
This project captures work in progress, and completed work for the Azure Core Container Upstream team

MIT License


Azure Core Container Upstream Projects

This list of projects is maintained by the Azure Core Container Upstream team. This list is intended to help you make informed decisions about what projects to use (or not use) in the context of your goals (e.g. proof of concept vs. production). To make this decision you need to consider your goals, your need for formal support, the project's maturity, governance, version level, and your willingness to work in open source.


Projects listed on this page are open source that Microsoft maintain or contribute to. These projects are NOT covered by the Microsoft Azure support policy. To get help please search the open issues on the project using the links in the table. To communicate with the Azure Container Compute Upstream team please use the issues in this repo. If your issue isn't already represented, please open a new one. However, if you consume one of these projects as a part of a Microsoft or Azure product or service, you may be eligible for support through that product or service.

Project list

Project Area Project & (artifacts) Goal Project State & API Version Communication Use on Azure
Kubernetes Cluster Management
Cluster API Azure Provider (releases) Tests Self-managed clusters on Azure using Cluster API CNCF: incubating API: v1alpha4 #cluster-api-azure [email protected] GitHub issues
Image Builder (releases) Tests Tools for building Kubernetes disk images #image-builder [email protected] GitHub issues
Cluster API Add-on Provider for Helm (releases) Tests Use Helm charts to manage the installation and lifecycle of Cluster API add-ons. CNCF: incubating API: v1alpha1 #cluster-api [email protected] GitHub issues
Cluster Autoscaler (releases) Tests Cluster Autoscaler is a tool that automatically adjusts the size of the Kubernetes cluster. Kubernetes: stable #sig-autoscaling [email protected] GitHub issues
Cluster Autoscaler Provider Azure (releases) Tests Azure provider for running Cluster Autoscaler on AKS and Azure self-managed clusters. Kubernetes: stable #sig-autoscaling [email protected] GitHub issues
Multi-Cluster Service APIs (MCS) (releases) Kubernetes standard APIs for multi-cluster service controller implementations. Kubernetes: alpha #sig-multicluster [email protected] GitHub issues
Kubernetes Enhancements
Windows containers (kubernetes releases) Tests Run Windows server containers with Kubernetes Kubernetes: stable API: N/A #sig-windows [email protected] Windows Community Forum GitHub issues AKS Windows
IPv4/v6 Dual-Stack (kubernetes releases) Tests IPv4/IPv6 dual-stack enables the allocation of both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses to Pods and Services. Kubernetes: IPv6: beta Dual-stack: GA #sig-network [email protected] GitHub issues Use dual-stack with AKS
KMSv2 (blog (alpha) blog (beta)) Encryption at rest of Kubernetes data in etcd using Key Management Service (KMS) v2 API Kubernetes: GA API: v2 #sig-auth-kms-dev GitHub issues
Structured Authentication Configuration (blog (beta)) Structured authentication configuration in the Kubernetes API server. Initially, only a jwt configuration will be supported, which will serve as the next iteration of the existing OIDC authenticator. Kubernetes: beta API: v1beta1 #sig-auth-authenticators-dev GitHub issues
Structured Authorization Configuration (blog (beta)) Structured authorization configuration in the Kubernetes API serverintroducing a more structured and versatile way to configure the authorization chain, focusing on enabling multiple webhooks and providing explicit control mechanisms. Kubernetes: beta API: v1beta1 #sig-auth-authorizers-dev GitHub issues
Move Storage Version Migrator in-tree Move storage version migrator in-tree to make it easy for users to perform storage migrations. Kubernetes: alpha API: v1alpha1 #sig-api-machinery-storageversion-dev GitHub issues
Cloud Native Governance and Security
OPA Gatekeeper (releases) K8s native Open Policy Agent policy enforcement Azure: GA (AKS and Arc) CNCF: graduated API: Config: v1alpha1; ConstraintTemplate: v1; Constraints: v1beta1; Mutation: v1; External Data: v1beta1 #kubernetes-policy GitHub issues Azure Policy for AKSAzure Policy for Azure Arc connected clusters
Secrets Store CSI Driver (releases) Builds Integrates secrets stores with Kubernetes via a Container Storage Interface (CSI) volume Kubernetes: GA API: v1 #csi-secrets-store GitHub issues
Azure KeyVault Provider for Secrets Store CSI Driver (releases) Enables mounting AKV secrets as volumes in K8s pods Azure: GA (AKS and Arc) API: N/A GitHub issues Use with AKS
KMS Plugin for Key Vault (releases) Enables encryption at rest of Kubernetes data in etcd using Azure Key Vault Azure: GA (AKS) API: N/A GitHub issues Use with AKS
Azure Workload Identity (releases) Uses Kubernetes primitives to associate managed identities for Azure resources and identities in Azure Active Directory (AAD) with pods based on Workload Identity federation Azure: GA (AKS) API: N/A GitHub issues How to use (OSS) How to use (AKS)
Eraser (releases) Cleaning up images from Kubernetes nodes CNCF: sandbox Azure: GA (AKS) API: v1 #eraser GitHub issues How to use (OSS) How to use (AKS)
Copacetic (releases) CLI tool for directly patching container images using reports from vulnerability scanners CNCF: sandbox #copa GitHub issues How to use
DALEC (releases) Produce secure packages and containers with declarative configurations Azure: incubating GitHub issues How to use
Cloud Native Service Mesh
Istio The leading service mesh on Kubernetes CNCF: graduated APIs: experimental, alpha, beta, stable Istio Slack GitHub issues Deploy Istio addon on AKS
Gateway API A sig-network subproject that establishes a specification for service networking in Kubernetes (ingress and service mesh) Kubernetes: v1beta APIs: Standard and Experimental #gateway-api in Kubernetes Slack GitHub issues Use application gateway for containers
Envoy Proxy A high performance, cloud-native proxy CNCF: graduated Envoy Slack GitHub issues
Container Runtime
Moby (releases) Toolkit for app containerization #opencontainers Moby Forums GitHub issues Azure Kubernetes ServiceAzure Stack Hubmany more
Containerd (releases) Complete container lifecycle management on Linux and Windows hosts CNCF: graduated API: N/A #opencontainers [email protected] GitHub issues Use with AKS
Containerd runwasi (releases) Facilitates running Wasm / WASI workloads managed by containerd CNCF: alpha #runwasi GitHub issues Docker Desktop
Containerd Wasm Shims (releases) containerd shims for running WebAssembly workloads in Kubernetes DeisLabs: alpha #GitHub Issues Docker DesktopAKS WASI Node Pools
Brigade Event-driven scripting for Kubernetes CNCF: Archived API: v2 #brigade channel on Kubernetes Slack GitHub Issues
Deployment Tools
Porter Package your application artifact, client tools, configuration and deployment logic together as a versioned bundle that you can distribute, and then install with a single command CNCF: Sandbox Stable: v0.38.x Prerelease: v1.0.0-alpha Mailing list, slack, etc Project Board Azure Service Operator, Azure Trusted Research Environments
CNAB Specification Cloud Native Application Bundle Specification implemented by Porter Spec: 1.1 #cnab on CNCF Slack Issues
Web Assembly / WASI
SpiderLightning SpiderLightning defines a set of *.wit files that abstract distributed application capabilities, such as key-value, messaging, http-server/client and more. DeisLabs: alpha v0.3.2 GitHub Issues AKS WASI Node Pools
Past Projects
AKS Engine (releases) Self-managed clusters on Azure Azure: Deprecated. Consider using AKS or Cluster API Azure Provider
Virtual Kubelet (releases) Enable services to masquerade as kubelet - serverless CNCF: sandbox API: N/A #virtual-kubelet GitHub issues AKS Virtual Nodes
AAD Pod Identity (releases) Enables K8s applications to access cloud resources securely with Azure Active Directory Azure: Archived API: v1 GitHub issues GitHub Project Use with AKS
Service Mesh Interface (SMI) Spec A standard interface for service meshes on Kubernetes Deprecated; consider using Gateway API #smi GitHub issues
Open Service Mesh (OSM) A lightweight, extensible, cloud native service mesh Deprecated; consider using Istio #openservicemesh GitHub issues


Open source project maturity can be assessed on many dimensions including age, number of contributors, diversity of contributor employers, and many more. Two you should consider are represented in the table as:

  • Project state - The first entry in the Maturity column represents the project's status. Projects in the CNCF (kubernetes, kubernetes-sigs, prometheus, etc) use the CNCF maturity model. Projects in the Azure, Microsoft, or deislabs GitHub orgs are working towards using the graduation guidelines defined in this repo.
  • API or Feature Versions if relevant, are listed as the second entry of the Maturity column, and follow the Kubernetes convention except where noted


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