
This repository contains a Terraform Module that implements an architectural blueprint for EKS.

APACHE-2.0 License



This repository contains a Terraform Module that implements an architectural blueprint for Kubernetes in AWS. The fundamental component of this module is Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS).


Use this module with Terraform 1.3.0+ version.


The VPC shall allow flexible operations of the network and its resources.

The user deploying this Module shall have Full Administrator permissions in the targeted AWS account.


  • The Module creates and configures a Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) IPv4 network;

  • The Module offers the following:

  • AWS managed Kubernetes nodes;

  • Private and Public ingresses;

  • IAM Roles for Service Accounts (IRSA);

  • Secret encryption with AWS managed KMS key;

  • Built-in security groups to protect the intra-cluster communication.

  • The following Kubernetes namespaces have a clear concern:

  • kube-public-ingress: namespace contains the Ingress Controller that watches for Ingress objects that have the ingressClass set to public-ingress;

  • kube-private-ingress: namespace contains the Ingress Controller that watches for Ingress objects that have the ingressClass set to private-ingress;

  • kube-monitoring: namespace contains the Prometheus Operator that watches for ServiceMonitor, PodMonitor, PrometheusRule objects that have set release: kube-prometheus-stack annotation.

  • kube-system: namespace contains Kubernetes system services and additional self-managed extensions for EKS.

Known points of improvement

  • Harden the solution for security guidelines;

  • Decouple the Helm Provider and Kubernetes provider from EKS authentication and authorization details;

  • Harden and improve the reliability of all internal cluster services;

  • Enable end-users of this Module to customize the settings for all cluster service;

  • Enable the Helm Charts in use to be consumed from a Private Helm Chart repository and Private Container registry.

Core concepts

Repository organization

  • examples: this folder contains ready to use examples that show how to use this Module;

  • tests: this folder contains a list of automated tests for this Module and examples;

  • lib: this folder contains a list of local utilities, mostly Makefiles, to support the contributor's maintenance effort of this Module;

  • modules: this folder contains a list of local Terraform modules that the Root Module uses;

  • .github: this folder contains a list of GitHub workflows to support contributions during change requests and releases of this Module.


Network organization

This section describes how the networking resources, that are created by this module, are organized at run time.

The Module expects that the given vpc_cidr is generous in size to allow the creation of 4 subnet groups. Per subnet group the purpose of each follows:

  • Public Ingress Subnet Group: this is an Internet accessible network that will be used by Kubernetes to create ingress objects that need to be published over the Internet;

  • Private Ingress Subnet Group: this is a private network that will be used by Kubernetes to create ingress objects that need to be used over the Intranet;

  • Private Nodes Subnet Group: this is a private network that will be used by EKS service to deploy the EC2 instances. This network does not allow direct access from the Internet. The EKS nodes can reach other services over the Internet. It is required by the AWS managed nodes.

  • Private Isolated Subnet Group: this is a private network. It does not allow direct access from the Internet and it does not allow access to the Internet. This network is recommended for local, isolated and self-contained resources.

Notice that upfront planning for the available pool of networking IPs is undeniably mandatory. Avoid constrained networking scalability. Plan for evolutionary spoke upfront and review how the EKS spoke will look like in 3 years.

Elastic Kubernetes Service distribution model

This section describes general assumptions when this Module is used to create an EKS-like Kubernetes cluster.

EKS is not a global service. It must be created and hosted in a valid AWS region. Within this region, this Module manages the network with high-availability considerations in mind.

This module employs three availability zones. The EC2 instances that are part of the Kubernetes nodes pool will be distributed across them. Any Load Balancer created from within the Kubernetes cluster will be zone redundant as well; this implies that this type of resource will be identified inside each availability zone by an IPv4 address.

The Kubernetes cluster is designed to include as much as feasible production-like features. This Module enables by default:

  • IAM Roles for Service Accounts;

  • AWS-managed encryption of the Kubernetes secrets in Etcd;

  • Kubernetes API logs.

Known issues

Log Group is not cleaned up when the Terraform destroy operation finishes

It is a resource leak that happens in the Terraform AWS Provider during the destroy operation. This happens because the owner of the Log Group is the EKS cluster that is destroyed before the Log Group can be removed. Ideally it should be removed while the EKS cluster is still live but because of implicit IAM policy references this is not possible.

KMS key for secrets encryption becomes inaccessible

Notice that in case of manual deployments and users using multiple roles within an AWS account can induce to wrong ownership of the KMS key that is used to encrypt the Kubernetes secrets in EKS. Make sure that the deployment user consistently uses the same role such that to avoid access denied situation on the KMS key.

The aws_auth config map does not exist

From time to time, during the initial deployment of this module it can happen that the aws_auth ConfigMap object is not created in time and the deployment fails mentioning that the ConfigMap does not exist. At the moment, this issue is under investigation. To fix, just re-run the deployment.

The ingress controller does not allow mixed protocols in TCP proxy mode

The Ingress Controller allows to expose Kubernetes application to the world that is outside the Kubernetes cluster. The in use Ingress Controller (Kubernetes Nginx) allows to specify HTTP and TCP proxies. The main limitation is related with the TCP proxies which do not support mixed protocols. It is possible to use only TCP or only UDP.

Check out this example for details.

Usage guides

Refer to this page for details in regard to cluster services usage instructions.

Contribution guides

Refer to this page for details in regard to contribution instructions.


Name Version
terraform >= 1.3.0
archive >= 2.2.0
aws >= 4.47.0
helm >= 2.7.0
kubectl >= 1.14.0
kubernetes >= 2.18.0
random >= 3.1


Name Version
aws >= 4.47.0
kubernetes >= 2.18.0
time n/a


Name Type
time_sleep.wait_5_min_and_allow_kubernetes_cluster_to_initialise resource
aws_eks_cluster_auth.this_cluster data source
kubernetes_resource.kube_monitoring_prometheus_operator_discovery_label data source
kubernetes_service_v1.kube_private_ingress_svc_url data source
kubernetes_service_v1.kube_public_ingress_svc_url data source


Name Description Type Default Required
environment Specify the environment name.Use this attribute to give meaning to the EKS cluster and its related resources. string "try-out" no
kubernetes_api_allow_network_access_from Specify a list of source IPv4 addresses that can initiatea network authentication with the Kubernetes API.Important list(string) [ ""] no
kubernetes_api_logs Specify if it is desirable to persist the logs of the Kubernetes APIin a CloudWatch Log Group. Define for how long to persist the logs and alsospecify what logs to persist. object({ create_cloudwatch_log_group = bool cloudwatch_log_group_retention_in_days = number cluster_enabled_log_types = list(string) }) { "cloudwatch_log_group_retention_in_days": 14, "cluster_enabled_log_types": [ "api", "audit", "authenticator", "controllerManager", "scheduler" ], "create_cloudwatch_log_group": true} no
kubernetes_api_version Specify the version of the Kubernetes API. string "1.26" no
kubernetes_cluster_admin_iam_roles Specify a list of IAM roles that will administer the cluster across all Kubernetes namespaces.By default allow every engineer in the AWS account to have administrative access to the cluster. list(string) [ "*"] no
kubernetes_cluster_services_configs Specify that details that allow to adjust the configuration of the cluster services.Notice that at the moment, the public and private ingress controller does not supportmixed protocols at the LoadBalancer level.Example: { kube_private_ingress_set_values = [ { name = "tcp.8080" value = "default/svc:8080" }, { name = "tcp.8081" value = "kube-system/not-existent:8888" } ] kube_public_ingress_set_values = ... } object({ kube_private_ingress_set_values = optional(list(any)) kube_public_ingress_set_values = optional(list(any)) }) { "kube_private_ingress_set_values": [], "kube_public_ingress_set_values": []} no
kubernetes_cluster_worker_pools Specify the configuration for the worker pools. By default there is one pool, named blue.It uses Linux EC2 instances. The capacity is spot.It is possible to overwrite the default pool as well. any { "blue": { "capacity_type": "ON_DEMAND", "desired_size": 5, "instance_types": [ "t3a.2xlarge" ], "labels": { "pool-color": "blue" }, "max_size": 5, "min_size": 5, "update_config": { "max_unavailable_percentage": 50 } }} no
kubernetes_packages_as_helm_charts Specify a list of packages to install in the Kubernetes cluster as soon as it is ready. list(object({ namespace = string repository = string repository_config = optional(object({ repository_key_file = optional(string) repository_cert_file = optional(string) repository_ca_file = optional(string) repository_username = optional(string) repository_password = optional(string) })) app = object({ name = string chart = string version = string force_update = optional(bool) wait = optional(bool) recreate_pods = optional(bool) max_history = optional(number) lint = optional(bool) cleanup_on_fail = optional(bool) create_namespace = optional(bool) disable_webhooks = optional(bool) verify = optional(bool) reuse_values = optional(bool) reset_values = optional(bool) atomic = optional(bool) skip_crds = optional(bool) render_subchart_notes = optional(bool) disable_openapi_validation = optional(bool) wait_for_jobs = optional(bool) dependency_update = optional(bool) replace = optional(bool) }) values = optional(any) params = optional(list(object({ name = string value = any }))) secrets = optional(list(object({ name = string value = any }))) })) null no
name Overwrite the prefix name that is used internally to name the resources.Use this attribute when and only when this module was already delployed in the desired AWS account. string "kube" no
region Specify the name of the location where the resources of this module will be created.This name must be a valid AWS region name. string "eu-west-1" no
tags Specify a list of tags as key/value pairs. These tags will be applied to all resources created by this module. map(any) {} no
vpc_cidr Specify the networking set of addresses for Kubernetes. Use the prefix notation.Ref: https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc4632#section-3.1 string "" no
vpc_nat_gateway_type Specify the type of the NAT Gateway.Ref: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/vpc/latest/userguide/vpc-nat-gateway.html string "one_nat_gateway_per_az" no


Name Description
eks_cluster Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS) cluster attributes.
kubernetes_api URL, Version of the Kubernetes API and Kubernetes cluster name.
kubernetes_api_certificate_authority_data Base64 encoded certificate data required to communicate with the cluster.
kubernetes_cluster_services Details about the cluster services.
kubernetes_secrets_managed_encryption_key The cluster comes with enabled by default Kubernetes secrets. This object contains the attributes related with the encryption key used by AWS.
region Region name of the deployment
subnet_cidr_blocks_per_type Allocated network prefixes grouped per purpose.
subnet_ids_per_type List of subnet ids per type.
tags List of tags that are applied to internal resources.
vpc_arn ARN of the VPC.
vpc_id Id of the VPC.
Extracted from project README's
official JetBrains project
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