
Make working on multiple projects a breeze!

MIT License


bash-ctx - Make working on multiple projects a breeze!

I spend most of my time in a terminal and frequently issue commands that are almost similar. Unfortunately, almost makes a big difference. Here are a few things that can go wrong:

  • You rebase a branch on top of master instead of develop because another
    project you're working on doesn't have develop and you were confused.
  • You start the development server with wrong parameters as they're slightly
    different for every project.
  • You type bundle exec rails routes | grep <pattern> only to discover this is
    a Rails 4 project and you should have used rake instead of rails.

bash-ctx helps you avoid such annoyances by helping you define project-specific aliases and configuration variables. You can use it to:

  • Start the development server with .start - doesn't matter whether it's
    Rails, Django, or any other framework.
  • Run the tests with .test - again, no need to think about which tool the
    current project is using.
  • Pull master and rebase the current branch on top of it just by calling


Download and extract and run install:

$ wget
$ unzip
$ cd bash-ctx-master
$ ./install

This will install bash-ctx in ~/.bash-ctx. Remember to load it in your .bashrc:

# Load bash-ctx if available.
if [ -r "${HOME}/.bash-ctx/bash-ctx" ]; then
  source "${HOME}/.bash-ctx/bash-ctx"

Basic Concepts

The two essential concepts in bash-ctx are:

  • Contexts - they represent project-specific settings and are stored in
    ~/.bash-ctx/ctx. Each context is a file with bash commands to execute when
    entering the context.
  • Libraries or libs - common pieces of functionality you can share across your
    contexts. For example, all your Rails 5 projects can just use the rails5 lib
    instead of redefining the same functions and aliases over and over again.

You first create a context and then enter it. If you enter a context then its name is passed in an environment variable to a newly created bash child process (instead of just sourcing it in the calling process). Your .bashrc will then source the right context file. The benefit of this approach is that you avoid polluting your top-level shell with context-specific stuff and keep contexts separated.


Create a new context for your project:

ctx new my-project

Edit the newly created context file with:

ctx edit my-project

You can add project specific aliases (e.g. alias .deploy='git push heroku'), set environment variables, change directories, and so on.

In order to enter the context run:

ctx enter my-project

This will launch a new bash shell and run the context script you created above. When you're done you can just quit this shell and return to the parent shell (where you called ctx enter).

You can also list all contexts with ctx list:

ctx list

Example Context File

ctx_libs git rails5

# I often need to reset accounts but wouldn't like to reset the other tables.
function .cleanup() {
  .run 'Account.update_all status: 0'

cd ~/Projects/MyProject
ctx_libs tmux


Libs are small shell script libraries that you can share across projects. It's an easy way to define aliases, functions, and set environment variables. Creating your own lib is easy. Just run ctx lib <name> and call ctx_libs <name> in your context file to include the lib in it.

Below is a list of provided libs.


Allowed commands:

  • .update [<remote>] [<branch>] - stash changes, pull the specified remote
    branch (as defined in $CTX_GIT_ORIGIN and $CTX_GIT_BRANCH which default to
    origin and master) and rebase the current branch on top of it.
    default) from the specified remote and rebase the current branch on top of it.
  • .squash <n> - squash the last n commits.
  • .amend - edit the current commit message (git commit --amend -v).
  • .fix - amend the current commit with the changes from the work tree
    (equivalent of git commit -a --amend -C HEAD).
  • .commit <message> - equivalent of git commit -m <message>.

Allowed configuration variables:

  • CTX_GIT_ORIGIN - the default origin. Defaults to origin.
  • CTX_GIT_BRANCH - the default branch from origin. Defaults to master.

rails4 and rails5

All commands are prefixed by bundle exec and use rake (Rails 4) or rails (Rails 5):

  • .migrate - rails db:migrate
  • .rollback - rails db:rollback
  • .seed - rails db:seed
  • .reset - rails db:reset
  • .start [<args>] - rails s <args>
  • .run [<args>] - rails runner <args>
  • .console [<args>] - rails console <args>
  • .database [<args>] - rails dbconsole <args>
  • .generate [<args>] - rails generate <args>
  • .destroy [<args>] - rails destroy <args>
  • .test [<args>] - rails test <args>
  • .rspec [<args>] - rspec <args>
  • .routes - rails routes
  • .routes <pattern> - rails routes | grep <pattern>


Does not define any commands but runs tmux upon inclusion via ctx_libs unless already in a tmux session.


Upon entering a context you can:

  • Go to the project directory.
  • Start a screen or tmux session.
  • Set project-specific environment variables (e.g. PATH or the prompt).
  • Set project- or client-specific aliases and functions.
  • Start some services in the background (e.g. Redis, Guard).
  • Activate a Python virtual environment.
  • Use an rbenv gem set.

Bugs, Feature and Enhancement Requests

I'd love to hear your feedback! If something doesn't work, or should work differently, just file an issue at