
End to End testing of Web, API, Cloud, Events and Security

MIT License



In the era of cloud-native world we cannot stick to a particular framework, however due to projects requirement we often need to evolve the existing testing solution in such a way so that it can cater multiple testing requirement, hence HybridTestFramework is targeting to create a bridge between the kind of legacy systems or the systems which are still in a transition phase of migrate to cloud with super cool cloud-native systems. Ita comprehensive and versatile testing framework designed to cover various aspects of software testing. Its purpose is to help developers and testers streamline their testing process and ensure the highest quality in their applications.

Framework Capabilities

  • Cross browser testing support.
  • Added browserstack support for CrossBrowser testing.
  • Running tests in docker containers selenium grid.
  • Running tests in AWS DeviceFarm selenium grid.
  • Running tests in selenium server in docker containers.
  • Security testing using OWASP, running in docker container.
  • Rest Api and GraphQL testing support powered by RestAssured.
  • gRPC api testing support using native gRPC=java library.
  • Event driven microservice testing based on pubsub model.
  • Support for Kafka, Cloud Pubsub, AWS SNS testing and continue evolving.
  • Visual regression testing using percy.io.
  • Accessibility testing using axe-selenium.
  • Stubbed api testing using WireMock.
  • Logging integration with ElasticSearch for Kibana dashboard visualization
  • Database testing support.
  • Kubernetes support.

Setup & Tools

Getting Started

git clone 
# import project from intellij as a gradle project
gradle clean
gradle build
gradle task api
gradle task web
gradle task mobile
gradle allureReport
gradle allureServe

Write your first user journey

Create new class and name as the TC00*_E2E_TEST-***

  • Provide jira link in @Link
  • Provide all the api components as @Feature
  • Provide test severity and description
  • Write test
  • Use CatchBlock in try/catch section

Spin-up chrome, firefox, selenium hub and OWASP proxy server

docker-compose up -d

Complete infrastructure creation for local run

docker-compose -f docker-compose-infra up -d

Spin-up four additional node-chrome/firefox instances linked to the hub

docker-compose scale chrome=5
docker-compose scale firefox=5

Spin-up kafka instances

docker-compose -f docker-compose-kafka.yml up
docker-compose -f docker-compose-kafka.yml down --rmi all

Spin-up selenium hub in kubernetes instance

kubectl apply -f selenium-k8s-deploy-svc.yaml
kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kubernetes/dashboard/v2.5.0/aio/deploy/recommended.yaml
kubectl proxy
kubectl describe secret -n kube-system | grep deployment -A 12
## To delete deployments
kubectl delete deployment selenium-node-firefox
kubectl delete deployment selenium-node-chrome
kubectl delete deployment selenium-hub

navigate to http://localhost:8001/api/v1/namespaces/kubernetes-dashboard/services/https:kubernetes-dashboard:/proxy/

Browserstack Execution Gif

Extracted from project README
Codacy Badge This project is using Percy.io for visual regression testing. CI Discord Chat SupportedBy JetBrains