
Telegram bot powered by OpenAI


Telegram bot powered by OpenAI


Chat with gpt-4o-mini Analyze image Generate with dall-e-3
Chat Analyze image Analyze then generate image


  • Integrate with Assistants API
  • Use GPT-4o mini for conversation
  • Use DALL-E 3 for image generation
  • Use whisper-1 for speech to text transcription
  • Use tts-1 for text to speech synthesis
  • Add support for memory recall
  • Allow bot to search for old messages, and maybe continue previous conversation
  • Add support for reminders
  • Add support for Google Mail


# this project uses PNPM instead of NPM
npm install --global pnpm

# install dependencies
pnpm install

# set secrets for the local stage, use `--stage prod` for production
# see the full list of secrets below
pnpm sst secrets set KEY VALUE

# this project use SST to deploy to AWS
# use its dev command for https://docs.sst.dev/live-lambda-development
pnpm dev


OPENAI_API_KEY Create new secret key at https://platform.openai.com/api-keys
OPENAI_ASSISTANT_ID Create new assistant at https://platform.openai.com/assistants
TELEGRAM_ADMIN_IDS Comma separated list of Telegram user IDs
TELEGRAM_BOT_TOKEN Chat with https://t.me/BotFather to create a new bot
TELEGRAM_WEBHOOK_SECRET_TOKEN Use random.org or similar tool to generate a secret token
  • OpenAI assistant doesn't need to be fully configured, the instruction and tools will be set per run
  • Only admin can initiate chat with the bot
  • Admin can invite the bot to a group chat, it will reply to everyone


# set secrets for the production stage
pnpm sst secrets set --stage prod KEY VALUE

# go production!
pnpm run deploy --stage prod

This project has been setup to be deployed automatically with GitHub Actions. A few manual steps are required: