
SecuroChat is an end-to-end Encrypted real-time chat application ensuring secure communication between users.



SecuroChat is an end-to-end Encrypted real-time chat application ensuring secure communication between users.

Table of Contents


  • Secure one-to-one/group chats through end-to-end encryption
  • Togglable read receipts
  • Togglable online status
  • Multimedia data sharing
  • Low-latency communication
  • Chat history maintenance

Tools and Technologies Used

  • React Native: A JavaScript framework for building mobile applications. It provides a cross-platform development environment for IOS and Android.
  • Node.js: A runtime environment for executing JavaScript code on the server side. It is used in the development of backend services of SecuroChat
  • AWS: Amazon cloud computing services used for hosting and securing components of SecuroChat
  • WebSocket: Communication protocol enabling real-time, bidirectional communication between the server and clients
  • React Navigation: A navigation library for React Native that handles routing and navigation within the mobile application
  • PostgreSQL: Open-source relational database utilized to store user data, chat histories, and other information
  • Redux: State management library for React applications that manages SecuroChat's state and data flow
  • Firebase Cloud Messaging: Service for sending push notifications to mobile devices. Used by SecuroChat to keep users informed about new messages and updates


To set up SecuroChat, follow these steps:

  1. Clone this repository:
    git clone
  2. Change to project directory:
    cd SecuroChat
  3. Install dependencies for client and server directories:
    cd client && npm install
    cd ../server && npm install && cd ..
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