
A curated list of awesome Unity games! 🎮

CC0-1.0 License



  • San Andreas Unity - An open source reimplementation of GTA San Andreas game engine in Unity.


  • Nodulus - A puzzle game with a clever twist. Based on the mathematical theory behind plank puzzles, consists of a grid of cubes and rods which can be rotated with a swipe.
  • Angry Birds style game - An effort to replicate a level and relevant mechanisms of Rovio's famous Angry Birds game, built in Unity game engine. Source code is provided for educational purposes.
  • Match-3 game - A match-3 game in Unity (like Candy Crush and Bejeweled).


  • Darkest Dungeon - Darkest Dungeon port in Unity. Almost completely identical to the original.


  • Hogwarts - A Hogwarts (Harry Potter) open sandbox game made in Unity.



  • CubeWorld - Minecraft like game made in Unity.


  • Multiplayer-FPS - A multiplayer first-person shooter game based on Unity3D. Different types of input devices are supported, including Kinect, Xbox controllers, Leap motion, and VR Glasses.


  • Starcraft Unity3D - A recreation of the classic Starcraft game by Blizzard, on Unity3D.

Code Examples

Augmented reality

  • ARCore - Build new augmented reality experiences that seamlessly blend the digital and physical worlds. Transform the way people play, shop, learn, create, and experience the world together—at Google scale.
  • ARKit - Build unparalleled augmented reality experiences for hundreds of millions of users on iOS and iPadOS, the biggest AR platforms in the world.
  • Vuforia - The World’s Most Widely Deployed AR.

Virtual Reality



  • Runtime Unity Editor/Debugging Tools - In-game inspector and debugging tools for applications made with Unity3D game engine.
  • Path-Creator - An intuitive and lightweight editor for quickly creating smooth paths in the editor.
  • UIWidgets - A Unity Package which helps developers to create, debug and deploy efficient, cross-platform Apps.


  • ScriptableObject-Architecture - Makes using Scriptable Objects as a fundamental part of your architecture in Unity super easy.
  • UniRx - Reactive Extensions for Unity.
  • C-Sharp-Promise - Promises library for C# for management of asynchronous operations.
  • FSM_Command_Patterns - A basic platform game developed for help to undertanding State pattern and Command pattern.


  • RestClient - 🦄 Simple HTTP and REST client for Unity based on Promises, also supports Callbacks! 🎮.


  • Native Toolkit - Easily integrate native iOS & Android functionality into Unity projects.


  • Yarn Spinner - A tool for building interactive dialogue in games!
  • Unity2D Components - A varied collection of Unity3D components that I've built for use in the 2D Platformer/RPG I'm currently developing.
  • Unity Image Cropper - A uGUI based image cropping solution for Unity 3D.
  • ChainSafe Gaming - Unity SDK for building games that interact with blockchains.



  • Introduction to Roll-a-Ball - An introduction to the Roll-a-ball project, showing the final game and describing what will be covered in this tutorials.
  • Setting up the Game - Creating a new project and setting up the basic game.
  • Moving the Player - Moving the player object using player input and physics forces.
  • Moving the Camera - Moving the camera relative to the player.
  • Setting up the Play Area - Setting up the play area.
  • Creating Collectable Objects - Creating and placing the "Pick Up" collectables.
  • Collecting the Pick Up Objects - Collecting the pick-up objects; discussing physics, collisions and triggers.
  • Displaying the Score and Text - Counting, displaying text and ending the game.
  • Building the Game - Building the game as a Standalone application.
  • Scripts as Behaviour Components - Learn about the behaviour component that is a Unity script, and how to Create and Attach them to objects.
  • Variables And Functions - What are Variables and Functions, and how do they store and process information for us?
  • Conventions and Syntax - Learn about some basic conventions and syntax of writing code.
  • If Statements - How to use IF statements to set conditions in your code.
  • Loops - How to use the For, While and Do-While Loops as well as the For Each loop to repeat actions in code.
  • Scope and Access Modifiers - Understanding variable & function scope and accessibility.
  • Awake and Start - How to use Awake and Start, two of Unity's initialisation functions.
  • Update and FixedUpdate - How to effect changes every frame with the Update and FixedUpdate functions, and their differences.
  • Vector Maths - A primer on Vector maths - as well as information on the Dot and Cross products.
  • Enabling and Disabling Components - How to enable and disable components via script during runtime.
  • Activating GameObjects - Learn about the behaviour component that is a Unity script, and how to Create and Attach them to objects.
  • Translate and Rotate - How to use the two transform functions Translate and Rotate to effect a non-rigidbody object's position and rotation.
  • LookAt - How to make a game object's transform face another's by using the LookAt function.
  • Destroy - How to use the Destroy function to remove GameObjects and Components at runtime.
  • GetButton and GetKey - How to get button or key for input and how these axes behave / can be modified with the Input manager.
  • GetAxis - How to "get axis" based input for your games in Unity and how these axes can be modified with the Input manager.
  • OnMouseDown - How to detect mouse clicks on a Collider or GUI element.
  • GetComponent - How to use the GetComponent function to address properties of other scripts or components.
  • DeltaTime - What is Delta Time and how can it be used in your games to smooth and interpret values.
  • DataTypes - Learn the important differences between Value and Reference data types, in order to better understand how variables work.
  • Classes - How to use Classes to store and organise your information, and how to create constructors to work with parts of your class.
  • Instantiate - How to use Instantiate to create clones of a Prefab during runtime.
  • Arrays - Using arrays to collect variables together into a more manageable form.
  • Invoke - The Invoke functions allow you to schedule method calls to occur at a later time.
  • Enumerations - Enumerations allow you to create a collection of related constants.
  • Switch Statements - Switch statements act like streamline conditionals. They are useful for when you want to compare a single variable against a series of constants.
  • Events - Learn how to use special delegates called Events in order to subscribe methods (functions) to create flexible broadcast systems in your code.
  • Creating a Text Based Adventure Part 1 - Learn how to program a text based adventure game in which the player explores a series of rooms by reading text and inputting commands via the keyboard.
  • Creating a Text Based Adventure Part 2 - Learn how to to display the descriptions of all the items in a room when we enter it.
  • How to Play Test Game Mods (Official Unity Tutorial) - In the Play Testing In-Editor Tutorial, you will learn how to play and mod your Microgame in Unity.


  • OpenUPM - Open Source Unity Package Registry.

YouTube Channels


Other Awesome Lists


  • 3DOF: A term often used in the context of virtual reality, refers to tracking of rotational motion only: pitch, yaw, and roll.
  • 6DOF: Refers to the freedom of movement of a rigid body in three-dimensional space.

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Happy coding 💯

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