
Authorize WP REST API calls with access tokens from Auth0

MIT License


Protect your WordPress REST API with Auth0

This repo contains a working MU plugin that will receive and validate access tokens obtained from Auth0. For information on how this works and the values used within please see the post here:

Protect your WordPress REST API with OAuth2 using Auth0


First, install the Login by Auth0 plugin, then add your Auth0 credentials to wp-config.php, a file in wp-content/mu-plugins, or another location that will get loaded before this plugin.

// Auth0 credentials
define( 'AUTH0_API_AUDIENCE', 'API identifier for the WP REST API' );
define( 'AUTH0_API_SIGNING_SECRET', 'API signing secret from Auth0' );
define( 'AUTH0_API_DEBUG', 'Set to `true` to add debugging log entries' );

Install with Composer

Install this package:

composer require joshcanhelp/wp-rest-api-auth0

Require the Composer autoloader at some point when add_action is available, like in wp-content/mu-plugins.

Install manually

To install this manually without Composer, just download the latest release ZIP and upload through the admin interface. Please note that this plugin will not update automatically; updates will need to be made by deleting and re-adding (make sure your site is in maintenance mode) or directly via an FTP client (not recommended).

Testing with Docker

You can get this running to test it out locally with Docker using this Gist.


Try setting AUTH0_API_DEBUG to true and watching your WP error log for information on failures.

If API requests aren't working, Apache might not be passing authorization headers to PHP. Try adding this line (or similar methods) to .htaccess:

SetEnvIf Authorization .+ HTTP_AUTHORIZATION=$0

Also, make sure your WP API endpoint doesn't follow this pattern, where /index.php/ is required before /wp-json/:


See this solution to help resolve this index.php issue.