
Using HashiCorp Boundary, Vault, and Consul with Amazon ECS


HashiCorp Zero Trust Foundations on AWS

This example demonstrates how HashiCorp tools run on AWS, including:

  1. Boundary
  2. HashiCorp Cloud Platform Vault
  3. HashiCorp Cloud Platform Consul
  4. Terraform Cloud

It uses the following AWS services:

  1. Amazon ECS
  2. AWS KMS


To run this example, you need Terraform Cloud to set up a series of workspaces. The workspaces need to be set up as follows, with the appropriate working directory, secrets, and remote workspace sharing.

Workspace Name Working Directory for VCS Variables Remote State Sharing
hcp hcp/ name, trusted_role_arn, bootstrap AWS access keys, HCP credentials infrastructure, consul, boundary, vault-aws
vault-aws vault/aws/ name, AWS access keys (for AWS secrets engine)
infrastructure infrastructure/ name, client_cidr_block, HCP service principal credentials, database_password, boundary_database_password, key_pair_name. [FROM VAULT] AWS access keys boundary, apps, vault-products
vault-products vault/products/ name, HCP service principal credentials boundary
boundary boundary/ name. [FROM VAULT] db_password, db_username, AWS access keys
apps apps/ name, client_cidr_block. [FROM VAULT] db_password, db_username, AWS access keys

You need to run plan and apply for each workspace in the order indicated.

AWS secrets engine for Vault

Imagine you want to issue AWS access keys for each group that runs Terraform. You can use Vault's AWS secrets engine to generate access keys for each group.

For example, you set up an initial AWS access and secret key for Vault to issue new credentials. The AWS access and secret key assume a role with sufficient permissions for Terraform to configure infrastructure on AWS.

  1. Run terraform apply for the hcp workspace. It creates:

    • HCP network
    • HCP Vault cluster
    • HCP Consul cluster
    • AWS IAM Role for Terraform
  2. Sets the Vault address, token, and namespace for you to get a new set of AWS access keys from Vault in your CLI.

    source set.sh
  3. Next, generate a set of AWS access keys for the Vault secrets engine. These should be different than the ones you used to bootstrap HCP and the AWS IAM role!

  4. Add the new AWS access keys to vault-aws workspace.

  5. Run terraform apply for the vault-aws workspace. It creates:

    • Path for AWS secrets engine in Vault at terraform/aws
    • Role for your team (e.g., hashicups)
  6. Run make vault-aws. This retrieves a new set of AWS access keys from Vault via the secrets engine and saves it to the secrets/ directory locally.

    make vault-aws
  7. Use the AWS access and secret keys from secrets/aws.json and add them to the infrastructure, boundary, and apps workspaces.

  8. Run terraform apply for the infrastructure workspace. It creates:

    • AWS VPC and peers to HCP network
    • HashiCups database (PostgreSQL)
    • Boundary cluster (1 worker, 1 controller, database)
    • Amazon ECS cluster (1 EC2 container instance)

Secrets for the Products API

We need to generate a few things for the products API (and Boundary).

  • Database secrets engine for HashiCups data (used by product-api and Boundary)
  • AWS IAM Auth Method for vault-agent in HashiCups product-api

To configure this, you need to add HCP service credentials with the Vault address, token, and namespace to vault-products.

You have two identities that need to access the application's database:

  1. Application (product-api) to read from the database
  2. Human user (ops or dev team) to update the database using Boundary

Configure the following.

  1. Run terraform apply for the vault-products workspace. It creates:
    • Path for database credentials in Vault at hashicups/database
    • Role for the application that will access it (e.g., product)
    • Role for Boundary user to access it (e.g., boundary)

Configuring Boundary

Boundary needs a set of organizations and projects. You have two projects:

  1. core_infra: ECS container instance. Allow ops team to SSH into it.
  2. product_infra: Application database. Allow ops or dev team to configure it.

Configure the following.

  1. Run terraform apply for the boundary workspace. It creates:
    • Two projects, one for core_infra and the other for product_infra.
    • Three users, jeff for the ops team, rosemary for the dev team,
      and taylor for the security team.
    • Two targets:
      • ECS container instance (not yet added)
      • Application database, brokered by Vault credentials

Dynamic Host Catalog

  1. Run source set.sh to set your Boundary address.

  2. Run make boundary-host-catalog to configure the host catalog for the ECS container instances. This uses dynamic host catalog plugins in Boundary to auto-discover AWS EC2 instances with the cluster tag.

  3. You can also SSH into the ECS container instance as the ops team. Run make ssh-ecs.

Vault Credentials Brokering

  1. Boundary uses Vault as a credentials store to retrieve a new set of database credentials!
    Run make configure-db to log into Boundary as the dev team and configure the database -
    all without knowing the username or password!

Consul intentions

You may need to control network policy between services on ECS and other services registered to Consul. You can use intentions to secure service-to-service communication.

  1. Run terraform apply for the apps workspace. It creates three ECS services:

    1. frontend (Fargate launch type)
    2. public-api (Fargate launch type)
    3. product-api (EC2 launch type)
  2. Run terraform apply for the vault-products workspace. It adds:

    • AWS IAM authentication method for ECS task to authenticate to vault
  3. Run make products to mark the product-api to be recreated.

  4. Run terraform apply for the apps workspace. It should redeploy the product-api.

  5. Try to access the frontend via the ALB. You might get an error! We need to enable traffic between the services registered to Consul.

  6. Try to access the frontend via the ALB. You'll get a Packer Spiced Latte!