
Auto import APIs on-demand for Vite, Webpack and Rollup

MIT License



Auto import APIs on-demand for Vite, Webpack, Rspack, Rollup and esbuild. With TypeScript support. Powered by unplugin.


import { computed, ref } from 'vue'

const count = ref(0)
const doubled = computed(() => count.value * 2)


const count = ref(0)
const doubled = computed(() => count.value * 2)


import { useState } from 'react'

export function Counter() {
  const [count, setCount] = useState(0)
  return <div>{ count }</div>


export function Counter() {
  const [count, setCount] = useState(0)
  return <div>{ count }</div>


npm i -D unplugin-auto-import
// vite.config.ts
import AutoImport from 'unplugin-auto-import/vite'

export default defineConfig({
  plugins: [
    AutoImport({ /* options */ }),

Example: playground/

// rollup.config.js
import AutoImport from 'unplugin-auto-import/rollup'

export default {
  plugins: [
    AutoImport({ /* options */ }),
    // other plugins
// webpack.config.js
module.exports = {
  /* ... */
  plugins: [
    require('unplugin-auto-import/webpack').default({ /* options */ }),
// rspack.config.js
module.exports = {
  /* ... */
  plugins: [
    require('unplugin-auto-import/rspack').default({ /* options */ }),

You don't need this plugin for Nuxt, it's already builtin.

// vue.config.js
module.exports = {
  /* ... */
  plugins: [
    require('unplugin-auto-import/webpack').default({ /* options */ }),

You can also rename the Vue configuration file to vue.config.mjs and use static import syntax (you should use latest @vue/cli-service ^5.0.8):

// vue.config.mjs
import AutoImport from 'unplugin-auto-import/webpack'

export default {
  configureWebpack: {
    plugins: [
      AutoImport({ /* options */ }),
// vite.config.js [Vite]
import AutoImport from 'unplugin-auto-import/vite'
import { defineConfig } from 'vite'

export default defineConfig({
  plugins: [
    AutoImport({ /* options */ })
// quasar.conf.js [Webpack]
const AutoImportPlugin = require('unplugin-auto-import/webpack').default

module.exports = {
  build: {
    chainWebpack(chain) {
        AutoImportPlugin({ /* options */ }),
// esbuild.config.js
import { build } from 'esbuild'
import AutoImport from 'unplugin-auto-import/esbuild'

  /* ... */
  plugins: [
      /* options */
// astro.config.mjs
import AutoImport from 'unplugin-auto-import/astro'

export default defineConfig({
  integrations: [
      /* options */


  // targets to transform
  include: [
    /\.[tj]sx?$/, // .ts, .tsx, .js, .jsx
    /\.vue\?vue/, // .vue
    /\.md$/, // .md

  // global imports to register
  imports: [
    // presets
    // custom
      '@vueuse/core': [
        // named imports
        'useMouse', // import { useMouse } from '@vueuse/core',
        // alias
        ['useFetch', 'useMyFetch'], // import { useFetch as useMyFetch } from '@vueuse/core',
      'axios': [
        // default imports
        ['default', 'axios'], // import { default as axios } from 'axios',
      '[package-name]': [
        // alias
        ['[from]', '[alias]'],
    // example type import
      from: 'vue-router',
      imports: ['RouteLocationRaw'],
      type: true,

  // Array of strings of regexes that contains imports meant to be filtered out.
  ignore: [

  // Enable auto import by filename for default module exports under directories
  defaultExportByFilename: false,

  // Auto import for module exports under directories
  // by default it only scan one level of modules under the directory
  dirs: [
    // './hooks',
    // './composables' // only root modules
    // './composables/**', // all nested modules
    // ...

  // Filepath to generate corresponding .d.ts file.
  // Defaults to './auto-imports.d.ts' when `typescript` is installed locally.
  // Set `false` to disable.
  dts: './auto-imports.d.ts',

  // Array of strings of regexes that contains imports meant to be ignored during
  // the declaration file generation. You may find this useful when you need to provide
  // a custom signature for a function.
  ignoreDts: [

  // Auto import inside Vue template
  // see https://github.com/unjs/unimport/pull/15 and https://github.com/unjs/unimport/pull/72
  vueTemplate: false,

  // Custom resolvers, compatible with `unplugin-vue-components`
  // see https://github.com/antfu/unplugin-auto-import/pull/23/
  resolvers: [
    /* ... */

  // Include auto-imported packages in Vite's `optimizeDeps` options
  // Recommend to enable
  viteOptimizeDeps: true,

  // Inject the imports at the end of other imports
  injectAtEnd: true,

  // Generate corresponding .eslintrc-auto-import.json file.
  // eslint globals Docs - https://eslint.org/docs/user-guide/configuring/language-options#specifying-globals
  eslintrc: {
    enabled: false, // Default `false`
    // provide path ending with `.mjs` or `.cjs` to generate the file with the respective format
    filepath: './.eslintrc-auto-import.json', // Default `./.eslintrc-auto-import.json`
    globalsPropValue: true, // Default `true`, (true | false | 'readonly' | 'readable' | 'writable' | 'writeable')

  // Generate corresponding .biomelintrc-auto-import.json file.
  // biomejs extends Docs - https://biomejs.dev/guides/how-biome-works/#the-extends-option
  biomelintrc: {
    enabled: false, // Default `false`
    filepath: './.biomelintrc-auto-import.json', // Default `./.biomelintrc-auto-import.json`

Refer to the type definitions for more options.


See src/presets.

Package Presets

We only provide presets for the most popular packages, to use any package not included here you can install it as dev dependency and add it to the packagePresets array option:

  /* other options */
  packagePresets: ['detect-browser-es'/* other local package names */]

You can check the Svelte example for a working example registering detect-browser-es package preset and auto importing detect function in App.svelte.

Please refer to the unimport PackagePresets jsdocs for more information about options like ignore or cache.

Note: ensure local packages used have package exports configured properly, otherwise the corresponding modules exports will not be detected.


In order to properly hint types for auto-imported APIs

  1. Enable options.dts so that auto-imports.d.ts file is automatically generated
  2. Make sure auto-imports.d.ts is not excluded in tsconfig.json
  dts: true // or a custom path


💡 When using TypeScript, we recommend to disable no-undef rule directly as TypeScript already check for them and you don't need to worry about this.

If you have encountered ESLint error of no-undef:

  1. Enable eslintrc.enabled
  eslintrc: {
    enabled: true, // <-- this
  1. Update your eslintrc:
    Extending Configuration Files
// .eslintrc.js
module.exports = {
  extends: [


Compare to unimport

From v0.8.0, unplugin-auto-import uses unimport underneath. unimport is designed to be a lower-level tool (it also powered Nuxt's auto import). You can think unplugin-auto-import is a wrapper of it that provides more user-friendly config APIs and capabilities like resolvers. Development of new features will mostly happen in unimport from now.

Compare to vue-global-api

You can think of this plugin as a successor to vue-global-api, but offering much more flexibility and bindings with libraries other than Vue (e.g. React).

  • Flexible and customizable
  • Tree-shakable (on-demand transforming)
  • No global population
  • Relying on build tools integrations (while vue-global-api is pure runtime) - but hey, we have supported quite a few of them already!



MIT License © 2021-PRESENT Anthony Fu

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Top 1.0% on Npmjs.org
Top 6.73% on Proxy.golang.org
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