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Welcome to the FastTrack for Azure Monitoring Call

We will start 1-2 minutes after the scheduled time to accommodate those still connecting

This call will not be recorded due to the wide audience and to encourage questions.

Questions? Feel free to type them in the chat window at any time. Note that questions you post will be public.

Slideless No PowerPoint, we promise! As we update this content (http://aka.ms/fta-monitoring) you will get the changes straight away.

Please give us your feedback on https://aka.ms/ftalive-feedback


Topic Feature Description
1. Cloud Adoption Framework Manage Phase Recommendations, guidance and tools for cloud monitoring strategy and implementation.
2. Conceptual: Data Sources Application tiers, data sources and fundamental data types.
3. Azure Monitor (Portal Walkthrough) Activity Audit Azure control plane operations with Azure Monitor.
Metrics (Platform and Guest) Performance with Azure Monitor & Diagnostics Extension.
Logs Health & Diagnostics with Azure Monitor.
Service Health Availability with Azure Monitor.
Application Insights Application Performance Monitoring with Azure Monitor.
Insights Visualise with Azure Monitor.
Workbooks Visualise with Azure Monitor.
Power BI / Excel Visualise and/or Analyse with Power BI or Excel.
Portal Dashboards Visualise with Azure Portal Dashboards.
Autoscale Autoscale Azure resources based on performance data or a schedule.
Alerting Alerting with Azure Monitor.
4. Azure Resource Graph Explorer (Portal Walkthrough) Inventory with Resource Graph. Know your environment in order to monitor end-to-end!
5. Network Traffic Analytics (Portal Walkthrough) Network Monitoring with Network Watcher.

[Web and data monitoring end-to-end example]

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