
Chat App Server



This Project is an innovative chat application that leverages modern technologies such as, React, React Bootstrap, HTML, CSS, and more to deliver a dynamic and interactive messaging experience. With its robust features and seamless integration, ChatApp allows users to connect, communicate, and express themselves in real-time with other users from around the world.

Project Features

  • User can register into the application.
  • User can login into the application.
  • User can select an emoji as profile picture.
  • Real time conversation can be carried out among the users.
  • In between the conversation emoji can be used.


  • Run npm start:dev to start the application.
  • Connect to the API using Postman on port 5009.

Live Link: http://Chat-App-Server:4000

API Endpoints

HTTP Verbs Endpoints Action
POST api/v1/user/register To Create new User
POST api/v1/user/login To Log in new user
POST api/v1/setAvatar/:id To set Avatar as profile picture
GET api/v1/allusers/:id To get all the registered users
POST api/v1/addmsg To send message any of the registered users
GET api/v1/getallmessages To retrive all conversations of a specific user

Technologies Used

  • NodeJS This is a cross-platform runtime environment built on Chrome's V8 JavaScript engine used in running JavaScript codes on the server. It allows for installation and managing of dependencies and communication with databases.
  • ExpressJS This is a NodeJS web application framework.
  • MongoDB This is a free open source NOSQL document database with scalability and flexibility. Data are stored in flexible JSON-like documents.
  • Socket.IO Socket.IO is an event-driven library for real-time web applications. It enables real-time, bi-directional communication between web clients and servers. It consists of two components: a client, and a server. Both components have a nearly identical API.
  • Mongoose ODM This makes it easy to write MongoDB validation by providing a straight-forward, schema-based solution to model to application data.
     "username": "Müller",
     "email": "[email protected]",
     "password": "12345678" 
     "avatarImage": "",
     "isAvatarImageSet": false

Create a new User

Route: api/v1/user/register (POST)

Request body:

    "username": "Müller",
    "email": "[email protected]",
    "password": "12345678" 
    "avatarImage": "",
    "isAvatarImageSet": false

Response: The newly created user object. Response Sample Pattern:

      "status":"success" , 
      "message": "Data Inserted",
      "data": {
               "username": "Müller",
               "email": "[email protected]",
               "password": "",//in hash format 
              "avatarImage": "",
             "isAvatarImageSet": false

Login User

Route: api/v1/user/login (POST)

Request body:

    "username": "Müller",
    "password": "12345678" 

Response: The user's array of objects. Response Sample Pattern:

      "status":"success" , 
      "message": "Data Retrived",
      "data": {
               "username": "Müller",
               "email": "[email protected]",
               "password": "", //in hash format 
               "isAvatarImageSet": false

Set avatar of a Single User

Route: /api/v1/setAvatar/:id (POST)

Request Param: :id

Request body:

    "_id": "" //id of the single user,
    "avatarImage": "PHuNTQx=PHN2ZyB4bmYwMDAwOyIvPjwvc3ZnPg===" 

Response: The specified user object.

Response Sample Pattern:

      "success": "success", 
      "message": "Avatar Image set successfully",

Get all Users

Route: /api/v1/allusers/:id (GET)

Request Param: :id

Response: The array of all user object.

Response Sample Pattern:

      "success": "success", 
      "message": "All Uers retrived successfully",
      "data": [{},{}...], 

Send message to any of the registered user

Route: api/v1/addmsg (POST)

Request body:

    "message":"",  //Message to send
    "sender":"",   //Sender Id
    "reciver":"",  //Reciver Id
    "createdAt":"" //Time Stamp

Response:Sent message .

Response Sample Pattern:

      "success": "success", 
      "message": "Message sent successfully",
      "data":  "" //Sent message

Get all conversations of a specific user

Route: api/v1/getallmessages (GET)

Request body:

    "sender":"",   //Sender Id
    "reciver":"",  //Reciver Id

Response:Retrive all messages .

Response Sample Pattern:

      "success": "success", 
      "message": "Message sent successfully",
      "data":  [{},{}....] //Sent message

Error Handling:

Error Response Object include the following properties:

  • success → false
  • message → Error Type → Validation Error, Cast Error, Duplicate Entry
  • errorMessages
  • stack

Sample Error Response

    "success": false,
    "message": "E11000 duplicate key error collection: univerity-management.students index: email_1 dup key: { email: \"[email protected]\" }",
    "errorMessages": [
            "path": "",
            "message": "E11000 duplicate key error collection: univerity-management.students index: email_1 dup key: { email: \"[email protected]\" }"
    "stack": "MongoServerError: E11000 duplicate key error collection: univerity-management.students index: email_1 dup key: { email: \"[email protected]\" }\n    at H:\\next-level-development\\university-management-auth-service\\node_modules\\mongodb\\src\\operations\\insert.ts:85:25\n    at H:\\next-level-development\\university-management-auth-service\\node_modules\\mongodb\\src\\cmap\\connection_pool.ts:574:11\n    at H:\\next-level-development\\university-writeOrBuffer (node:internal/streams/writable:391:12)"