
Automate your GitHub workflows using Azure Action for MySQL

MIT License


GitHub Action for deploying updates to Azure Database for MySQL server

With the Azure MySQL Action for GitHub, you can automate your workflow to deploy updates to Azure Database for MySQL server.

Get started today with a free Azure account!

This repository contains GitHub Action for Azure database for MySQL server to deploy .

The action uses Connection String for authentication and SQL scripts to deploy to your MySQL database.

If you are looking for more Github Actions to deploy code or a customized image into an Azure Webapp or a Kubernetes service, consider using Azure Actions.

The definition of this Github Action is in action.yml.

Passing MySQL authentication parameters

The action supports two methods of passing authentication parameters, using a connection string (deprecated), which you can pass with a single parameter the server, user name, password and (optionally) the database you want to connect to, a connection string is easily obtained from the Azure Portal.

The second method (which we recommend) is to pass the username, password (and optionally) the database as individual parameters.

Connecton string parameter is kept for backward compatability, not to break any existing workflows when passing authentication settings as individual parameters were introduced.

End-to-End Sample Workflow

Dependencies on other Github Actions

For the action to run, the IP Address of the GitHub Actions Runner (automation agent) must be added to the 'Allowed IP Addresses' by setting MySQL server firewall rules in Azure. Without the firewall rules, the runner cannot communicate with Azure database for MySQL.

By default, the action would auto-detect the IP Address of the runner to automatically add firewall exception rule. These firewall rules will be deleted after the action executes.

However, this auto-provisioning of firewall rules needs a pre-req that the workflow includes an azure/login@v1 action before the azure/mysql-action@v1 action. Also, the service principal used in the Azure login action needs to have elevated permissions, i.e. membership in SQL Security Manager RBAC role, or a similarly high permission in the database to create the firewall rule.

Alternatively, if enough permissions are not granted on the service principal or login action is not included, then the firewall rules have to be explicitly managed by user using CLI/PS scripts.

Create an Azure database for MySQL server and deploy using GitHub Actions

  1. Follow the tutorial Azure Database for MySQL server Quickstart
  2. Copy the MySQL-on-Azure.yml template from starter templates and paste the template contents into .github/workflows/ within your project repository as workflow.yml.
  3. Change server-name to your Azure MySQL Server name.
  4. Commit and push your project to GitHub repository, you should see a new GitHub Action initiated in Actions tab.

Configure GitHub Secrets with Azure Credentials and MySQL Connection Strings

For using any sensitive data/secrets like Azure Service Principal or MySQL Connection strings within an Action, add them as secrets in the GitHub repository and then use them in the workflow.

Follow the steps to configure the secret:

  • Define a new secret under your repository Settings > Secrets > Add a new secret menu

  • Paste the contents of the Secret (Example: Either the password or Connection String) as Value. Paste the database user password or If you wish to use the connection string:

    • Copy the connection string from Azure MySQL DB which is under Connection strings > ADO.NET and of the format: Server={your_server}; Port=3306; Database={your_database}; Uid={your_user}; Pwd={your_password}; SslMode=Preferred;(Database is optional)
  • For Azure credentials, paste the output of the below az cli command as the value of secret variable, for example 'AZURE_CREDENTIALS'

   az ad sp create-for-rbac --name {server-name} --role contributor \
                            --scopes /subscriptions/{subscription-id}/resourceGroups/{resource-group} \
  # Replace {subscription-id}, {resource-group} and {server-name} with the subscription, resource group and name of the Azure MySQL server
  # The command should output a JSON object similar to this:

    "clientId": "<GUID>",
    "clientSecret": "<GUID>",
    "subscriptionId": "<GUID>",
    "tenantId": "<GUID>",

If you want to use the connection string, please refer ConnectionString properties for handling special characters in connection string.

Sample workflow to deploy to an Azure database for MySQL server

Using a connection string (deprecated)
# .github/workflows/mysql-deploy.yml
on: [push]

    runs-on: windows-latest
    - uses: actions/checkout@v1
    - uses: azure/login@v1
        creds: ${{ secrets.AZURE_CREDENTIALS }}
    - uses: azure/mysql@v1
        connection-string: ${{ secrets.AZURE_MYSQL_CONNECTION_STRING }}
        sql-file: './sqlFile.sql'
Using individual parameters (recommended)
# .github/workflows/mysql-deploy.yml
on: [push]

    runs-on: windows-latest
    - uses: actions/checkout@v1
    - uses: azure/login@v1
        creds: ${{ secrets.AZURE_CREDENTIALS }}
    - uses: azure/mysql@v1
        password: ${{ secrets.AZURE_MYSQL_PASSWORD }}
        # This is optional, you want to connect directly
        sql-file: './sqlFile.sql'

Azure MySQL Action for GitHub is supported on 'AzureUSGovernment'.Login to the respective Azure Cloud before running MySQL Action for GitHub using Azure Login


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