
Serverless GraphQL API on Edge with Global DynamoDB Tables


Serverless GraphQL @ Edge + Global DynamoDB Tables

Why? Mostly for fun. I don't see too many practical use cases for such setup. Lambda@Edges aren't suitable for a lot of cases due to limited memory and CPU, so they are slow. If you need a globally available website with dynamic content, you should consider going with JAMStack served via CloudFront, Vercel or Cloudflare.


  • Globally and highly available
  • GraphQL Server at each of Edge locations using Lambda@Edge + CloudFront
  • Globally replicated DynamoDB Tables
  • GraphQL handlers routing to the closest DynamoDB table as persistence layer
  • Pay-what-you-use model, no upfront or fixed charges, everything billed per-request
  • Infra managed using AWS-CDK and Typescript
  • Node functions packaged and minified automatically using Parcel, (there's a small bug though)

Useful commands

  • npm run build compile typescript to js
  • npm run deploy deploy this stack to your default AWS account/region


  • Your server must be rather lightweight. Minified GraphQL Server code must be less than 1 MB. Lambda@Edge is restricted to 128MB of memory and 5000ms of timeout for VIEWER_REQUEST integration type.
  • Cannot use ENV variables
  • Table name is hardcoded, gonna fix that
  • Schema creation is laborious right now

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