
DynamoDbClient on steroids

MIT License



Work with AWS DynamoDB and Single-Table-Designed tables in your apps.

Requires aws/aws-sdk-php with 3.* version.

Getting started


composer require dynamite/dynamite


Some important things you need to know:

Your table schema

  • Dynamite assumes that there is a table with partition key and sort key created.
  • When developing locally, use DynamoDB Local.
  • Dynamite assumes that tables/indexes are created and active.

You need to bring your own ID Generator

See docs/bring-your-own-id.md for more information.

The unordered roadmap to v1.0.0

  • Creating an item
  • Document how to create an item
  • Storing an item
  • Document how to store an item
  • Getting item
  • Document how to get an item
  • ItemRepository
  • Access Pattern Operations
  • Bulk operations
  • Condition Expressions
  • Unit of Work
  • Support for all operations in SingleTableService
  • DynamiteRegistry to work with more than one table
  • Psalm pipeline must be green
  • PHPUnit coverage > 90%
  • Support for PHP8 Attributes
  • @DuplicateTo annotation - duplicate some attributes to additional items while putting them to DynamoDB
  • Some Console commands for Items mapping validation and project maintenance


Item Duplication

Item duplication requires dynamodb:BatchWriteItem enabled.

When you need to duplicate an object to many items at once, you can use @DuplicateTo annotation:

 * @Dynamite\Item(objectType="USER")
 * @Dynamite\PartitionKeyFormat("USER#{id}")
 * @Dynamite\SortKeyFormat("USER")
 * @Dynamite\DuplicateTo(pk="UDATA#{email}", sk="UDATA", props={"id", "username"})
 * @Dynamite\DuplicateTo(pk="UDATA#{username}", sk="UDATA", props={"id", "email"})
class User {

$user = new User('123', '[email protected]', 'mickey')

In this case, There will be 3 items sent to DynamoDB:

  • PK: USER#123 SK:USER with all attributes defined in item;
  • PK: UDATA#user@example SK: UDATA with id and username props;
  • PK: UDATA#mickey SK: UDATA with id and email props.

You can add a transform param to annotation to fill Primary key pair with lowercased/uppercased params:

//In this case PK: UDATA#MICKEY 
@Dynamite\DuplicateTo(pk="UDATA#{username}", sk="UDATA", props={"id", "email"}, transform="UPPER")

//In this case PK: UDATA#mickey
@Dynamite\DuplicateTo(pk="UDATA#{username}", sk="UDATA", props={"id", "email"}, transform="LOWER") 

By default params are passed as-is. transform works only for params injected to key, key template remains untouched.

Creating an Item



Dynamite uses doctrine/annotation under the hood to parse all item annotations to provide doctrine/orm-like mapping configuration.

PrimaryKeyFormat and SortKeyFormat

Allows you to define the format of primary key pair of Item stored in table.

When Partition Key or Sort Key will be passed to build Partition Key or Sort Key, Dynamite will break.

 * Use class properties from your object wrapped with {} as a placeholders for values.
 * Warning: {itemType} will be taken from @ItemType annotation.
 * @Item(objectType="USER")
 * @PartitionKeyFormat('{itemType}#{username}')
 * @SortKeyFormat('{itemType}')
class User {
    public $email;
    public $username;


$user = new User();
$user->username = 'tonystark';
//In this example, object will be stored with "USER#tonystark" PK and "USER" Sort key

Nested items

Nested item is... an item nested in another item. It cannot have a Partition Key as it would be taken from parent (or first non-nested item when multiple nested) object.

Nested item cannot have both @Item and @NestedItem annotation.

Ideas for future:

  • NestedValueObjectAttribute#type should not be required when property is defined
