
Powered by AI, our project has the goal to provide citizens with quick and easy access to the news that they consider important.


About 💻

Powered by AI, our project has the goal to provide citizens with quick and easy access to the news that they consider important. They can sort, filter and display statistics for each one of them!

Demo of our project 🎥

Related documents 📄

Usage 🖱️

Just go to the news page! There you will fimd information for all of the news. You can filter and serch for specific news, if you want!

Installation ⚙

You can start with downloading our project form GitHub by pressing the green clone button


Pasting this line of code in your favourite Terminal:

git clone --recursive https://github.com/SSIvanov19/a-data-pro-internship-2022.git

Deployment 💻

You can deploy the project with just one line using docker. Just place this line in your favourite Terminal:

  docker-compose up


If you want to deploy manually, first you need to create a Database. This can be achieved by pasting the following line in your postgresql server:

  CREATE DATABASE textquerydb

Then, you need to make a .env in the root of the project. You can see .env.example for the file in the root folder.

To start the Web App, paste the following lines in your favourite Terminal, while you are in the root folder:

  pip install -r requirements.txt
  python -m spacy download mk_core_news_md
  python manage.py migrate
  python manage.py collectstatic --no-input
  python .\manage.py runserver

Our Team 👨‍💻

Stoyan Ivanov Radoslav Lisitsov Petar Nikolov Petar Spasov Kaloyan Pazlamachev
SSIvanov19 RPLisitsov19 PRNikolov19 PZSpasov19 KNPazlamachev19
Web Developer Front-End Developer Front-End Developer Scrum Trainer QA Engineer

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