
Generative AI Ops RAG project template

MIT License


RAG with Azure AI Studio and Promptflow

This repository has been initialized with the RAG with Azure AI Studio and Promptflow project template repository, which has been thoughtfully crafted with a template for Retrieval Augmented Generation using Promptflow. This template is designed to help you get started quickly and efficiently. The template project is a simplified version of the Contoso Chat sample project.

Architecture Overview

The following diagram provides an overview of the solution's architecture:

Project Resources

To deliver the solution effectively, a set of Azure resources is necessary. The following table outlines the required resources and their specific purposes for the project.

Resource Name Purpose
AI Hub Centralized platform for managing AI solutions.
AI Project Organize and manage Gen AI projects.
OpenAI Service Access and use OpenAI models for various AI applications.
Application Insights Monitor application performance and detect issues.
Log Analytics Collect, analyze, and visualize logs from your resources.
Container Registry Store and manage container images for orchestration deployments.
Key Vault Manage and protect sensitive information such as keys and secrets.
Storage Account Store and manage data and files used by your application.
AI Search Implement Vector Search for the RAG retrieval step.
App Service Host and manage your app.
App Service Plan Provide the resources that your App Service app needs to run.

Note: The Premium V3 SKU is required for the Azure App Service Plan to ensure the necessary performance and scalability for the application.

The following deployments will be created in the Azure OpenAI Service:

Deployment Name Model Name Model Version SKU Name Capacity
gpt-35-turbo gpt-35-turbo 0613 Standard 20
gpt-4 gpt-4o 2024-05-13 Standard 20
text-embedding-ada-002 text-embedding-ada-002 2 Standard 20

To find out if you have a quota for the model in a specific region, refer to the check your quota documentation. For more details about the deployments, you can refer to the ai.yaml file. It is important to check if there is a quota for these models in the desired region.


You will also need:

  • Azure Subscription - sign up for a free account.
  • GitHub Account - sign up for a free account.
  • Access to Azure OpenAI - submit a form to request access.
  • Permissions to create a Service Principal (SP) in your Azure AD Tenant.
  • Permissions to assign the Owner role to the SP within the subscription.

Infrastructure as Code

To facilitate the creation of resources, this repository includes Bicep templates (IaaC) to create the following project resources. More details can be found in the main.bicep file.


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