
A web application that blends modern design approaches with a timeless and intuitive UI, designed and developed exclusively for the local small-scale real estate business.


VietLand - Real Estate App

A web application that blends modern design approaches with a timeless and intuitive UI, designed and developed exclusively for the local small-scale real estate business.

The main objective of this project is to help the local business establish a strong connection with potential customers and create an outstanding first impression, ultimately giving the business a distinct advantage amidst the fiercely demanding marketplace.

Initial constraints that we needed to address:

  • user-friendly design with an understanding of local language and cultural distinctiveness
  • competitive performance on mobile devices
  • smooth delivery and uncomplicated content management processes
  • restricted budget

In this particular scenario, the approach taken was to generate static pages rather than rely on client-side or server-side rendering. The client-side rendering was ruled off due to the significance placed on mobile performance and search engine optimization (SEO). Meanwhile, the idea of spending on the development/hosting/management of the backend side ruled off the server-side rendering approach as well. Instead of overinvesting in the backend infrastructure, we choose the services of the headless CMS (with generous free tiers).

And, although static pages sound … lifeless, the app pages have been designed in a manner that does not give off a static impression entirely! The secret is the usage of component-based islands of JS interactivity whenever necessary.

View Viet Land App (Live)

Key Features

  • Mobile-first responsive design

  • Forms with intuitive UI

  • Interactive search

  • Responsive map

  • Integration with Contentful CMS

Designed with and Build with

This project was developed by selecting a carefully curated set of modern technologies and tools. The pivotal ones are listed below. For a comprehensive view of all dependencies, including exact versions, feel free to explore the details in the package.json file.

Name Usage
Astro Badge Leveraged for generating static pages, emphasizing fast load times and optimal performance.
React Badge Integrated strategically for dynamic content and interactive components, providing a lively user experience.
TypeScript Badge Ensured codebase reliability and scalability, contributing to the overall maintainability of the application.
Contentful Badge Served as the headless CMS, facilitating easy content updates and management.
Figma Badge Utilized for collaborative design processes, ensuring a cohesive and visually appealing user interface.
Tailwind CSS Badge Applied for a streamlined and responsive design, enhancing the overall aesthetic and usability.
Leaflet Badge Integrated for interactive maps, enhancing the user experience and providing valuable location-based information.


Command Action
npm install Installs dependencies
npm run dev Starts local dev server at localhost:4321 Note: switched from localhost:3000 to localhost:3000 in latest versions of Astro
npm run build Build your production site to ./dist/
npm run preview Preview your build locally, before deploying

Project Structure

The project contains the following files and folders:

+---.github                 - configurations for github actions ci
+---.vscode                 - list of recommended extensions for vscode editor
+---dist                    - files generated by build command
+---node_modules            - third-party libs
+---preview                 - preview assets for md documentation
+---public                  - fonts, images and icons
    +---components          - reusable Astro components
    +---layouts             - common layout for all pages
    +---model               - application data
    +---pages               - file-based routes
    |       404.astro
    |       index.astro
    |       thong-tin.astro
    |       tim-dat.astro
    |       [slug].astro
    +---scripts             - vanilla js (ts) scripts
    \---styles              - css defaults and variables

... ts, prettier, tailwind, astro config files

During the build, Astro looks for .astro or .md files in the src/pages/ directory. Each page is exposed as a route based on its file name. The 404.astro page is exposed as the default error page. [slug].astro exposes dynamically-generated pages.

Astro components in src/components/ can include pure Astro or React/Vue/Svelte/Preact components.

👀 Want to contribute?

  1. Fork project (https://github.com/AnnaBurd/web-real-estate/fork)
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b feature/fooBar)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some fooBar')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin feature/fooBar)
  5. Create a new Pull Request

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