
AvaloniaUI IoT LED Bar sample


Avalonia UI loves IoT

This sample shows how to control a LED bar using your Raspberry Pi's GPIO port.


  • Raspberry Pi running Rasbpian Linux
  • .NET Core 3.0 installed. Instructions here

Electronic components used for the sample

  • LED Bar
  • 74HC595
  • Resistor 220Ω (x8)
  • Cables for connections
  • Breadboard
  • GPIO extension shield (optional)

Getting the components

I have used the components from a very nice starter kit by Freenove. You can buy the kits here. Personally, I used the Super Starter Kit. The documentation and tutorials are very good, it's cheap and contains lots of components.


Running the application

After you've connected every component as shown in the diagram, deploy your application to the Raspberry Pi and run the LedBarTest executable file.

  • You can use SSH Deployer to do it. Get it here. It provides a convenient way to deploy.
  • Or you can follow these steps here.
Extracted from project README