section-variable': '',
    'section-default': '',
    'my-custom-partial': 'my-custom-partials/custom.hbs' // Declares custom partial with your path provided


  • Required: No
  • Type: Object containing Functions
  • Default: require( 'sugarcoat/lib/handlebars-helpers.js' )

Register custom helpers. Requires a value in template.layout and/or template.partials


helpers: {
    someHelper: fn() {}
// or
helpers: require( 'my-big-file-full-of-helpers' ),


  • Required: No
  • Type: String
  • Default: main.hbs (provided by Sugarcoat)

Path to the Handlebars layout that will define the layout of the site.


  • Required: No
  • Type: String (CSS selector)
  • Default: .sugar-example

Define the selector to be used to prefix all assets in copy. Requires a value in include.css and either a value in template.layout or template.partials.

sections Array

Contains an Array of Section Objects.

Section Object

Each section object in the sections array is rendered as a category. Each comment block within all files in your section object is rendered as a subcategory. You can modify the mode Sugarcoat uses to parse the files in your section object, as well as the template it uses to render the parsed data.


File(s) to parse for documentation comments. Sugarcoat uses globby to enable pattern matching.


  • Required: Yes
  • Type: String

Heading of the section.

mode & template


  • Required: No
  • Type: String
  • Default: undefined

By default, all files are parsed only for their comment blocks. By using 'variable' mode, Sugarcoat will parse your stylesheet's variable declarations as well. This works with variables prefixed with $, @, or --, depending on the stylesheet's file extension.


  • Required: No
  • Type: String
  • Default: 'section-default'

The default partial name used to display parsed comments is section-default. If mode is provided, the default partial name used is section-variable. mode has two alternate variable renderings available: section-color and section-typography.

Relationship Table

mode Default template Alternate template Description
undefined 'section-default' Parse comment block only
'variable' 'section-variable' Parse file content for variables and renders a simple table. Inline comments are treated as the variable's description. Groups of variables can be divided in a file by a comment block.
'variable' 'section-color' Same as 'section-variable', except variables are rendered as swatches
'variable' 'section-typography' Same as 'section-variable', except font-family styles are applied to sample text


Parse all variables in my file:

    title: 'Project Defaults',
    files: 'path/to/global/vars.scss',
    mode: 'variable'

Parse all variables in my file and render them using the 'section-color' partial:

    title: 'Colors',
    files: 'path/to/global/colors.scss',
    type: 'variable',
    template: 'section-color'

Standardized File Format

Throughout Sugarcoat we use a standardized format for files. This format allows the user to express a file in three different ways: String, Array, and Object.


A path or pattern (Globby) to a location.


files: 'path/to/js/*'


Provide a series of Standardized File Formats (Strings and/or Objects).


files: [
    src: 'path/to/main.js',
    options: {
      nodir: true


Provide more globbing options in addition to the standardized patterns. See Globby.


files: {
  src: 'path/to/main.js',
  options: {
    nodir: true

Code Comment Syntax

 * @title Tooltip
 * @example
 *  <div class="tooltip">
 *    <span class="tooltip-content">This is a tooltip</span>
 *  </div>
 * @modifier .active enabled class on .tooltip
 * @state :focus allows visual contrast for accessibility

Sugarcoat will parse any tag it finds into a key/value pair. For example: @tag value.

The exception being the following three reserved tags that are demonstrated in the above example:

  • @example Takes a single or multiline code example.

  • @modifier Used for a class modifier on a component: @modifier <selector> <description>.

  • @state Used for state pseudo-classes such as :hover: @state :<pseudo-class> <description>.


For html files, Sugarcoat uses the same comment style. Since HTML doesn't support this style you'll need to wrap your documentation comments with an HTML-style comment.

Comment Example (html)

 * @title Some Component
 * @description This component has a description
 * @dependencies /path/to/some-component.js
<div class="some-component">
  <span>I'm a Component!</span>