
Setup and configure nodes to support GPUs on k8s, with a focus on AKS nodes. This repo contains steps to build a container image with the Nvidia driver, and dependencies for integration.

MIT License


Driver container image for AKS VHD

This repo provides steps to build a container image with all components required for Kubernetes Nvidia GPU integration. Run it as a privileged container in the host PID namespace. It will enter the host mount namespace and install the nvidia drivers, container runtime, and associated libraries on the host, validating their functionality


docker build -f Dockerfile  --build-arg DRIVER_VERSION=??? -t docker.io/alexeldeib/aks-gpu:latest .
docker push docker.io/alexeldeib/aks-gpu:latest

For DRIVER_VERSION, following versions are known to work :

  • 470.82.01
  • 510.47.03
  • 515.65.01


mkdir -p /opt/{actions,gpu}
ctr image pull docker.io/alexeldeib/aks-gpu:latest
ctr run --privileged --net-host --with-ns pid:/proc/1/ns/pid --mount type=bind,src=/opt/gpu,dst=/mnt/gpu,options=rbind --mount type=bind,src=/opt/actions,dst=/mnt/actions,options=rbind -t docker.io/alexeldeib/aks-gpu:latest gpuinstall /entrypoint.sh install

or Docker (untested...)

docker run -it --privileged --net=host --pid=host -v /opt/gpu:/mnt/gpu -v /opt/actions:/mnt/actions --rm docker.io/alexeldeib/aks-gpu:latest install

Note the --with-ns pid:/proc/1/ns/pid and --privileged, as well as the bind mounts, these are key.

Fabric manager installation

This repo also includes an installation script for Nvidia's fabric manager component. There is an existing installation script in the redistributed files, but in the latest versions some of the filepaths changed and it seems broken. This is a workaround until an upstream fix lands. See fabricmanager.md for details.


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