
Simple program that reliably uploads large files to Amazon S3.


shrimp is a small program that can reliably upload large files to Amazon S3.


  • shrimp supports most of the arguments used for aws s3 cp. In many cases you can simply replace aws s3 cp with shrimp and everything will work.
  • shrimp has interactive keyboard controls that lets you limit the bandwidth used for the upload (you can specify an initial limit with --bwlimit, e.g. --bwlimit=2.5m for 2.5 MB/s). While the upload is in progress, press ? to see the available keyboard controls.
  • shrimp can automatically adjust the bandwidth limit based on a schedule. See here for more information.
  • shrimp can resume the upload in case it fails for whatever reason (just re-run the command). Unlike the aws cli, shrimp will never abort the multipart upload in case of failures (please set up a lifecycle policy for this!).
  • shrimp supports the Additional Checksum Algorithms feature released in February 2022. Use --checksum-algorithm to allow verification of the object without the need to download it, e.g. using s3verify.
  • shrimp also supports automatically attaching a SHA256 checksum to the object metadata if a SHA256SUMS file is present in the working directory. Use --compute-checksum if you want shrimp to calculate the checksum and add it to the SHA256SUMS file. You can use s3sha256sum to verify the object after it has been uploaded. The --checksum-algorithm feature somewhat supercedes this, but there are still uses for this checksum, especially for multi-part objects. See here for more information.

Keep in mind:

  • shrimp will always use a multipart upload, so do not use it for small files.
  • shrimp uploads a single part at a time.

I have used the program to upload several terabytes to Amazon S3 and I consider it stable and ready for use. Please give it a try and report any issues you may encounter.


You can download precompiled binaries from the releases section.

If you prefer to compile from source (or to use unreleased features), you can install using go install:

go install


$ shrimp --help
Usage: shrimp [parameters] <LocalPath> <S3Uri>
LocalPath must be a local file.
S3Uri must have the format s3://<bucketname>/<key>.

      --bucket-key-enabled                     Enables use of an S3 Bucket Key for object encryption with server-side encryption using AWS KMS (SSE-KMS).
      --bwlimit string                         Bandwidth limit. (e.g. "2.5m")
      --ca-bundle string                       The CA certificate bundle to use when verifying SSL certificates.
      --cache-control string                   Specifies caching behavior for the object.
      --checksum-algorithm string              The checksum algorithm to use for the object. Supported values: CRC32, CRC32C, SHA1, SHA256.
      --compute-checksum                       Compute checksum and add to SHA256SUMS file.
      --content-disposition string             Specifies presentational information for the object.
      --content-encoding string                Specifies what content encodings have been applied to the object.
      --content-language string                Specifies the language the content is in.
      --content-type string                    A standard MIME type describing the format of the object data.
      --debug                                  Turn on debug logging.
      --dryrun                                 Checks if the upload was started previously and how much was completed. (use in combination with --bwlimit to calculate remaining time)
      --endpoint-url string                    Override the S3 endpoint URL. (for use with S3 compatible APIs)
      --expected-bucket-owner string           The account ID of the expected bucket owner.
      --force                                  Overwrite existing object.
      --metadata string                        A map of metadata to store with the object in S3. (JSON syntax is not supported)
      --mfa-duration duration                  MFA duration. shrimp will prompt for another code after this duration. (max "12h") (default 1h0m0s)
      --mfa-secret                             Provide the MFA secret and shrimp will automatically generate TOTP codes. (useful if the upload takes longer than the allowed assume role duration)
      --no-sign-request                        Do not sign requests. This does not work with Amazon S3, but may work with other S3 APIs.
      --no-verify-ssl                          Do not verify SSL certificates.
      --object-lock-legal-hold-status string   Specifies whether a legal hold will be applied to this object. Possible values: ON, OFF.
      --object-lock-mode string                The Object Lock mode that you want to apply to this object. Possible values: GOVERNANCE, COMPLIANCE.
      --object-lock-retain-until-date string   The date and time when you want this object's Object Lock to expire. Must be formatted as a timestamp parameter. (e.g. "2022-03-14T15:14:15Z")
      --part-size string                       Override automatic part size. (e.g. "128m")
      --profile string                         Use a specific profile from your credential file.
      --region string                          The bucket region. Avoids one API call.
      --request-payer string                   Confirms that the requester knows that they will be charged for the requests. Possible values: requester.
      --schedule string                        Schedule file to use for automatically adjusting the bandwidth limit (see
      --sse string                             Specifies server-side encryption of the object in S3. Possible values: AES256, aws:kms, aws:kms:dsse.
      --sse-c string                           Specifies server-side encryption using customer provided keys of the the object in S3. AES256 is the only valid value. If you provide this value, --sse-c-key must be specified as well.
      --sse-c-key string                       The customer-provided encryption key to use to server-side encrypt the object in S3. The key provided should not be base64 encoded.
      --sse-kms-key-id string                  The customer-managed AWS Key Management Service (KMS) key ID that should be used to server-side encrypt the object in S3.
      --tagging string                         The tag-set for the object. The tag-set must be encoded as URL Query parameters.
      --use-accelerate-endpoint                Use S3 Transfer Acceleration.
      --use-path-style                         Use S3 Path Style.
      --version                                Print version number.

To use S3 dual-stack endpoints, configure the environment variable AWS_USE_DUALSTACK_ENDPOINT=true.