
Simple REST API using NodeJS, ExpressJS, MongoDB, deploy using Docker Compose, AWS using Terraform, Kubernetes on AWS using KOPS, K8s-Application


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Kioshi is a simple REST api which has only one purpose is to manage messages. The user will be able to create a message using <uri>/messages endpoint and should get the details about the messages. Specifically if a message is palindrome or not. The app has followed RESTful design pattern. The design tries to comply with the HTTP code for various operations. The successful operations and returned HTTP code has been described into the following table

Operations HTTP Verb HTTP Returned Code Comments
Create message POST /messages 201 request body {"message":"racecar"}, response body null, response header Location:/messages/124fghk
Get a message details GET /messages/124fghk 200 response body will have message details
Update a message PATCH /messages/124fghk 204 request body {"message":"kayak"}, no response body
Delete a message DELETE /messages/124fghk 204 no response body
List messages GET /messages 200 response has list of messages in the body

The details api documentation would be found at the endpoint <uri>/docs

CircleCi has been integrated and there is a test stage and code coverage report stored as artifact.


The api is implemented using NodeJS, ExpressJS, MongoDB. The high level architecture of the app is as follows

  • Router: It is a expressjs component that routes to various controller method based on request path.
  • Controller: It is responsible to call proper service method and model based on the request
  • Service: All the business logics are implemented in here.
  • Model: Represents data model and handle database operations.

In this guide all the commands and implementations are done on ubuntu

Run locally

To run the app locally, pre-requisites

  • Install NodeJS
  • Install npm
  • Install MongoDB or use mongo db docker container docker run -d -p 27017:27017 --name mongodb mongo:4.0.4

Once the pre-requisites are done, follow the steps in order

git clone
cd kioshi/server
npm install

It will download and install all the package dependency

Make sure mongodb is running in localhost at port 27017. If the DB is running somewhere else then export env as

export MONGODB_URI=mongodb://<DB-HOST>:<PORT>/mms-db
npm start

It will open the port 3000 on localhost

For server health status http://localhost:3000/health

For api docs http://localhost:3000/docs

For api operation http://localhost:3000/messages

Run Test

The test are written using mocha, chai and supertest framework. During test app does not need real mongo db server instead it uses mongodb-memory-server.

To run the test

git clone
cd kioshi/server
npm test

It will generate a mocha test report in console and generate a code coverage report using nyc framework.

Sanity for Any Deployment

To quickly verify if a deployment has done successfully a file called sanity.js is provided into server folder. After finishing the deployment change the baseURL variable in sanity.js file and run mocha sanity.js it will verify all the api operations. If mocha command not found, install it npm install mocha -g

Build Container

In order to deploy in the cloud easily a Dockerfile is provided to make docker container.

To build the container

git clone
cd kioshi
docker build . -t kioshi

It will create a docker image named kioshi. This container can be run by passing mongo db url as environment like this

docker run --rm -p 3000:3000 -e MONGODB_URI=mongodb://<DB_HOST>:27017/mms-db --name kioshi_app kioshi

Note: change DB_HOST for your db. DONT PUT localhost if your db is running in localhost. Instead use actual IP of the localhost as the app is running inside container.

Access the app

documentation: http://localhost:3000/docs

health check: http://localhost:3000/health

api: http://localhost:3000/messages

Run using docker-compose

pre-requisites are

Follow the steps in order

git clone
cd kioshi
docker-compose up

It will download mongodb docker container and start it. The app container will be built and start the app container.

The app will be running at port 3000 on localhost

For server health status http://localhost:3000/health

For api docs http://localhost:3000/docs

For api operation http://localhost:3000/messages

Cloud Deployments

To make the cloud deployment easier the build system push the latest application docker image to docker hub. Have a look at the Docker Registry. Kubernetes or AWS ECS can easily pull the docker images from that pulic registry.

Kubernetes with kops

We will use kops to deploy kubernetes cluster in AWS. Assuming kops has been installed on your development machine as well as aws-cli and kubectl.

Create an S3 bucket

As kops uses S3 bucket to store the state and configuration of your Kubernetes cluster:

aws s3api create-bucket \
    --bucket kioshi-k8s-store \
    --region us-east-1

This bucket name may not be available please replace your bucket name here.

Set environement vriables for easy life

export KOPS_STATE_STORE=s3://kioshi-k8s-store

Create Cluster Config

This will create cluster with micro instances. So production please follow the recomanded size in here

kops create cluster \
  --name=${NAME} \
  --zones=us-east-1a \
  --node-count=2 \
  --node-size=t2.micro \

Build the cluster

kops update cluster ${NAME} --yes

You will see the output like this. But the cluster creation has not been completed yet.

Cluster is starting.  It should be ready in a few minutes.

Verify Cluster

Cluster creation will take couple of minitues. Validate if the cluster creation is done using the command

kops validate cluster

The above command will produce all the node info as well as

Your cluster is ready

Check all nodes are ready

kubectl get nodes

Running the above command will produce something like

NAME                            STATUS   ROLES    AGE   VERSION
ip-172-20-37-130.ec2.internal   Ready    master   3h    v1.11.9
ip-172-20-40-220.ec2.internal   Ready    node     3h    v1.11.9
ip-172-20-52-48.ec2.internal    Ready    node     3h    v1.11.9

if not wait until output looks like that.

Deploy The Service

To checkout and deploy the service do the following commands in order

git clone
cd kioshi/kubernetes
kubectl apply -f .

Verify if pods are in running state, if not pelase wait and check again

kubectl get pods

will produce something like

NAME                                 READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
kioshi-deployment-647558c554-5vvw8   1/1     Running   1          1h
kioshi-deployment-647558c554-sd67m   1/1     Running   1          1h
mongo-788bf5f674-2hmqh               1/1     Running   0          1h

Don't worry about RESTART colloumn. The app restart if db is not available. DB should be available eventually.

To list all the servicees please do

kubectl get service

output will be

api     LoadBalancer   <uri>   80:31619/TCP   3h
kubernetes   ClusterIP       <none>                                                                    443/TCP        3h
mongo        ClusterIP   <none>                                                                    27017/TCP      1h

The api service can be accessed by this url <uri>

The supported paths by the app are

health check: <uri>

api documentation: <uri>

api: <uri>

All the supported operations and examples are provided in /docs path.

The api endpoint are in the path /messages

To verify the apis please use curl or postman

Note: try out button in swagger ui will not work for this deployment.

Delete Cluster

To cleanup, delete the kubernetes cluster

kops delete cluster --name=${NAME} --yes

AWS Terraform

The high level architecture for AWS deployment is below. MongoDB container is running in EC2 instance and app container is running in ECS Fargate. alt text

Note: for simplicity all security groups, target group, ECS service are not shown in the diagram

The terraform code is written in the version of 0.11.7. Please download the terraform 0.11.7 for your OS. Assumming the AWS credentials are stored in $HOME/.aws/credentials with default profile. And the infrastructure will be created in us-east-1 region.

Follow the steps below in order to deploy the infrastructure in AWS.

git clone
cd kioshi/terraform
terraform init

Note: It will load all the terraform moudles.

terraform plan

it will show how many resources and what resources will be created. Currently 32 resources will be created. And the output for the above command will have something like this

Plan: 32 to add, 0 to change, 0 to destroy.
terraform apply -auto-approve

it will start creating AWS resourcess. It will take couple of miniutes. When finished the last lines will be something like this

Apply complete! Resources: 32 added, 0 changed, 0 destroyed.


alb =

Note: for every deployment this number 124578 in the URL is different

go to It will return 503 as because MongoDB is running on EC2 instance which has not been ready state yet. Detail logs can be found at cloudwatch log group mms-kio-ecs. Wait 2/3 minutes the app will be ready.

health check:

api documentation:


To test REST api client tools would be postman or curl or use mms-cli

To cleanup the resources

terraform destroy -auto-approve

It will take couple of miniutes to finish. It will delete all the resources created for the deployemnt.

Helm Deployment

Setup kubernetes cluster by following Kubernetes Deployment (kops). Dont use kubectl to deploy the pods.

Install Helm. I found this is enough for installation

curl -LO
chmod 700

The above script will take the latest helm and install it.

verify helm is installed

helm version

will show output something like this

Client: &version.Version{SemVer:"v2.14.1", GitCommit:"5270352a09c7e8b6e8c9593002a73535276507c0", GitTreeState:"clean"}
Server: &version.Version{SemVer:"v2.14.1", GitCommit:"5270352a09c7e8b6e8c9593002a73535276507c0", GitTreeState:"clean"}

Note: Server will not be shown unless finish helm init first.

Since we are using KOPS with AWS to create kubernetes cluster we need to setup a service account and associate that account with the cluster role cluster-admin in the cluster for tiller.

kubectl create serviceaccount -n kube-system tiller
kubectl create clusterrolebinding tiller-cluster-rule --clusterrole=cluster-admin --serviceaccount=kube-system:tiller

Initialize helm with the service account named tiller

helm init --service-account tiller

Now verify helm again

helm version

Now follow the steps to deploy this service

git clone
cd kioshi/helm
helm install mms/

Follow the on screen message for details after the above command.

To delete the service, first get the helm released name helm list then do helm delete <RELEAE_NAME>

CLI for Api

A custom cli (mms-cli) tool has been implemented for this REST api. The mms-cli suppport operations (create, get, update, delete, list) and make api calls to the REST server. The cli tool is implemented using go and the code is located here.

Download the latest release of cli for your OS from here

Example CLI Run in Ubuntu

Download package for linux and extract it. There is an executable file mms-cli_linux_amd64

For easy to use rename file

mv mms-cli_linux_amd64 mms-cli

Make the file executable

chmod +x mms-cli

Move the file to /usr/local/bin

mv mms-cli /usr/local/bin

The CLI tool help is self explenetory.

mms-cli try to find api server from the environment variable MMS_URI. So running it without setting environment variable will show the output

Please export the environment variable MMS_URI (.i.e. export MMS_URI=http://localhost:3000)
It is the URI where the REST api server is running

export the environement variable

export MMS_URI=http://localhost:300

assuming the api is running on local host. then run


The output will be like this

	mms-cli is a client tool for rest api Message Management Service (mms).
	You can create, get, delete, update, list messages.

  mms-cli [command]

Available Commands:
  create      Create a message
  delete      Delete a message
  get         Get a message details
  help        Help about any command
  list        List all the message
  update      Update a message

  -h, --help   help for mms-cli

Use "mms-cli [command] --help" for more information about a command.


if you find an issues or have any question, comments, suggestions please create an issue.

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