
Astro component that allows you to define HTML elements using JS Objects

MIT License


Astro JSON Element

Create HTML elements using JS objects

This component was originaly created to interface with html elements inside of a component using props


  • Create html element using js object
  • Recursive, create elements inside elements
  • Control over render order using slot prop
  • Add automatically escaped text using text prop
  • Add a html string using the innerHTML prop
  • Apply default attributes to all child elements
  • class attribute uses class:list directive (clsx)

How to use

Install package:

npm i astro-json-element

Create Element:

import { Element } from 'astro-json-element';

const my_element = {
    tag: "h1",
    text: "Heading",
    class: "heading",
    id: "my-heading";

<Element {...my_element}/>
// <h1 id="my-heading" class="heading">Heading</h1>


Headless Pattern Example: <Pagination> component

Basic Navbar Example:

Note: Styling using the style attribute or tailwindcss classes is easier and keeps your html and css together in the same file/object

import { Element } from 'astro-json-element';

const header = {
    tag: "header",
    style: "font-family:Arial;display:flex;justify-content:space-around;margin:1rem;border-radius:5px;background-color:white;border:3px solid purple",
    _heading: {
        tag: "h1",
        text: "Purple",
        style: "font-weight:bold;font-size:3rem;color:purple;"
    _ul: {
        tag: "ul",
        style: "display:flex;align-items:center;gap:1rem;font-weight:bold;font-size:1.25rem;color:purple;",
        _item1: {
            tag: "li",
            _link: {
                tag: "a",
                text: "Home"
        _item2: {
            tag: "li",
            _link: {
                tag: "a",
                text: "Products"
        _item3: {
            tag: "li",
            _link: {
                tag: "a",
                text: "About"
        _item4: {
            tag: "li",
            style: "padding:.75rem 1rem;border-radius:5px;background-color:purple;color:white;",
            _link: {
                tag: "a",
                text: "Contact"

<Element {...header}/>

Render Order

  1. slot first
  2. _[child] slot first
  3. text
  4. _[child] slot before
  5. slot (default)
  6. _[child] slot after
  7. innerHTML
  8. _[child] slot last
  9. slot last


Default: Elements are slot in at the center of the render order (5 of 9)


First element in Render Order


Last elemenet in Render Order



Type: string

Default: div

Defines what HTML tag the element will be


Type: string

Options: first, before, after, last

Default: last

Controls where a _child element will be rendered inside of a parent json-element

see Render Order


Type: string

Set the text of an element, automatically escaped


Type: string

Set the innerHTML of an element, a string of HTML


Type: object

Define default props for _child elements


Type: boolean

Default: false

If true the element will print its props to the console


Type: object

Any other key/value pairs will be added as attributes to your element

const my_element = {
    tag: "span",
    text: "Text",
    id: "my-element",
    key: value,

<Element {...my_element}/>
// <span id="my-element" key="value">Text</span>


Type: set | object | array | string

The class attribute uses the class:list directive (clsx):

const my_element = {
    tag: "div",
    class: ['This', 'is', 'a', 'test']

<Element {...my_element}/>
// <div class="This is a test">Text</div>


Type: astro-json-element

astro-json-elements are recursive, you can create elements inside of elements by prefixing a key with _

NOTE: Some tags like h1-6 and p tags do not allow children and will slot the child element after the defined element inside the parent element


const header = {
    tag: "header",
    style: "display:flex;justify-content:center;background-color:white;border:3px solid purple",
    _heading: {
        tag: "h1",
        text: "Purple Heading",
        style: "font-weight:bold;font-size:3rem;color:purple;"

<Element {...header}/>
const list = {
    tag: "ul",
    style: "display:flex;align-items:center;gap:1rem;font-weight:bold;font-size:1.25rem;color:purple;",
    _item1: {
        tag: "li",
        _link: {
            tag: "a",
            text: "Home"
    _item2: {
        tag: "li",
        _link: {
            tag: "a",
            text: "Products"
    _item3: {
        tag: "li",
        _link: {
            tag: "a",
            text: "About"
    _item4: {
        tag: "li",
        style: "padding:.75rem 1rem;border-radius:5px;background-color:purple;color:white;",
        _link: {
            tag: "a",
            text: "Contact"

<Element {...list}/>