
Utility to publish files to a S3 bucket while maintaining file specific metadata.

MIT License


S3 Publisher

Utility to publish files to a S3 bucket while maintaining file specific metadata.

A very basic configuration for publishing files from a public directory to a bucket called my-bucket-name:

- uses: osiegmar/s3-publisher-action@v1
    bucket: my-bucket-name
    dir: public

See more examples.


This action requires standard AWS environment variables set.


You can configure these environment variables either by using the aws-actions/configure-aws-credentials action (which is recommended) or by setting them manually.

Authentication via configure-aws-credentials-action

This example shows the use of aws-actions/configure-aws-credentials in order to authenticate against AWS.

on: [ push ]


    runs-on: ubuntu-latest

    # These permissions are needed to interact with GitHub's OIDC Token endpoint.
      id-token: write
      contents: read

      - uses: actions/checkout@v3

      - name: Configure AWS credentials
        uses: aws-actions/configure-aws-credentials@v2
          role-to-assume: arn:aws:iam::XXXXXXXXXXXX:role/github-actions
          aws-region: eu-central-1

      - uses: osiegmar/s3-publisher-action@v1
          bucket: my-bucket-name
          dir: ./public

Manual authentication

You can also use GitHubs Encrypted secrets feature to configure authentication manually. This is not recommended!

- uses: osiegmar/s3-publisher-action@v1
    bucket: my-bucket-name
    dir: ./public
    AWS_REGION: eu-central-1
    AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID: ${{ secrets.access_key_id }}
    AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY: ${{ secrets.secret_access_key }}


Regardless of the way you configure the authentication you need to configure a policy for granting the necessary permissions.

    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": [
            "Resource": "arn:aws:s3:::<bucketname>"
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": [
            "Resource": "arn:aws:s3:::<bucketname>/*"



Property Description required default
bucket Destination S3 bucket to publish to true
dir Source directory read files from true
includes File globs to include true **/*
excludes File globs to exclude false
order File processing order globs false
prefix S3 path prefix false
cache-control Cache-Control configuration false
force-upload Force publish (skip modification check) false false
delete-orphaned Delete remote files that do not exist locally false false
wait-before-delete Milliseconds to wait before deleting files false
dry-run Disable real changes false false


bucket: The AWS S3 bucket to publish files to. The bucket needs to exist already. Read how to create a bucket.

dir: The source directory where your files to publish resides in.

includes: The file globs to include. By default, all files (**/*) are included. You can define multiple globs with this multiline input. Files that are both included and excluded are effectively excluded.

excludes: The file globs to exclude. By default, no files are excluded. You can define multiple globs with this multiline input. Files that are both included and excluded are effectively excluded.

order: By default, files will be processed in arbitrary order. You can define multiple globs (comma separated) to specify a specific order. Everything that does not match a glob will be processed in the end. Note that this action always groups files in new and modified files while new files are always processed first.

prefix: A S3 path prefix can be configured optionally. A prefix docs/ could be configured for example in order to publish all files from the source directory into a 'docs-subdirectory' of your S3 bucket.

cache-control: A Cache-Control header as defined by RFC 9111. Multiple globs and headers can be defined with this multiline input. The first matching glob will be used. If you change an already existing configuration, use force-upload to update existing files on S3. By default, no Cache-Control header will be set.

force-upload: Force updating files regardless if their content has been changed. This can be useful if you changed metadata (cache-control), as these data can't be used for the size and hash based modification check.

delete-orphaned: As a security measure, no files will be deleted by default. Enable this setting in order to delete files that exists on S3 but are removed from your local files. You can use dry-run to see what would happen then.

wait-before-delete: Time in milliseconds to wait until deleting files from the bucket. It can be beneficial to wait a few seconds before deleting orphaned files to let your users complete ongoing site loads (e.g. old HTML versions are already loaded and these are referring to some old CSS/JS files). By default, no wait will happen.

dry-run: Do not perform any real data modification. No files will be uploaded or deleted.


Sync all from public and delete orphaned files after waiting 3 seconds:

- uses: osiegmar/s3-publisher-action@v1
    bucket: my-bucket-name
    dir: public
    delete-orphaned: true
    wait-before-delete: 3000

Sync everything but .gitkeep files:

- uses: osiegmar/s3-publisher-action@v1
    bucket: my-bucket-name
    dir: public
    excludes: '**/.gitkeep'

Sync all files from the directories public/assets and public/docs but exclude .zip and .bak files:

- uses: osiegmar/s3-publisher-action@v1
    bucket: my-bucket-name
    dir: public
    include: |
    excludes: |

Sync all from public and set Cache-Control headers:

- uses: osiegmar/s3-publisher-action@v1
    bucket: my-bucket-name
    dir: public
    cache-control: |
      **/*.woff2 = public, max-age=604800, immutable
      **/*.html = no-cache
      **/* = public, max-age=60

Sync all from public and start with .css files, then .js files, then everything else:

- uses: osiegmar/s3-publisher-action@v1
    bucket: my-bucket-name
    dir: public
    order: '**/*.css,**/*.js'