
Shell functions to handle secrets stored in pass, LastPass or Keychain for AWS

MIT License


AWS secrets management for command line

A set of bash/zsh function to handle your AWS secrets stored in a password store, supported stores pass, LastPass, and OSX Keychain.


Avoid storing secrets in a plain text file. Requires console password manager pass. OSX Keychain, or lastpass-cli

## insert secrets
aws-auth-create-secret-access-keys home
## aws login
aws-auth-login home

Avoid AWS secrets in plain text

The bash script contain several methods to use AWS cli without storing secrets in plain text in a credentials file. It required the command line password manager pass or OSX Keychain. There is support for with and without the use of MFA.

The following function are available, all support the option -help to see some basic help information.

  • aws-auth-mfa-login - set shell environment for AWS using MFA.
  • aws-auth-login - set shell environment for AWS without using MFA.
  • aws-auth-activate-profile - activates a profile.
  • aws-auth-deactivate-profile - deactivate a profile.
  • aws-auth-clear - clear AWS related environment variables.
  • aws-auth-create-secrets - to insert access keys and mfa arn in the password store.
  • aws-auth-create-secret-access-keys - to insert access keys in the password store.
  • aws-auth-create-secret-mfa - to insert MFA arn in the password store.
  • aws-auth-mfa-devices-for-user - list mfa devices for a user.

Due to a bug in the AWS cli the AWS_PROFILE variable is not interpreted by the AWS cli. Therefor a aws-activate-profile function alias the aws command to append --profile for the activated profile.

Supported password stores

The default password store is pass a standard store for the unix command line. By setting the environment variable AWS_AUTH_PASSWORD_STORE you can switch to one of the supported password manager. The following are supported.

  • pass

You can insert secrets via the commands aws-auth-create-secrets, aws-auth-create-secret-access-keys and aws-auth-create-secret-mfa

Secrets will be stores using an alias in the store.

  • pass: alias will be the path in pass.
  • LastPass: alias will be the folder in LastPass
  • OSX Keycahin: alias will be the name in Keychain


Source the functions into your shell environment. The functions requires jq for parsing JSON objects. For storting password by default pass is used.


Insert secrets for your aws accountX into pass.

aws-auth-create-secret-access-keys accountX

Next add the MFA device ARN to pass for the same account.

aws-auth-create-secret-mfa accountX

Now you can simply obtain an AWS session token.

aws-auth-mfa-login accountX 123456
# verify you can access your account:
aws sts get-caller-identity

Activate profile (switch role) to access another account. Cross account access needs to be setup on AWS.

A configuration like below is expected in your ~/.aws/config file.

[profile accountY]
role_arn = arn:aws:iam::123456789:role/AllowAccessFromAccountX
credential_source = Environment

Now simply activate the profile to access accountY

aws-auth-activate-profile accountY
# verify you can access your account:
aws sts get-caller-identity