
AWS Lambda integration for Shrine File Attachment toolkit for Ruby applications

MIT License



Provides AWS Lambda integration for the Shrine File Attachment toolkit for Ruby applications

This is a gem, renamed from the initial shrine-lambda to shrine-aws-lambda for clarity


AWS Lambda

AWS Lambda is a serverless computing platform provided by Amazon as a part of the Amazon Web Services. It is a compute service that could run someone's uploaded code in response to events and/or requests, and automatically manages and scales the compute resources required by that code.


Shrine is the best and most versatile file attachment toolkit for Ruby applications, developed by Janko Marohnić. It has a vast collection of plugins with support for direct uploads, background processing and deleting, processing on upload or on-the-fly, and ability to use with other ORMs


Shrine-AWS-Lambda is a plugin for invoking AWS Lambda functions for processing files already stored in some AWS S3 bucket. Specifically, it was designed for invoking an image resizing AWS Lambda function like this one, but it could be used to invoke any other function, due to Shrine's modular plugin architecture design.

The function is invoked to run asynchronously. Function's result will be sent by AWS Lambda back to the invoking application in a HTTP request's payload. The HTTP request would target a callback URL specified in the Shrine-AWS-Lambda's setup. So, the invoking application must provide a HTTP endpoint (a webhook) to catch the results.


Add the Shrine-AWS-Lambda gem to the application's Gemfile:

gem 'shrine-aws-lambda'

Run $ bundle install command in the application's root folder to install the gem.

Note, that for working with AWS, the AWS credentials (the access_key_id and the secret_access_key) should be set either in the Shrine initializer, or in default profile in the ~/.aws folder.

# config/initializers/shrine.rb:

# ...

  s3_options = { access_key_id:     'your_aws_access_key_id',
                 secret_access_key: 'your_aws_secret_access_key',
                 region:            'your AWS bucket region' }

Also, for Lambda functions to work, various AWS Lambda permissions should be managed on the Amazon Web Services side.

Add to the Shrine's initializer file the Shrine-AWS-Lambda plugin registration with the :callback_url parameter, and the AWS Lambda functions list retrieval call (which will retrieve the functions list on application initialization and will store the list into the Shrine.opts[:lambda_function_list] for further checking):

# config/initializers/shrine.rb:

# ...

  shrine.plugin :aws_lambda, s3_options.merge(callback_url: "https://#{ENV.fetch('APP_HOST')}/lambda")

By default, Shrine-AWS-Lambda is using the S3 bucket named :cache for retrieving the original file, and the :store named S3 bucket for storing the resulting files.

Shrine-AWS-Lambda uses the Shrine backgrounding plugin for asynchronous operation, so this plugin should be also included into the Shrine's initializer.

Here is a full example of a Shrine initializer of a Rails application using a Roda endpoint for presigned_url (used for direct file uploads to AWS S3) and AWS Lambda callbacks):

# config/initializers/shrine.rb:

# frozen_string_literal: true

require 'shrine'

if Rails.env.test?
  require 'shrine/storage/file_system'

  Shrine.storages = {
    cache:'public', prefix: 'uploads/cache'), 
    store:'public', prefix: 'uploads/store'),
  require 'shrine/storage/s3'

  aws_credentials =

  s3_options = { access_key_id:     aws_credentials[:access_key_id],
                 secret_access_key: aws_credentials[:secret_access_key],
                 region:            'us-east-2' }

  if Rails.env.production?
    cache_bucket = store_bucket = aws_credentials.aws_s3_bucket
    cache_bucket = 'texpert-test-cache'
    store_bucket = 'texpert-test-store'

  Shrine.storages = { cache: 'cache', **s3_options.merge!(bucket: cache_bucket)), 
                      store: 'store', **s3_options.merge!(bucket: store_bucket)) }

  ActiveSupport::Reloader.to_prepare do
   lambda_callback_url = if Rails.env.development? && NGROK_ENABLED
                          "https://#{ENV['APP_HOST'] || 'localhost'}/rapi/lambda"

   Shrine.plugin :aws_lambda, s3_options.merge!(callback_url: lambda_callback_url)

Shrine.plugin :activerecord
Shrine.plugin :backgrounding
Shrine.plugin :cached_attachment_data # for forms

Shrine.logger = Rails.logger
Shrine.plugin :instrumentation

Shrine.plugin :presign_endpoint, presign_options: lambda { |request|
 filename     = request.params['filename']
 extension    = File.extname(filename)
 content_type = Rack::Mime.mime_type(extension)

 { content_length_range: 0..1.gigabyte,                         # limit filesize to 1 GB
   content_disposition: "attachment; filename=\"#{filename}\"", # download with original filename
   content_type:        content_type }                          # set correct content type

Shrine.plugin :rack_file # for non-Rails apps
Shrine.plugin :remote_url, max_size: 1.gigabyte

Shrine::Attacher.promote_block { PromoteJob.enqueue(,,, name, file_data) }
Shrine::Attacher.destroy_block { DeleteJob.enqueue(, data) }

Take notice that the promote job is a default, not AWS Lambda job:

Shrine::Attacher.promote_block { PromoteJob.enqueue(,,, name, file_data) }

This is made to be able to use other than AWS storages in the test environment (like Shrine's FileSystem storage) and, also, other uploaders which are not using AWS Lambda. To use an AWS Lambda job, this job must be overridden to a LambdaPromoteJob directly in the uploaders' classes which will use AWS Lambda - see below in the Usage chapter.

Another thing used in this initializer is the ngrok-wrapper gem for exposing the localhost to the world for catching the Lambda callback requests.

How it works

Shrine-AWS-Lambda works in such a way that an "assembly" should be created in the LambdaUploader, which contains all the information about how the file should be processed. A random generated string is appended to the assembly, stored into the cached file metadata, and used by the Lambda function to sign the requests to the :lambda_callback_url, along with the AWS :access_key_id from the AWS credentials Lambda function is running with.

Processing itself happens asynchronously - the invoked Lambda function will issue a PUT HTTP request to the :lambda_callback_url, specified in the Shrine's initializer, with the request's payload containing the processing results.

The request should be intercepted by a endpoint at the :lambda_callback_url, and its payload transferred to the lambda_save method on successful request authorization.

The authorization is calculating the HTTP request signature using the random string stored in the cached file and the AWS Lambda function's :access_key_id received in the request authorization header. Then, the calculated signature is compared to the received in the same authorization header AWS Lambda signature.


Shrine-AWS-Lambda assemblies are built inside the #lambda_process_versions method in the LambdaUploader class:

# app/uploaders/lambda_uploader.rb:

# frozen_string_literal: true

class LambdaUploader < Uploader
  unless Rails.env.test?
    Attacher.promote_block do
      LambdaPromoteJob.enqueue(,,, name, file_data)

  plugin :upload_options, store: ->(_io, context) do
    if %i[avatar logo].include?(context[:name])
      {acl: "public-read"}
      {acl: "private"}

  plugin :versions

  def lambda_process_versions(io, context)
    assembly = { function: 'ImageResizeOnDemand' } # Here the AWS Lambda function name is specified

    # Check if the original file format is a image format supported by the Sharp.js library
    if %w[image/gif image/jpeg image/pjpeg image/png image/svg+xml image/tiff image/x-tiff image/webm]
      .include?(io&.data&.dig('metadata', 'mime_type'))
      case context[:name]
        when :avatar
          assembly[:versions] =
            [{ name: :size40, storage: :store, width: 40, height: 40, format: :jpg }]
        when :logo
          assembly[:versions] =
            [{ name: :size270_180, storage: :store, width: 270, height: 180, format: :jpg }]
        when :doc
          assembly[:versions] =
              { name: :size40, storage: :store, width: 40, height: 40, format: :png },
              { name: :size80, storage: :store, width: 80, height: 80, format: :jpg },
              { name: :size120, storage: :store, width: 120, height: 120, format: :jpg }

The above example is built to interact with the lambda-image-resize function, which is using the Sharp Javascript library for image processing. It is not yet implemented in this function to use the :target_storage as default bucket for all the processed files, that's why the :storage key is specified on every file version. If the file's mime type is not supported by the Sharp library, no :versions will be inserted into the :assembly so the original file will just be copied to the :store S3 bucket.

The Shrine upload_options plugin is used to specify the S3 bucket ACL and the Shrine versions plugin is used to enable the uploader to deal with different processed versions of the original file.

The default options used by Shrine-AWS-Lambda plugin are the following:

  { callbackURL:    Shrine.opts[:callback_url],
    copy_original:  true,
    storages:       Shrine.buckets_to_use(%i[cache store]),
    target_storage: :store }

These options could be overridden in the LambdaUploader specifying them as the assembly keys:

  assembly[:callbackURL]    = some_callback_url
  assembly[:copy_original]  = false               # If this is `false`, only the processed file versions will be stored     
  assembly[:storages]       = Shrine.buckets_to_use(%i[cache store other_store])
  assembly[:target_storage] = :other_store

Any S3 buckets could be specified, as long as the buckets are defined in the Shrine's initializer file.


A :callbackUrl endpoint should be implemented to catch the AWS Lambda processing results, authorize, and save them. Here is an example of a Roda endpoint:

# lib/rapi/base.rb:

# frozen_string_literal: true

# On Rails autoload is done by ActiveSupport from the `autoload_paths` - no need to require files
# require 'roda'
# require 'roda/plugins/json'
# require 'roda/plugins/static_routing'

module RAPI
  class Base < Roda
    plugin :json
    plugin :request_headers
    plugin :static_routing

    static_put '/lambda' do
      auth_result = Shrine::Attacher.lambda_authorize(request.headers,
      if !auth_result
        response.status = 403
        { 'Error' => 'Signature mismatch' }
      elsif auth_result.is_a?(Array)
        attacher = auth_result[0]
        if attacher.lambda_save(auth_result[1])
          { 'Result' => 'OK' }
          response.status = 500
          { 'Error' => 'Backend record update error' }
        response.status = 500
        { 'Error' => 'Backend Lambda authorization error' }


Even though submitting a Lambda assembly doesn't require any uploading, it still does a HTTP request, so it is better to put it into a background job. This is configured in the LambdaUploader class:

unless Rails.env.test?
  Attacher.promote_block do
    LambdaPromoteJob.enqueue(,,, name, file_data)

Then the job file should be implemented:

# app/jobs/lambda_promote_job.rb:

# frozen_string_literal: true

class LambdaPromoteJob < Que::Job
  def run(...)
    ActiveRecord::Base.transaction do

Gem Maintenance

Preparing a release

Merge all the pull requests that should make it into the new release into the main branch, then checkout and pull the branch and run the github_changelog_generator, specifying the new version as a --future-release command line parameter:

$ git checkout main
$ git pull

$ github_changelog_generator -u texpert -p shrine-aws-lambda --future-release v0.1.1

Then add the changes to git, commit and push the Preparing the new release commit directly into the main branch:

$ git add .
$ git commit -m 'Preparing the new v0.1.1 release'
$ git push

RubyGems credentials

Ensure you have the RubyGems credentials located in the ~/.gem/credentials file.

Adding a gem owner

$ gem owner shrine-aws-lambda -a [email protected]

Building a new gem version

Adjust the new gem version number in the lib/shrine/plugins/lambda/version.rb file. It is used when building the gem by the following command:

$ gem build shrine-aws-lambda.gemspec

Assuming the version was set to 0.2.0, a shrine-aws-lambda-0.2.0.gem binary file will be generated at the root of the app (repo).

  • The binary file shouldn't be added into the git tree, it will be pushed into the RubyGems and to the GitHub releases

Pushing a new gem release to RubyGems

$ gem push shrine-aws-lambda-0.2.0.gem # don't forget to specify the correct version number

Crafting the new release on GitHub

On the Releases page push the Draft a new release button.

The new release editing page opens, on which the following actions could be taken:

  • Choose the repo branch (default is main)
  • Insert a tag version (usually, the tag should correspond to the gem's new version, v0.0.1, for example)
  • the tag will be created by GitHub on the last commit into the chosen branch
  • Fill the release Title and Description
  • Attach the binary file with the generated gem version
  • If the release is not yet ready for production, mark the This is a pre-release checkbox
  • Press either the Publish release, or the Save draft button if you want to publish it later
  • After publishing the release, the the binary gem file will be available on GitHub and could be removed locally


I want to thank Janko Marohnić for the awesome Shrine gem and, also, for guiding me to look at his implementation of a similar plugin - Shrine-Transloadit.

Also thanks goes to Tim Uckun for providing a link to the article about resizing images on the fly, which pointed me to use the Sharp library for image resizing.



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