
Smart Parking application by Sirin Software

MIT License


Smart Parking

Cloud and Web dashboard for real-time visualization of parking slots.

Dashboard Demo

Serverless Architecture


  • AWS Amplify
  • AWS AppSync (using multiple authorization types)
  • AWS Cognito
  • DynamoDB
  • Lambda
  • S3


  • GitHub Actions (CI)
  • AWS Amplify Console (CD)

Web app

  • React
  • TypeScript
  • GraphQL
  • Amplify

Mobile app

  • React Native


  • Authorization (Amplify React component, AWS Cognito)
  • Show parking slots (GraphQL, AWS AppSync)
  • Update slot status in real-time (GraphQL subscriptions, AWS AppSync)

Getting Started

# Install Amplify CLI globally
npm install -g @aws-amplify/cli
amplify configure

# Install project and dependencies
git clone
cd smart-parking
npm i

# Create a AWS CloudFormation stack
amplify init

# Update the cloud resources (deployment)
amplify push

# Build and publish both the backend and the front end
# Upload React app to the S3 hosting bucket
amplify publish

Generate aws-exports.js

amplify init
# ? Do you want to use an existing environment? **Yes**
# ? Choose the environment you would like to use: **dev**


  • master - Production branch (protected). Used by Amplify Console for Continuous Deployment.
  • dev - Development branch.

Mocking and Testing

export AWS_REGION=us-west-2

# Execute local Lambda function
amplify mock function listSlots

# Start GraphQL server
amplify mock api

Request from LoRa Gateway

Request to change parking slot status:

curl \
-XPOST https://<APPSYNC-API-URL>/graphql \
-H "Content-Type:application/graphql" \
-H "x-api-key:<APPSYNC-API-KEY>" \
-d '{ "query": "mutation { updateSlot(input: { parkingID: \"<PARKING-ID>\" device: <DEVICE-ID> slotStatus: <SLOT-STATUS> }) { parkingID slotNumber slotStatus device }}" }'


  • npm start Runs the app in the development mode.
  • npm test Launches the test runner in the interactive watch mode
  • npm run build Builds the app for production to the build folder.
  • npm run eject This command will remove the single build dependency from your project.
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