
A curated list of resources for multibody dynamics simulation papers

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Awesome Multibody Dynamics Simulation

A curated list of resources for multibody dynamics simulation


1. Multibody Dynamics Formulation

Geometric Formulation

  • A Recursive Multibody Dynamics and Sensitivity Algorithm for Branched Kinematic Chains (2001), G Sohl and J. Bobrow. [pdf]
  • Coordinate-invariant Algorithms for Robot Dynamics (1999), S. Ploen and F. Park. [pdf]
  • A Lie Group Formulation of Robot Dynamics (1995), F. Park et al. [pdf]

Geometric Integration

  • Geometric Integration on Euclidean Group with Application to Articulated Multibody Systems (2005), J. Park and W.-K. Chung. [pdf]

Inverse Dynamics

  • Inverse Dynamics with Rigid Contact and Friction (2017), S. Zapolsky and E. Drumwright. [pdf]

2. Contact / Collision

  • Resolving Force Indeterminacy in Contact Dynamics Using Compatibility Conditions (2018), T. Olsen and K. Kamrin. [pdf]
  • Posing Multibody Dynamics with Friction and Contact as a Differential Complementarity Problem (2018), D. Negrut et al. [pdf]
  • Analysis and Computation of Two Body Impact in Three Dimensions (2017), Y.-B. Jia and F. Yang. [pdf]
  • Rigid Body Contact Problems using Proximal Operators (2017), K. Erleben. [pdf]
  • Making a Meaningful Impact: Modelling Simultaneous Frictional Collisions in Spatial Multibody Systems (2015), T. Uchida et al. [pdf]
  • Performance of a Method for Formulating Geometrically Exact Complementarity Constraints in Multibody Dynamic Simulation (2015), D. Flickinger et al. [pdf]
  • Whats Wrong with Collision Detection in Multibody Dynamics Simulation? (2013), D. Flickinger et al. [pdf]
  • Modeling Contact Friction and Joint Friction in Dynamic Robotic Simulation using the Principle of Maximum Dissipation (2011), E. Drumwright and D. Shell. [pdf]
  • Staggered Projections for Frictional Contact in Multibody Systems (2008), D. Kaufman et al. [pdf]
  • Velocity-Based Shock Propagation for Multibody Dynamics Animation (2007), K. Erleben. [pdf]
  • An Implicit Time-Stepping Scheme for Rigid Body Dynamics with Inelastic Collisions and Coulomb Friction (1996), D. Stewart and J. Trinkle. [pdf]
  • Impulse-based Simulation of Rigid Bodies (1995), B. Mirtich and J. Canny. [pdf]

Non-LCP based Methods

  • Multi-contact Frictional Rigid Dynamics using Impulse Decomposition (2017), S. Li et al. [pdf]
  • Fast Frictional Dynamics for Rigid Bodies (2005), D. Kaufman et al. [pdf]

Simultaneous Contact

  • All's Well That Ends Well: Guaranteed Resolution of Simultaneous Rigid Body Impact (2017), E. Vouga et al. [pdf]
  • Quadratic Contact Energy Model for Multi-impact Simulation (2015), T. Zhang et al. [pdf]
  • Reflections on Simultaneous Impact (2012), B. Smith et al. [pdf]

Non-uniform Coefficient of Restitution Model

  • Bounce Maps: An Improved Restitution Model for Real-Time Rigid-Body Impact (2017), J.-H. Wang et al. [pdf] [video]

3. Discrete Mechanics / Variational Integrators

Core / Overview

  • General Techniques for Constructing Variational Integrators (2011), M. Leok and T. Shingel. [pdf]
  • An Overview of Variational Integrators (2003), A. Lew et al. [pdf]
  • Discrete Mechanics and Variational Integrators (2001), J. Marsden and M. West. [pdf]

Geometric Formulation

  • Dual Quaternion Variational Integrator for Rigid Body Dynamic Simulation (2016), J. Xu and K. Halse. [arXiv]
  • Discrete Geometric Optimal Control on Lie Groups (2011), M. Kobilarov and J. Marsden. [pdf]

High Order Convergence

  • Surrogate Lagrangians for Variational Integrators: High Order Convergence with Low Order Schemes (20017), G. Torre and T. Murphey. [pdf]

Constrained Variational Integrators

  • Hamilton's Principle as Variational Inequality for Mechanical Systems with Impact (2016), R. Leine et al. [pdf]
  • Study of Newton's Cradle using a New Discrete Approach (2015), A. Rodriguez and A Bowling. [pdf]
  • A Propagative Model of Simultaneous Impact: Existence, Uniqueness, and Design Consequences (2014),
    V. Seghete and T. Murphey. [pdf]
  • Variational Solutions to Simultaneous Collisions between Multiple Rigid Bodies (2010), V. Seghete and T. Murphey. [pdf]
  • Multiple Instantaneous Collisions in a Variational Framework (2009), V. Seghete and T. Murphey. [pdf]
  • Variational Collision Integrators and Optimal Control (2008), D Pekarek and J. Marsden. [pdf]
  • Variational Integrators for Constrained Dynamical Systems (2008), S. Leyendecker et al. [pdf]
  • Nonsmooth Lagrangian Mechanics and Variational Collision Integrators (2003), R. Fetecau et al. [pdf]
  • Time-discretized Variational Formulation of Non-smooth Frictional Contact (2002), A. Pandolfi et al. [pdf]

Multibody Dynamics

  • A Linear-Time Variational Integrator for Multibody Systems (2016), J. Lee et al. [pdf]
  • Scalable Variational Integrators for Constrained Mechanical Systems in Generalized Coordinates (2009), E. Johnson and T. Murphey. [pdf]

Adaptive Time-stepping / Asynchronous Integration

  • A variational approach to multirate integration for constrained systems (2013), S. Leyendecker and S. Ober-Blobaum. [pdf]
  • Asynchronous Variational Integrators (2003), A. Lew et al. [pdf]

Stochastic Mechanics

  • Stochastic Variational Integrators (2008), N. Bou-Rabee and H. Owhadi. [pdf]

Trajectory Optimization / DMOC

  • Autonomous Suspended Load Operations via Trajectory Optimization and Variational Integrators (2017), G. Torre et al. [pdf]
  • On the Benefits of Surrogate Lagrangians in Optimal Control and Planning Algorithms (2016), G. Torre and T. Murphey. [pdf]


  • Modified equations for variational integrators applied to Lagrangians linear in velocities (2017), M. Vermeeren. [pdf]
  • Variational Integrators for Structure-Preserving Filtering (2016), J. Schultz et al.

4. Position Based Dynamics

  • ADMM Projective Dynamics: Fast Simulation of General Constitutive Models (2016), R. Narain et al. [pdf]
  • XPBD: Position-Based Simulation of Compliant Constrained Dynamics (2016), M. Macklin et al. [pdf]
  • Stable Constrained Dynamics (2015), M. Tournier et al. [pdf]
  • Position-Based Rigid Body Dynamics (2014), C. Deul et al. [pdf]
  • Projective Dynamics: Fusing Constraint Projections for Fast Simulation (2014), S. Bouaziz et al. [pdf]
  • Position Based Dynamics (2007), M. Mller et al. [pdf]

5. Deformable Body / Granular / Fluid Simulation

  • Towards Real-time Simulation of Hyperelastic Materials (2016), T. Liu et al. [pdf]
  • Interactive Constrained Dynamics for Rigid and Deformable Objects (2015), L. Vezzaro et al. [pdf]

6. Inverse Kinematics

  • FABRIK: A Fast, Iterative Solver for the Inverse Kinematics Problem (2011), A. Aristidou and J. Lasenby. [pdf]
  • Fast Resolution of Hierarchized Inverse Kinematics with Inequality Constraints (2010), A. Escande et al. [pdf]
  • An Inverse Kinematic Architecture Enforcing an Arbitrary Number of Strict Priority Levels (2003), P. Baerlocher and R. Boulic. [pdf]

7. Trajectory Optimization

  • Motion Planning with Sequential Convex Optimization and Convex Collision Checking (2014), J. Schulman et al. [pdf] [more]
  • Newton-Type Algorithms for Dynamics-Based Robot Movement Optimization (2005), S.-H. Lee et al. [pdf]

8. Applications

  • SMASH: Physics-guided Reconstruction of Collisions from Videos (2017), A. Monszpart et al. [pdf] [video]

9. Survey

  • Interactive Simulation of Rigid Body Dynamics in Computer Graphics (2014), J. Bender et al. [pdf]
  • A Survey on Position-Based Simulation Methods in Computer Graphics (2014), J. Bender et al. [pdf]

10. Vehicle Dynamics

  • Terramechanics-based high-fidelity dynamics simulation for wheeled mobile robot on deformable rough terrain (2010), L. Ding et al. [pdf]

Tire/Road model

  • Integrated Longitudinal and Lateral Tire/Road Friction Modeling and Monitoring for Vehicle Motion Control (2006), L. Li et al. [pdf]

11. Cloth Simulation

  • I-Cloth: Incremental Collision Handling for GPU-Based Interactive Cloth Simulation (2018), M. Tang et al. [[project](I-Cloth: Incremental Collision Handling for GPU-Based Interactive Cloth Simulation)]


  • Discrete Mechanics and Optimal Control for Space Trajectory Design (2011), A. Moore. [pdf]
  • Stable, Robust, and Versatile Multibody Dynamics Animation (2004), K. Erleben. [pdf]

Slides / Lectures

  • Multibody Dynamics Animation, K. Erleben. [pdf]


  • Variational Integrators (2004), M. West. [pdf]


  • Modern Robotics: Mechanics, Planning, and Control (2017), K. Lynch and F. Park. [pdf]
  • Numerical Methods for Linear Complementarity Problems in Physics-Based Animation (2015), S. Niebe and K. Erleben. [pdf]
  • Guide to Dynamic Simulations of Rigid Bodeis and Particle Systems (2012), M. Coutinho. [web]
  • Rigid Body Dynamics Algorithms (2008), R. Featherstone. [pdf]
  • A Mathematical Introduction to Robotic Manipulation (1994), R. Murray et al. [pdf]
  • The Linear Complementarity Problem (1992), R. Cottle et al. [web]

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