
City wide smart suviellance system that can detect weapons and fires in real-time and report detailed information to the responsible authorities.


Red Eye

Table of Contents.


  • This is a complete smart surveillance system which can be deployed on a Rasbperry PI 4 equipped with a Camera module. The system is able to detect Fire and weapons in real time and report the location of the threat to the relevant authorities via a serverless backend, The system can report by SMS, Emails and a Cross-platform application. with a maximum delay time of 4 seconds.

Real-Time, Neatly Build, And extenedable.

System Architecture


Rasbperry PI 4, Camera Module V2.

Deep Learning Model

Tiny Yolo V3 CNN.

Dataset of labeled images for Guns , Rifles , and fires

Email and SMS notifying

Using Amazon AWS Lambda serverless cloud functions it can invoke operations on AWS SNS and AWS Dynamo DB to handle the response of the detected threeat.

Mobile Application

Flutter application, Dashboard data and statistical analytics via Amazon AWS DynamoDB.

Topics used for implementation.

  • Python, Yolo V3, CNNs.
  • Rasbperry PI configuration.
  • APIs in Amazaon AWS.
  • Flutter, AWS DynamoDB.


Egypt's First Smart Cities Hackathon first place in Smart Surveillance track and Second place overall tracks out of 478 teams.

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