

What is this?

Kilometrikisa-proxy is a simple proxy service for accessing data in site.

There service includes four endpoints:

  • /login which fetches basic details of user
  • /user
  • /team
  • /updateLog


Add the necessary AWS credentials to your environment and run.

serverless deploy

The command will create a lambda function and needed endpoints to API gateway.

To remove the service, simply run

serverless deploy


You can invoke the lambda function directly using sample data.

serverless invoke local -f kilometrikisa-handler -l --path examples/login1.json
serverless invoke local -f kilometrikisa-handler -l --path examples/user.json
serverless invoke local -f kilometrikisa-handler -l --path examples/team.json

The cloud deployed version can be tested leaving out the locale keyword.

serverless invoke -f kilometrikisa-handler -l --path examples/login1.json
serverless invoke -f kilometrikisa-handler -l --path examples/user.json
serverless invoke -f kilometrikisa-handler -l --path examples/team.json

Or by using curl

curl ''
curl ''
curl ''
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