
Back-end of the MVP developed for the Sprint: Advanced Back-end Development course at PUC-Rio.

MIT License


DMarket Structure

Back-End (API) MVP

This API is a Flask-based RESTful API for managing products in a market database. It includes user authentication, admin functionality, and CRUD operations for products. The API is documented using OpenAPI 3 and is designed to work with a separate front-end application.

The front-end has its own repository; the link is provided below.

Front-end repository:

Table of Contents


This back-end API manages market products and supports user authentication with Auth0. It's built with Flask and supports operations like adding, updating, and deleting products. Admin functionality is also included for managing users. It works alongside a separate front-end, linked above.


  • User authentication with Auth0
  • Admin user management
  • CRUD operations for products
  • User-specific product management
  • OpenAPI 3 documentation

Technology Stack

This back-end is built using the following technologies:

  • Flask: Micro web framework for Python.
  • Flask-SQLAlchemy: SQLAlchemy extension for Flask.
  • Flask-Migrate: Database migrations for Flask applications.
  • Flask-CORS: CORS support for Flask.
  • Flask-OpenAPI3: OpenAPI 3 integration for API documentation.
  • Authlib: OAuth and OpenID Connect library for Python.
  • SQLite: Lightweight, serverless database engine.
  • Docker: Platform for developing, shipping, and running applications in containers.



  • Python 3.x installed
  • Pip package manager
  • Auth0 account and application setup


It's highly recommended to use a virtual environment.

  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone
    cd RenatoSouza-back-end-mvp
  2. Create a .env file in the root directory with the following content:

  3. If you're using docker, there's no need to do the steps below (4 to 7) and you should instead follow Docker instructions

  4. Create virtual environment (Optional):

    python -m venv env
  5. Access virtual environment (Optional):

    On Powershell:


    On bash:

    source \env\Scripts\activate
  6. Install dependencies:

    pip install -r requirements.txt
  7. Set up the database:

    flask db init
    flask db migrate
    flask db upgrade


These commands ensure that your database schema is synchronized with your models:

  • flask db init: Initializes a new migration repository in your project.
  • flask db migrate: Generates a migration script to align the database schema with your models.
  • flask db upgrade: Applies the migration script to update the database schema.

These steps are crucial whenever you make changes to your database models to keep the schema up to date.


To run the back-end through Docker, ensure you have Docker installed and running on your machine.

Navigate to the directory containing the Dockerfile and requirements.txt in your terminal. Execute as administrator the following command to build the Docker image:

$ docker build -t renatosouza-back-end-mvp .

Once the image is created, to run the container, execute as an administrator the following command:

$ docker run -p 5000:5000 renatosouza-back-end-mvp

Once running, to access the API, open http://localhost:5000/ in your browser. If you have the front-end repository downloaded, you can also run it now and go to its address (http://localhost:3000/) to test the whole project.

Running the Server

To start the Flask server:

flask run



The API will be accessible at http://localhost:5000.

API Documentation

OpenAPI 3 is integrated for API documentation. After starting the server, visit http://localhost:5000/openapi to explore the API endpoints and interact with them.

Key API Endpoints

Get all products

  • GET /products
    • Returns a list of all products in the database.

Add a product

  • POST /products/create
    • Adds a new product to the database. Requires JSON payload with name, price, and quantity. (authenticated)

Update a product

  • PUT /products/<product_id>/update
    • Upgrades the product with the specified product_id from the database. Requires a JSON payload with any of the following fields: description, price, or quantity. (authenticated)

Delete a product

  • DELETE /products/<product_id>/delete
    • Deletes the product with the specified product_id from the database. (authenticated)

Set user as an admin

  • POST /admin/set
    • Changes the privileges of a user by setting it as an admin (authenticaded) (admin only)

Login into an account

  • GET /login
    • Initiate login process by requesting authentication through Auth0 API

Logout from account

  • GET /logout
    • Logs out the current logged user by requesting Auth0 API

Get all users

  • GET /admin/users
    • Returns a list of all user in the database. (authenticaded) (admin only)


  • Successful responses include appropriate HTTP status codes and JSON payloads.
  • Error responses provide meaningful error messages and status codes.


This API uses Auth0 for authentication. Users need to authenticate through the /login endpoint, which will redirect to Auth0 for login. After successful authentication, users receive a JWT token which should be included in the Authorization header for authenticated requests.



This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.