
AWS Amplify/Cognito and ember-simple-auth integration

MIT License



An authenticator and library for using ember-simple-auth and AWS Amplify/Cognito

Maintainer Needed!

Ember Cognito is an Ember Addon that integrates ember-simple-auth with AWS Amplify and AWS Cognito User Pools.

ember-simple-auth is a lightweight library for implementing authentication/authorization in Ember.js. AWS Amplify is a client framework, developed by Amazon, which uses Amazon Cognito as a managed authentication system for mobile and web apps on Amazon Web Services.

ember-cognito implements an ember-simple-auth custom authenticator that can be used in an AWS Amplify application, or any Ember application, to authenticate with a Cognito User Pool.


Install as a standard Ember Addon:

  • ember install ember-cognito


In your config/environment.js file:

var ENV = {
  // ..
  cognito: {
    poolId: '<your Cognito User Pool ID>',
    clientId: '<your Cognito App Client ID>',

Note that the Cognito JavaScript SDK requires that your App be created without a Client Secret.

Optional Configuration

You can specify these optional configuration options to the above configuration hash:

  • autoRefreshSession. Cognito access tokens are only valid for an hour. By default, this addon will refresh expired sessions on application startup. Setting autoRefreshSession to true will enable a timer that will automatically refresh the Cognito session when it expires.

  • authenticationFlowType. The authentication flow type that should be used. Default value: USER_SRP_AUTH Allowed values: USER_SRP_AUTH | USER_PASSWORD_AUTH More details - Auth Flow


Cognito Authenticator

The Cognito Authenticator authenticates an ember-simple-auth session with Amplify/Cognito:

import Component from '@ember/component';
import { action } from '@ember/object';
import { inject as service } from '@ember/service';

export default class LoginComponent extends Component {
  @service session;
  async authenticate() {
    const { username, password } = this;
    const credentials = { username, password };
    try {
      await this.session.authenticate('authenticator:cognito', credentials);
    } catch (error) {
      set(this, 'errorMessage', error.message || error);

Integrating with an Ember Data Adapter

The Cognito Authenticator will put the Cognito ID token in the access_token property in the session's authenticated data. This means integrating with ember-simple-auth's Ember Data Adapter Mixin requires no special configuration.

Cognito Service

The addon provides a cognito service that provides some helpers to access the Amplify auth object. The service provides access to the following Amplify/auth methods:

  • signUp(username, password, attributes, validationData)
  • confirmSignUp(username, code, options)
  • resendSignUp(username)
  • forgotPassword(username)
  • forgotPasswordSubmit(username, code, newPassword)

It also provides a helper to quickly access the current user's Cognito ID token:

  • getIdToken()

Cognito User

The Cognito service allows you to access the currently authenticated CognitoUser object, along with the following helper methods:

  • changePassword(oldPassword, newPassword)
  • deleteAttributes(attributeList)
  • deleteUser()
  • getSession()
  • getUserAttributes()
  • getUserAttributesHash()
  • signOut()
  • updateAttributes()
  • verifyAttribute()
  • getGroups()

If you use a current-user service using the ember-simple-auth guide, you can use the Cognito User to fetch user attributes:

import Service from '@ember/service';
import { inject as service } from '@ember/service';
import { readOnly } from '@ember/object/computed';

export default class CurrentUserService extends Service {
  @service session;
  @service cognito;
  @readOnly('cognito.user') cognitoUser;
  @readOnly('cognitoUser.username') username;
  async load() {
    if (this.session.isAuthenticated) {
      const userAttributes = await this.cognitoUser.getUserAttributes();
      userAttributes.forEach((attr) => {
        set(this, attr.getName(), attr.getValue());

You can see examples of usages of these API methods in the full-featured dummy app.

Advanced Configuration

If you don't want to specify the Pool ID and Client ID in the Ember environment, you can override the CognitoService in your own app and provide the configuration there.

// app/services/cognito.js
import BaseCognitoService from 'ember-cognito/services/cognito';

export default class CognitoService extends BaseCognitoService {
  poolId = '<my pool ID>';
  clientId = '<my client ID>;

In this case, you can have the properties be computed or retrieved through some dynamic mechanism.


ember-cognito provides some helpers and utilities that make it easier to work with Cognito in tests.


In acceptance tests, you can use ember-simple-auth's authenticateSession to create a user, but you may also need to mock user attributes on the Cognito service. You can do this using mockCognitoUser:

import { authenticateSession } from 'ember-simple-auth/test-support';
import { mockCognitoUser } from 'ember-cognito/test-support';

module('Acceptance | authenticated route', function(hooks) {
  test('authenticated route', async function(assert) {
    await authenticateSession();
    await mockCognitoUser({
      username: 'testuser'
      // userAttributes...
    const authenticator = this.owner.lookup('authenticator:cognito');
    // Rest of the test


In some cases, you may want to mock the Amplify auth object to test authentication scenarios. You can use the mockAuth helper to add your own mock class to stub certain Amplify functions in tests:

import { mockAuth, MockAuth } from 'ember-cognito/test-support';

module('Acceptance | login', function(hooks) {
  test('login failure', async function(assert) {
    await mockAuth(MockAuth.extend({
      signIn() {
        return reject({ message: 'Username or password incorrect.' });
    // Attempt to login, 
    await visit('/login');
    await fillIn('#username', 'testuser');
    await fillIn('#password', 'password');
    await click('[type=submit]');
    assert.dom('[data-test-error]').hasText('Username or password incorrect.');

Dummy App

The dummy app includes many use cases for you to see this addon in action, including new user sign up, login, logout, and updating/verifying user attributes.


  • Ember versions 3.28+
  • AWS Amplify 1.x
Extracted from project README
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