
A highly customizable MessageBox pop-up for Avalonia with pre-set and custom buttons and plenty of layout options.

MIT License


Custom MessageBox for Avalonia

A highly customizable MessageBox pop-up for Avalonia with pre-set and custom buttons and plenty of layout options.




  "This is a traditional message box with an \"OK\" button.",
  "Traditional 1", MessageBoxButtons.OK);

MessageBoxResult result = MessageBox.Show(
  "This is a traditional message box with \"YesNoCancel\" buttons.",
  "Traditional 2",

var messageBox = new MessageBox(
  "This is a traditional message box with \"YesNo\" buttons.\n" +
  "The buttons are aligned to the center.",
  "Traditional 3", MessageBoxIcon.Information)
  HorizontalButtonsPanelAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Center

var result = messageBox.Show(MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button1, "accent");

var bitmap = new Bitmap(AssetLoader.Open(new Uri("avares://CustomMessageBox.Avalonia.Demo/Assets/avalonia-logo.ico")));

var messageBox = new MessageBox(
  "This is a traditional message box with \"YesNo\" buttons.\n" +
  "The message contains a custom icon with its size set to 64 x 64.",
  "Traditional 6", bitmap)
  IconWidth = 64,
  IconHeight = 64

var result = messageBox.Show(MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button1, "accent");

var textBlock = new TextBlock
  Text = "This is a custom message box with \"YesNoCancel\" buttons.\n" +
         "The buttons are displayed vertically and to the left.",
  TextAlignment = TextAlignment.Center

var messageBox = new MessageBox(textBlock, "Custom 1", MessageBoxIcon.Error)
  DialogContentOrientation = Orientation.Horizontal,
  MessagePanelOrientation = Orientation.Vertical,
  ButtonsPanelOrientation = Orientation.Vertical,
  IconWidth = 192,
  IconHeight = 192

var result = messageBox.Show(
  new MessageBoxButton<MessageBoxResult>(MessageBox.YesText, MessageBoxResult.Yes, SpecialButtonRole.IsDefault, "accent"),
  new MessageBoxButton<MessageBoxResult>(MessageBox.NoText, MessageBoxResult.No),
  new MessageBoxButton<MessageBoxResult>(MessageBox.CancelText, MessageBoxResult.Cancel, SpecialButtonRole.IsCancel)

var textBlock = new TextBlock
  Text = "This is a custom message box with custom buttons.\n" +
         "The icon is displayed above the text.",
  TextAlignment = TextAlignment.Center

var messageBox = new MessageBox(textBlock, "Custom 2", MessageBoxIcon.Information)
  MessagePanelOrientation = Orientation.Vertical,
  HorizontalButtonsPanelAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Center,
  MinButtonWidth = 125

var result = messageBox.Show(
  new MessageBoxButton<MessageBoxResult>("Yes, Confirm", MessageBoxResult.Yes, SpecialButtonRole.IsDefault, "accent"),
  new MessageBoxButton<MessageBoxResult>("No, Cancel", MessageBoxResult.Cancel, SpecialButtonRole.IsCancel)

var textBlock = new TextBlock
  Text = "This is a custom message box with custom buttons.\n\n" +
         "The buttons are displayed vertically and on the bottom.\n" +
         "The icon is displayed above the text.",
  TextAlignment = TextAlignment.Center

var messageBox = new MessageBox(textBlock, "Custom 3", MessageBoxIcon.Warning)
  MessagePanelOrientation = Orientation.Vertical,
  HorizontalButtonsPanelAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Center,
  ButtonsPanelOrientation = Orientation.Vertical

CustomMessageBoxResult result = messageBox.Show(
  new MessageBoxButton<CustomMessageBoxResult>("Accept", CustomMessageBoxResult.Accept, SpecialButtonRole.None, "accent"),
  new MessageBoxButton<CustomMessageBoxResult>("Decline", CustomMessageBoxResult.Decline)

var bitmap = new Bitmap(AssetLoader.Open(new Uri("avares://CustomMessageBox.Avalonia.Demo/Assets/avalonia-logo.ico")));

var messageBox = new MessageBox(
  "This is a custom message box with custom buttons.\n" +
  "The icon is custom and is displayed above the text.",
  "Custom 4", bitmap)
  DialogContentOrientation = Orientation.Horizontal,
  MessagePanelOrientation = Orientation.Vertical,
  ButtonsPanelOrientation = Orientation.Vertical,
  IconWidth = 256,
  IconHeight = 256

int result = messageBox.Show(
  new MessageBoxButton<int>("English", 1),
  new MessageBoxButton<int>("Polish", 2),
  new MessageBoxButton<int>("German", 3),
  new MessageBoxButton<int>("Spanish", 4),
  new MessageBoxButton<int>("Italian", 5),
  new MessageBoxButton<int>("French", 6),
  new MessageBoxButton<int>("Chinese", 7)