
Reactjs boilerplate



Say good bye to create-react-app, here comes alternative create-app-react. The goal of this boilerplate is to provide more user control to customize babel, webpack, eslint, prettier and other configurations.


Basic react App setup with babel, react-router, eslint, prettier, and separate dependencies webpack files with basic loaders such as babel-loader, css-loader, file-loader, style-loader, url-loader and plugins.

This is similar to create-react-app but gives you more control over the build configurations.



Babel enables one writing code with JavaScript features that aren't supported by most browser yet.

Babel plugins and presets are used in this boilerplate

@babel/preset-react is preset for react @babel/preset-env is a smart preset that allows you to use the latest JavaScript without needing to micromanage which syntax transforms are needed by your target environment(s). @babel/core contains the core functionality of Babel. babel-loader will be used by webpack to transpile Modern JS into the JS code that browsers can understand. babel-polyfill: Just using babel is not enough for your application to work because all the latest Javascript features are not supported in all browsers. So to fix this problem, we need to use a polyfill.


ESLint in JavaScript helps you to set up rules and to enforce code style across your code base.

Important: You may also want to install the ESLint extension/plugin for your editor/IDE. For instance, in VSCode you can find the ESLint extension on their marketplace. I guess it's quite similar for your IDE/editor of choice. Afterward, you should see all the ESLint errors in your editor's/IDE's output.


Prettier is used to autoformat your code to enforce an opinionated code format.


Webpack is a tool wherein you use a configuration to explain to the builder how to load specific things . You describe to Webpack how to load *. js files, or how it should look at. In this boilerplate, there are three different config files: dev-specific settings would go here prod-specific settings would go here webpack.common.js: common settings between dev and prod environments would go here


There are two ways to install create-app-react

The former way is to download create-app-react globally

npm install -g create-app-react

After installation, you can use the following command to initialize your project.

create-app-react my-project

The latter way is

You can use npx to directly use create-app-react without installing globally. This will save your memory space.

npx create-app-react my-project


After initializing your project, you are ready to use your project by using following scripts.

cd my-project
npm start

Runs the app in the development mode.

Open http://localhost:8080 to view it in the browser.

If you make changes to any of your page, your app will hot-reload.

npm run build Builds the app for production and files are saved to the build folder.


It bundles your files in production mode and optimizes the build for the best performance.

The build is minified and the filenames include hashes.

Your app is ready to be deployed!!

Happy coding techie ;-)

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