
CLI tool to perform cost analysis on your AWS account with Slack integration



CLI tool to perform cost analysis on your AWS account with Slack integration


Install the package globally or alternatively you can also use npx

npm install -g aws-cost-cli


For the simple usage, just run the command without any options.


The output will be a the totals with breakdown by service. Optionally, you can pass the following options to modify the output:

$ aws-cost --help

  Usage: aws-cost [options]

  A CLI tool to perform cost analysis on your AWS account

    -V, --version                  output the version number

    -k, --access-key [key]         AWS access key
    -s, --secret-key [key]         AWS secret key
    -r, --region [region]          AWS region (default: us-east-1)

    -p, --profile [profile]        AWS profile to use (default: "default")

    -j, --json                     Get the output as JSON
    -u, --summary                  Get only the summary without service breakdown
    -t, --text                     Get the output as plain text (no colors / tables)

    -S, --slack-token [token]      Slack token for the slack message
    -C, --slack-channel [channel]  Slack channel to post the message to

    -v, --version                  Get the version of the CLI
    -h, --help                     Get the help of the CLI

In order to use the CLI you can either pass the AWS credentials through the options i.e.:

aws-cost -k [key] -s [secret] -r [region]

or if you have configured the credentials using aws-cli, you can simply run the following command:


To configure the credentials using aws-cli, have a look at the aws-cli docs for more information.

Detailed Breakdown

The default usage is to get the cost breakdown by service


You will get the following output

Total Costs

You can also get the summary of the cost without the service breakdown

aws-cost --summary

You will get the following output

Plain Text

You can also get the output as plain text

aws-cost --text

You will get the following output in response

JSON Output

You can also get the output as JSON

aws-cost --json
  "account": "theroadmap",
  "totals": {
    "lastMonth": 0.38,
    "thisMonth": 11.86,
    "last7Days": 1.29,
    "yesterday": 0.22
  "totalsByService": {
    "lastMonth": {
      "AmazonCloudWatch": 0,
      "Tax": 0,
      "AWS Key Management Service": 0,
      "AWS Service Catalog": 0,
      "Amazon Simple Email Service": 0.38,
      "Amazon Simple Notification Service": 0,
      "Amazon Simple Storage Service": 0.00001
    "thisMonth": {
      "AmazonCloudWatch": 0,
      "Tax": 0,
      "AWS Key Management Service": 0,
      "AWS Service Catalog": 0,
      "Amazon Simple Email Service": 11.85,
      "Amazon Simple Notification Service": 0,
      "Amazon Simple Storage Service": 0
    "last7Days": {
      "AmazonCloudWatch": 0,
      "Tax": 0,
      "AWS Key Management Service": 0,
      "AWS Service Catalog": 0,
      "Amazon Simple Email Service": 1.28,
      "Amazon Simple Notification Service": 0,
      "Amazon Simple Storage Service": 0
    "yesterday": {
      "AmazonCloudWatch": 0,
      "Tax": 0,
      "AWS Key Management Service": 0,
      "AWS Service Catalog": 0,
      "Amazon Simple Email Service": 0.22,
      "Amazon Simple Notification Service": 0,
      "Amazon Simple Storage Service": 0

Slack Integration

You can also get the output as a slack message

aws-cost --slack-token [token] --slack-channel [channel]

You will get the message on slack with the breakdown:

You can set up a GitHub workflow similar to this which can send the daily cost breakdown to Slack.


Regarding the credentials, you need to have the following permissions in order to use the CLI:

  "Version": "2012-10-17",
  "Statement": [
      "Sid": "VisualEditor0",
      "Effect": "Allow",
      "Action": [
      "Resource": "*"

Also, please note that this tool uses AWS Cost Explorer under the hood which costs $0.01 per request.


MIT © Kamran Ahmed