
Example code repo for blog post

APACHE-2.0 License



This repo is an example of using AWS Codepipeline and CodeBuild to sign and verify a docker image with Sigstore's cosign.

Terraform creates all the AWS Resources necessary to run the Codepipeline.

  • Codepipeline
    • S3 Bucket
    • IAM Role
    • IAM Role Policy
  • AWS Codecommit Repo
  • CodeBuild Project
    • IAM Role
    • S3 Bucket
    • Cloudwatch Log Group and Steam
  • ECR - Container Repository
  • KMS - Asymmetric key used for cosign key signing

Create an S3 bucket for Terraform remote state storage, this will have to be unique.

aws s3 mb s3://cosign-aws-codepipeline

Initialize Terraform

make tf_init

Create the Terraform plan

make tf_plan

Apply the changes

make tf_apply

Push this code repo to the AWS Codecommit repo by creating a new remote

git remote add aws $AWS_CODE_COMMIT_REPO

git push aws main

This should kick off the codepipeline and codebuild Terraform creates

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