
A template for creating documentation using Astro's Content Collections API. It creates a Table of Contents based on the markdown files and folders in the content folder, and it creates a "On this Page" link-list dynamically based on the headings of each page.


Astro Content Collections Docs Template!

This is a template that leverages the Content Collections API to automatically create a documentation website based on markdown files. It looks inside the content folder and uses it's internal folder structure to create a Table of Contents. It also checks through each markdown file for headings. Astro internally converts each heading into an h2 with a linkable id, so we simply run a script on each page which looks for these headings and makes a "On this Page" link-list.

This allows for a classic recognizable layout with an overall table of contents on the left side, and a table of contents for just what's on each page on the right side-- with no extra work on your part! Just write the markdown files and put them in folders and the template will do the rest.

Most recently, I added very basic search functionality and automatic OG cards for each docs page. Next up, theme selection and perhaps a CLI for setting up the Tailwind config.

How to Use This Template

1.) Download or clone the repo into the folder of your choice.

2.) Run npm install / yarn install / pnpm install to install dependencies.

3.) Run npm run dev / yarn dev / pnpm dev to start the dev server.

4.) Start writing markdown files in the content folder. You can create new folders and subfolders to organize your content.

5.) When you're ready to deploy, run npm run build / yarn build / pnpm build to build the site. The output will be in the dist folder.

How to Customize This Template

This template is built with TailwindCSS. All of the colors used in the template are clearly defined in the tailwind.config.js file. I only used 3 or 4 colors, but I set up the config file to allow for more if you want to customize it further. You can also change the fonts in the tailwind.config.js file. There are a few additional styles in the src/styles/global.css file. I added some comments so you can see which colors correspond to the TailwindCSS variables.

Other than that, the main thing you'll want to change is the logo. The SVG logo is in the public folder. This is used for the favicon and the background. The PNG logo is in the src/assets folder. This is used for the logo in the header and on the landing page. You can replace these with your own logo or a picture of my face. I don't care.

How to Deploy This Template

Here's a link to the Astro docs about deploying an Astro website.

Known Issues

  • The mobile design is not great. I'm not a designer, but I have a few ideas.


I completely stole the initial layout from The Create-T3-App Docs. Shout out to all the great people working on that project. This template was created while making the docs for QGP. Big props to Parasocial Fix/JLarky for his awesome project.