
An application to view and interact with the Device Twin from IoT Central, IoT Hub and the device


Twin Viewer

An application to to view and interact with the Device Twin from IoT Central, IoT Hub and the device

AAD configuration updates

After cloning this repo, you will need to update part of the configuration to use the AAD application that you set up to authenticate and authorize to use Central APIs. You will also need to access to MS Graph but not ARM resources/scopes to use this tool. To get help setting up an AAD application to use IoT Central resources visit this repo.

In the config.tsx file, find the block of code near the top of the file that has the following object and update the guid in the configuration to use the values of your AAD application


export const Config = {
    AADLoginServer: '',
    AADClientID: '532607b1-ce64-4fd3-b48f-5d7d803e0774',
    AADDirectoryID: 'c26906ba-01b0-48ec-afd2-ad8a55b1b0fb',
    AADRedirectURI: 'http://localhost:4002',

Once this step is completed, build the app and run. This is a one time update and you will only need to redo this if you change or create a new AAD application.


From a command line

npm ci


From a command line

npm run build


From a command line

npm run start


After running the app, visit the following site in a browser



When launched, the tool will ask you to sign in using the same account you use to access your IoT Central application (as given by the app id). If you are already signed in, you will be silently auth'd. Once auth'd you will be prompted you will be asked to setup the device. Following the instructions in the tool

This a summary of the UX features

Action Description
Help Use the help panel to set up the device identity (overrides the URL)
Get Central Twin Use the Azure IoT Central API to get the device twin properties
Get Cloud Twin Use the Azure IoT Service SDK to get the device twin from the Cloud
Get Device Twin Use the Azure IoT Device SDK to get the LKV of the Twin on the Cloud
Send Reported Device Twin (For convenience) Send a reported twin value to the cloud as if it was coming from the device
Send Telemetry (For convenience) Send a telemetry value to the cloud as if it was coming from the device

Incoming Desired Twin feature

When you connect the device, you will be able to receive desired twin requests. The incoming payloads will appear in a section called "Incoming Desired Twin". Use a cloud based tool of your choice i.e. IoT Central to send desired twin values to the device and observe the changes in the tool.

Setting up the device

You can use the Help panel inside the tool to set up the application and device identity. You can also provide parameters on the URL so that the tool will start with the correct application and device context. Use the standard URL query string pattern to delimit parameters i.e.

Parameter Description Mandatory Type Default
appId The ID of the IoT Central application Y string n/a
deviceId The ID of the device in IoT Central Y string n/a
scopeId The Scop ID of the IoT Central application N string n/a
sasKey A URI encoded string for the device's SaS Key N string n/a
header Show the header bar (UX) N bool true
cloud Show the Cloud Twin option (UX) N bool true
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