
Auth0 Extension that adds authorization features to your account

OTHER License


Auth0 Authorization Extension

This extension provides authorization features for Auth0 focused on RBAC and user group management.

Status Update

The Authorization Extension is in maintenance mode. We do not plan on adding new features to the extension as we are working to bring features of the extension into the core Auth0 platform. Bug fixes and security patches will still be made.


We provide documentation on how to install and use the Authorization Extension on the Auth0 docs website.

How does this compare to the core Authorization features in Auth0?

We have RBAC available in Auth0 as a core feature of the platform, rather than requiring the use of this extension.

For a detailed summary of the differences between this extension and the core features of the platform, check this document.

We advise using the core capabilities rather than the extension as they are built to meet the high scalability needs of the Auth0 platform.

Why do we rely on a fork of hapi?

Due to the SameSite cookie changes in browsers, we needed a version of Hapi that supported the changes. The easiest path forward was to fork Hapi and port the changes needed over, as we are relying on an older version of Hapi that is not receiving the updates required to respect SameSite cookies.

Development Setup

Requires Node 12 - higher versions not yet supported. If you are using nvm, simply run nvm use inside the directory to switch to the correct version.

  1. Clone this repo.
  2. Run npm ci.
  3. Get Argo Tunnel: brew install cloudflare/cloudflare/cloudflared

Create a local config

To run the extension, you'll need a file in server/config.json that specifies how the extension interacts with Auth0. Here is a sample for running the extension with a production tenant:

	"AUTH0_DOMAIN": "",
	"AUTH0_CLIENT_ID": "qwerty123",
	"AUTH0_CLIENT_SECRET": "longer-secret-value",
	"EXTENSION_CLIENT_ID": "abcd123",
	"EXTENSION_SECRET": "longer-secret-value",
	"WT_URL": "http://localhost:3000",
	"PUBLIC_WT_URL": "http://localhost:3000",
	"AUTH0_RTA": ""

Copy this config into the file created at server/config.json and modify the following values:

  1. Set your tenant name in the AUTH0_DOMAIN option.
  2. Create a client in that tenant. This client should be an SPA (Single Page App).
  3. Enter the client ID and client secret as both the AUTH0_CLIENT_ID/_SECRET as well as the EXTENSION_CLIENT_ID/_SECRET.

Running in production mode

  1. Build the client: npm run build.
  2. Start an Argo proxy via: cloudflared --url http://localhost:3000
  3. Open server/config.json and enter the URL provided by Argo Tunnel into the WT_URL and PUBLIC_WT_URL options.
  4. In another terminal, start the server in production mode with npm run serve:prod.

You can then open the URL provided by Argo Tunnel to use the extension.

Running in development mode

  1. Start an Argo proxy via: cloudflared --url http://localhost:3001
  2. In another terminal, run WT_URL=https://<PROVIDED_BY_CLOUDFLARE> npm run serve:dev. Replace the URL with the one provided in the previous step. Please note that the development mode works only in Chrome.

Running tests

Run tests with npm test.