
A ReactJS/Redux Boilerplate


React Redux Boilerplate


I started this project to learn tools like React, Redux, Webpack,, ES6/ES2015... I did it mainly for fun. And then I used it as Boilerplate for my React|Redux projects. So don't worry it works :p. It's not perfect but it works :).

If you are interested about isomorphic/universal rendering, you should take a look at this repo: React Redux Universal Boilerplate.

Enjoy it! :)


Node ^5.0.0


Gulp is used to manage icons. I do not use it as builder, so it is not mandatory.

Mongodb is useful if you want used a database. In this project I used a fake API.


$ git clone [email protected]:kiki-le-singe/react-redux-boilerplate.git
$ cd react-redux-boilerplate
$ npm install


$ npm start

Starts up koa server to serve your app at localhost:8080. HMR will be enabled in development.

$ npm run compile

It does some optimizations and Compiles the application, for the production, to disk (~/dist by default).

$ npm run dev:debug

Same as npm start, but displays the redux devtools.

$ npm run dev:quiet

Same as npm start, but displays no webpack informations in the terminal.

$ npm run dev:stub

Same as npm start, but in stub mode.

$ npm run test


$ npm run deploy

Cleans the dist folder previously created and compiles your application to disk, then serves the app in production mode on localhost:3000.

$ npm run prod

Starts up koa server to serve your app at localhost:8080.

$ npm run lint

Lint all .js files.

$ npm run styleguide

Build style guides to disk ~/styleguide and ~/build_styleguide. The build_styleguide dir is only generated to get the css styles of project. This allow to use them in the style guide.

See ~/webpack/styleguide.config.js.

$ node server app.production.js

Serves the app in production mode on localhost:3000.

Don't forget to run npm run deploy before.

Gulp Tasks

$ gulp iconify

See 'A mystical CSS icon solution', grunticon-like build system..


Basic project configuration is in ~/config/index.js


 __tests__                # Unit tests (Soon...)
 config                   # Project configuration settings (Server, Webpack, ...)
 gulp                     # Gulp configuration tasks
 server                   # Koa application (uses webpack middleware)        # Server dev application
    server.production.js # Server prod application
 src                      # Application source code
    assets               # Static assets
    components           # Generic React Components
    config               # Project configuration settings (api, ...)
    containers           # Root components (Redux Provider, Router, DevTools, ...)
    layouts              # Components page structure
    redux                # Redux actions|constants|middleware|reducers|store
    routes               # Application route definitions
    services             # All kinds of services (Email, User, ...)
    styles               # Application-wide styles
    index.js             # Application bootstrap and rendering
 styleguide               # Application style guides
 webpack                  # Environment-specific configuration files for webpack



The webpack compiler configuration is located to the root:

  • ~/webpack/dev.config.js

Webpack configuration for the development mode.

  • ~/webpack/prod.config.js

Webpack configuration for the production mode.

  • ~/webpack/styleguide.config.js

Webpack configuration to build assets for the style guides.

You can also see the ~/.babelrc configuration file.

Vendor Bundle

These default to:



These are global variables available to you anywhere in your source code. They can be found in ~/config/index.js.

new webpack.DefinePlugin({
  __CLIENT__: projectConfig.__CLIENT__,
  __SERVER__: projectConfig.__SERVER__,
  __DEV__: projectConfig.__DEV__,
  __PROD__: projectConfig.__PROD__,
  __DEBUG__: projectConfig.__DEBUG__


You can use .css file extensions using the latest CSS syntax with PostCSS-cssnext. See the ~/src/styles directory. mdcss is used to generate a style guide of the application, you can see both the repository and the official documentation.


Build Tools


By default the root access for the API is http://localhost:8080/api. Available example: http://localhost:8080/api/tools


Tips and tricks

If you use MongoDB, look at this node modules. It's an convenient admin interface for MongoDB.

Allows you to inspect the React component hierarchy.

Highlight React components on the page.


Contexts allow to pass values through a tree without having to use props.

ES6 Classes

Autobinding/No Autobinding

In React's class model you'll have to explicitly use .bind(this) or arrow functions =>. See also Can't get this.prop when use ES6 classes in React and Why this.setState is undefined in React ES6 class?