
Thrive Launcher for installing and automatically updating Thrive

OTHER License


Thrive Launcher

Build Status

Thrive launcher is a desktop application that manages downloading and installing the game releases.

For more information, visit Revolutionary Games' Website, Thrive repository.

Requirements on Linux

On Linux it is recommended to use the Flatpak version of the launcher.

For the manually installable version a distro that is as new as AlmaLinux 9 is required.

Required Windows version

Due to the used framework at least Windows 10 or newer is required. Windows 7 may still work for some time before new .NET versions no longer run on it.


Releases are available here: Thrive-Launcher releases


If you can't find a precompiled release or you want to develop the launcher you will need to follow these instructions to build it.


In order to properly clone this repository you need to make sure you have Git LFS installed.

You first need dotnet sdk before you can build Thrive Launcher. So check here how to install it.


First clone this repository with git clone --recursive now go to the created directory and run dotnet restore this should install all required packages. You may need to run this again after pulling updates if your IDE doesn't do so automatically.


In order for the icons to work you need to run dotnet run --project Scripts -- icons to create all the icon files from the source images. The icon creation script requires you to have ImageMagick installed. On Windows add the folder with magick.exe to the PATH environment variable manually.


Now you should have everything set up. You can run Thrive launcher with dotnet run in the Thrive-Launcher/ThriveLauncher subdirectory. Or use a C# IDE to open the project files to run.


If you have issues first make sure that dotnet SDK is properly installed and you have ran dotnet restore in the launcher's folder.

Creating releases

This section details what to do to create Launcher packages and installers. Note that due to various limitations you need to make the packages for each platform on that respective platform, which means you need a Windows, Linux, and Mac systems.

The following extra tools are needed for creating packages on Linux:


If required on Linux, Rcedit can be downloaded from here.

On Windows creating packages requires:

  • Icons being generated (see above)
  • NSIS, needs to be added to PATH

To create build containers for Linux:

dotnet run --project Scripts -- container --export false --image ReleaseBuilder latest

On Mac you need the xcode tools installed as well as allowing terminal / your IDE to automate Finder.


With the build containers created on Linux or on other platforms with their requirements fullfilled, run the following:

dotnet run --project Scripts -- package

After packaging

Before publishing test that the created builds didn't have broken packages. If they did a clean needs to be run and then the packaging again:

dotnet run --project Scripts -- clean
dotnet run --project Scripts -- package

To test on Linux, do not build with podman as that always results in clean working builds, but other builds might be broken. So build natively on the current platform and test the launcher works:

dotnet run --project Scripts -- package --compress false --podman false Linux

CI Images

CI image can be created with the container script like this:

dotnet run --project Scripts -- container --image CI 3


Updating Copyright Year

When updating the copyright year it needs to be updated in and also in ThriveLauncher/ThriveLauncher.csproj.

Updating dotnet version

Currently version 8 is used. If updated the installer files in DependencyInstallers need to be updated and PackageTool as well as Scripts/launcher.nsi.template need to be updated to refer to the new version.

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