
On-Demand Minecraft Server running on ECS(Fargate) and deployed via CDK (Go)

APACHE-2.0 License



This CDK app sets up a quick, low-cost way to play Minecraft with friends without needing a 24/7 server The server automatically starts when players connect and stops when idle, helping reduce costs by running only when needed.


The idea was to spin up the server only when needed and save on costs by shutting it down when idle. Along the way, it was a chance to learn about using ECS for container management and EFS for persistent storage. 😊

Environment Variables


  • ECS_MINECRAFT_EDITION: java or bedrock - Specify the Minecraft edition.
  • ROUTE53_SERVER_SUBDOMAIN: Subdomain for the server (e.g., "minecraft").
  • ROUTE53_DOMAIN: Domain for the server (e.g., "").
  • ROUTE53_HOSTED_ZONE_ID: Hosted Zone ID in Route 53.
  • SNS_EMAIL: Email address for SNS notifications.
  • AWS_DESTINATION_ACCOUNT: AWS Account ID for resource deployment.
  • AWS_DESTINATION_REGION: AWS Region for resource deployment.

Optional (Defaults in parentheses):

  • ECS_MEMORY_SIZE: Memory for ECS task (8192).
  • ECS_CPU_SIZE: CPU for ECS task (4096).
  • ECS_STARTUP_MIN: Startup wait time in minutes (10).
  • ECS_SHUTDOWN_MIN: Shutdown wait time in minutes (20).
  • ECS_DEBUG: Enable debug mode (false).
  • ECS_ENABLE_PERSISTENCE: Enable EFS persistence (true).

Minecraft Server Config:

  • MINECRAFT_VERSION: Server version (LATEST)
  • MINECRAFT_MOTD: Message of the Day (Welcome to the server)
  • MINECRAFT_DIFFICULTY: Difficulty level (easy)
  • MINECRAFT_MAX_PLAYERS: Maximum players (20)
  • MINECRAFT_ALLOW_NETHER: Allow Nether dimension (true)
  • MINECRAFT_ANNOUNCE_PLAYER_ACHIEVEMENTS: Announce achievements (true)
  • MINECRAFT_GENERATE_STRUCTURES: Generate structures (true)
  • MINECRAFT_HARDCORE: Hardcore mode (false)
  • MINECRAFT_SNOOPER_ENABLED: Enable snooping (true)
  • MINECRAFT_MAX_BUILD_HEIGHT: Maximum build height (256)
  • MINECRAFT_SPAWN_ANIMALS: Spawn animals (true)
  • MINECRAFT_SPAWN_MONSTERS: Spawn monsters (true)
  • MINECRAFT_SEED: Custom world seed (default: empty)
  • MINECRAFT_MODE: Game mode (survival)
  • MINECRAFT_PVP: Enable PvP (true)
  • MINECRAFT_ONLINE_MODE: Online mode (true)
  • MINECRAFT_SERVER_NAME: Server name (default: empty)
  • MINECRAFT_ENABLE_WHITELIST: Enable whitelist (false)
  • MINECRAFT_WHITELIST: Comma-separated usernames/UUIDs for whitelist (default: empty)
  • MINECRAFT_LEVEL_TYPE: Type of world to generate (minecraft:default)
  • MINECRAFT_SPAWN_PROTECTION: Non-op build protection radius (0 to disable)
  • MINECRAFT_VIEW_DISTANCE: Viewing distance in chunks (10)
  • MINECRAFT_ICON: URL or file path for the server icon (default: empty)
  • MINECRAFT_OVERRIDE_ICON: Override existing server icon (false)
  • MINECRAFT_OVERRIDE_WHITELIST: Override whitelist on startup (false)

AWS Configuration:

  • AWS_STACK_NAME: Name of the CDK stack (MinecraftServerStack)


  • Rename .env_example to .env and configure before deployment.
  • Ensure all required variables are set, especially DNS and SNS.


Requires Go (1.23+) + cdk (2.16+). You'll also need an AWS Account. Furthermore a Route 53 domain and a Hosted Zone ID is required for this deployment to work.

  1. Clone the Repository

    git clone
    cd cdk-on-demand-minecraft-server
  2. Configure Environment Variables

    • Rename .env_example to .env:
      mv .env_example .env
    • Adjust .env to set the required and optional environment variables.
  3. Deploy the CDK Stack

    make sync
    make cdk-deploy

How It Works

flowchart TD
    subgraph us-east-1 [AWS Region: us-east-1]
        Route53[Route 53 DNS]
        CloudWatchLogs1[CloudWatch DNS Logs]
        LogForwarder[Log Forwarder Lambda]

        Route53 -->|DNS Query: SERVER_SUBDOMAIN.DOMAIN| CloudWatchLogs1
        CloudWatchLogs1 -->|Log Entry Trigger| LogForwarder

    subgraph custom-region [AWS Region: custom-region user-defined]
        subgraph VPC [VPC]
            ECSService[ECS Service]
            MinecraftServer[Minecraft Server Container]
            Watchdog[Watchdog Container]
            EFS[EFS Volume]
            MinecraftServer -- Persistent Game Data --> EFS
            ECSService -->|Deploys| Watchdog
            ECSService -->|Deploys| MinecraftServer

        LogForwarder -->|Forward Logs| CloudWatchLogs2
        CloudWatchLogs2[CloudWatch Forwarded Logs]
        LambdaFunction[AWS Lambda Function]
        SNS[Amazon SNS]

        CloudWatchLogs2 -->|Log Entry Trigger| LambdaFunction
        LambdaFunction -->|Set desired-count: 1| ECSService

        Watchdog -->|Monitors Server Activity| ECSService
        Watchdog -->|Send Status Notification| SNS
        SNS -->|Email Status| User

        Route53 -.->|DNS Request| User
  • Route 53 (Global): DNS service. When users access the Minecraft server via SERVER_SUBDOMAIN.DOMAIN, Route 53 directs the DNS query, initiating the process.
  • CloudWatch Logs (us-east-1): Captures DNS logs from Route 53.
  • Log Forwarder Lambda (us-east-1): Forwards DNS logs from the us-east-1 log group to a log group in a user-defined region.
  • CloudWatch Logs (custom-region): Receives forwarded DNS logs, triggering further events.
  • AWS Lambda (custom-region): Analyzes log data and sets the desired-count of the ECS Service to 1, starting the Minecraft server and watchdog containers.
  • ECS Service (custom-region): Manages deployment of Minecraft server and watchdog containers, running them on-demand and stopping to save costs.
  • Minecraft Server Container (custom-region): Hosts the actual Minecraft game server, using EFS for persistent game data.
  • Watchdog Container (custom-region): Monitors Minecraft server activity, stopping the server if no players are active for a set period.
  • EFS (Elastic File System, custom-region): Provides persistent storage for game data, ensuring it’s preserved even when the server stops.
  • SNS (custom-region): Sends alerts to users when the server starts or stops.

Back of the Envelope Cost Calculation (Under $10/Month)

Disclaimer: The pricing heavily depends on usage patterns. There are certainly cheaper options for running a Minecraft server, but this setup is serverless, offering flexibility and scalability, which comes at a cost.


  • ECS Fargate: 4 vCPUs, 8 GB RAM, 24 hours/month
  • AWS Lambda: Minimal usage, within Free Tier (10,000 invocations)
  • CloudWatch: 1 GB logs/month, within Free Tier
  • EFS: 10 GB storage
  • Route 53: 1 hosted zone, 10,000 queries/month
  • SNS: Minimal usage, within Free Tier

Cost Breakdown (as of 2024):

Component Pricing Details Calculation Estimate (USD)
ECS Fargate $0.04048/vCPU-hour, $0.004445/GB-hour vCPU: 4 Γ— $0.04048 = $0.16192/hour
RAM: 8 Γ— $0.004445 = $0.03556/hour
Total per hour: $0.19748
Monthly (24 hours): 24 Γ— $0.19748 $4.74
AWS Lambda Free Tier covers 10,000 invocations No additional cost $0.00
CloudWatch Free Tier (5 GB logs/month) No additional cost $0.00
EFS $0.30/GB-month 10 GB Γ— $0.30 $3.00
Route 53 $0.50/hosted zone, $0.40/million queries 1 hosted zone: $0.50
Queries: 10,000 β‰ˆ $0.01
Total: $0.50 + $0.01 $0.51
SNS Free Tier (1,000 notifications) No additional cost $0.00
Total $8.25

My development time invested in this project comes for free 😊

FAQ / Learnings

DNS query logging only works in us-east-1?

  • Yes, for Route 53 DNS query logging, the CloudWatch log group must be in us-east-1. Whoever decided that...

Vendor logs can’t be forwarded across regions?

  • Correct. Route 53 and similar logs can't be forwarded directly to log groups in other regions.
  • Use a Firehose stream or Lambda to move logs between regions. I'm using a lambda function here.

CDK stacks can’t deploy to multiple regions?

  • No. Deploying resources to different regions requires splitting into separate stacks.

CloudWatch logs are gzipped?

  • Yes, they are. You can't just forward events directly; you need to handle decompression first.


Special Thanks to the following projects:

Contributing & License

We welcome and value your contributions to this project! πŸ‘ If you're interested in making improvements or adding features, please refer to our Contributing Guide. This guide provides comprehensive instructions on how to submit changes, set up your development environment, and more.

Please note that this project is developed in my spare time and is available for free πŸ•’πŸ’». As an open-source initiative, it is governed by the Apache 2.0 License. This license outlines your rights and obligations when using, modifying, and distributing this software.

Your involvement, whether it's through code contributions, suggestions, or feedback, is crucial for the ongoing improvement and success of this project. Together, we can ensure it remains a useful and well-maintained resource for everyone 🌍.

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