
Style guide for adding type definitions to my npm packages

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TypeScript Definition Style Guide

Style guide for adding type definitions to my npm packages

Open an issue if anything is unclear or if you have ideas for other checklist items.

This style guide assumes your package is native ESM.


  • Use tab-indentation and semicolons.
  • The definition should target the latest TypeScript version.
  • Exported properties/methods should be documented (see below).
  • The definition should be tested (see below).
  • When you have to use Node.js types, install the @types/node package as a dev dependency. Do not add a /// <reference types="node"/> triple-slash reference to the top of the definition file.
  • Third-party library types (everything in the @types/* namespace) must be installed as direct dependencies, if required. Use imports, not triple-slash references.
  • Ensure you're not falling for any of the common mistakes.
  • For packages with a default export, use export default function foo(…) syntax.
  • Do not use namespace.
  • Use the name "types" and not "typings" for the TypeScript definition field in package.json.
  • Place "types" in package.json after all official package properties, but before custom properties, preferably after "dependencies" and/or "devDependencies".
  • If the entry file in the package is named index.js, name the type definition file index.d.ts and put it in root.
    You don't need to add a types field to package.json as TypeScript will infer it from the name.
  • Add the type definition file to the files field in package.json.
  • The pull request should have the title Add TypeScript definition. (Copy-paste it so you don't get it wrong)
  • Help review other pull requests that adds a type definition.

Check out this, this, and this example for how it should be done.


  • Types should not have namespaced names; type Options {}, not type FooOptions {}, unless there are multiple Options interfaces.
  • Use the array shorthand type notation; number[], not Array<number>.
  • Use the readonly number[] notation; not ReadonlyArray<number>.
  • Prefer using the unknown type instead of any whenever possible.
  • Don't use abbreviation for type/variable/function names; function foo(options: Options), not function foo(opts: Opts).
  • When there are more than one generic type variable in a method, they should have descriptive names; type Mapper<Element, NewElement> = …, not type Mapper<T, U> = ….
  • Don't prefix the name of interfaces with I; Options, not IOptions.
  • Imports, destructuring, and object literals should not have spaces around the identifier; {foo}, not { foo }.
  • Don't use permissive types like object or Function. Use specific type-signatures like Record<string, number> or (input: string) => boolean;.
  • Use Record<string, any> for accepting objects with string index type and Record<string, unknown> for returning such objects. The reason any is used for assignment is that TypeScript has special behavior for it:

    The index signature Record<string, any> in TypeScript behaves specially: it’s a valid assignment target for any object type. This is a special rule, since types with index signatures don’t normally produce this behavior.

Prefer read-only values

Make something read-only when it's not meant to be modified. This is usually the case for return values and option interfaces. Get familiar with the readonly keyword for properties and array/tuple types. There's also a Readonly type to mark all properties as readonly.


type Point = {
	x: number;
	y: number;
	children: Point[];


type Point = {
	readonly x: number;
	readonly y: number;
	readonly children: readonly Point[];

Import types explicitly

Don't use implicit global types except for built-ins or when they can't be imported.


export function getWindow(): Electron.BrowserWindow;


import {BrowserWindow} from 'electron';

export function getWindow(): BrowserWindow;

Readable named imports

Use a readable name when using named imports.


import {Writable} from 'node:stream';


import {Writable as WritableStream} from 'node:stream';


Exported definitions should be documented with TSDoc. You can borrow text from the readme.


export type Options = {
	Allow negative numbers.

	@default true
	readonly allowNegative?: boolean;

	Has the ultimate foo.

	Note: Only use this for good.

	@default false
	readonly hasFoo?: boolean;

	Where to save.

	Default: [User's downloads directory](https://example.com)

	import add from 'add';

	add(1, 2, {saveDirectory: '/my/awesome/dir'})
	readonly saveDirectory?: string;

Add two numbers together.

@param x - The first number to add.
@param y - The second number to add.
@returns The sum of `x` and `y`.
export default function add(x: number, y: number, options?: Options): number;


  • Don't prefix lines with *.
  • Don't hard-wrap.
  • Put an empty line between type entries.
  • Sentences should start with an uppercase character and end in a dot.
  • There's an empty line after the function description.
  • Parameters and the return value should be documented.
  • There's a dash after the parameter name.
  • @param should not include the parameter type.
  • If the parameter description just repeats the parameter name, leave it out.
  • If the parameter is options it doesn't need a description.
  • If the function returns void or a wrapped void like Promise<void>, leave out @returns.
  • If you include an @example, there should be a newline above it. The example itself should be wrapped with triple backticks (```).
  • If the API accepts an options-object, define an Options type as seen above. Document default option values using the @default tag (since type cannot have default values). If the default needs to be a description instead of a basic value, use the formatting Default: Lorem Ipsum..
  • Use @returns, not @return.
  • Ambient declarations can't have default parameters, so in the case of a default method parameter, document it in the parameter docs instead, as seen in the above example.
  • @returns should not duplicate the type information unless it's impossible to describe it without.
    • @returns A boolean of whether it was enabled.@returns Whether it was enabled.

Code examples

  • Include as many code examples as possible. Borrow from the readme.
  • Code examples should be fully functional and should include the import statement.


The type definition should be tested with tsd. Example of how to integrate it.


import {expectType} from 'tsd';
import delay from './index.js';


expectType<Promise<string>>(delay(200, {value: '🦄'}));
expectType<Promise<number>>(delay(200, {value: 0}));

expectType<Promise<never>>(delay.reject(200, {value: '🦄'}));
expectType<Promise<never>>(delay.reject(200, {value: 0}));

When it makes sense, also add a negative test using expectError().


  • The test file should be named index.test-d.ts.
  • tsd supports top-level await.
  • When testing promise-returning functions, don't use the await keyword. Instead, directly assert for a Promise, like in the example above. When you use await, your function can potentially return a bare value without being wrapped in a Promise, since await will happily accept non-Promise values, rendering your test meaningless.
  • Use const assertions when you need to pass literal or readonly typed values to functions in your tests.